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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2010, 09:55 PM
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Re: Discussion Group: Overclocking NRG ROM

Originally Posted by puff601 View Post
i know exactly what your issue is you have your oct settings set to underclock below 375Mhz when the CPU is idle dont you? Thats the problem, the music player needs about 375Mhz to work and when u underclock lower, the phone freezes. i had this issue before when i was trying to underclock to 50Mhz when idle. so changes your OCT steps to "1" so that the cpu will underclock speed will be high enough and not cause a SOD. hope that helps.
Tried it and not stable at all for me... HAHA!

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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2010, 10:16 PM
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Re: Discussion Group: Overclocking NRG ROM

what OCT settings are you using? im using

1 step
1000 interval
100 load max
0 load min
75 jump max
3 jump min

i overclock just fine at 749 and underclock @ 375 when cpu is idle. maybe try those settings? they always work for me
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2010, 12:58 AM
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Re: Discussion Group: Overclocking NRG ROM

Originally Posted by puff601 View Post
what OCT settings are you using? im using

1 step
1000 interval
100 load max
0 load min
75 jump max
3 jump min

i overclock just fine at 749 and underclock @ 375 when cpu is idle. maybe try those settings? they always work for me
Thanks and Thanked

These settings are working Great on my Telus TP2 running Energy.RHODCDMA.29005.Sense2.5.Cookie.2.0.DinikGla ss.Dec.13
Telus CDMA HTC Touch Pro2
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2010, 09:43 AM
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Re: Discussion Group: Overclocking NRG ROM

yw. have u guys tried WiMoSpeed?


Last edited by puff601; 12-17-2010 at 09:47 AM.
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2010, 02:39 PM
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Re: Discussion Group: Overclocking NRG ROM

Originally Posted by puff601 View Post
yw. have u guys tried WiMoSpeed?

I was wondering about that too and how well it works. Everything is going so well now, I'm reluctant to change. However, if it is more stable and easier to use, then I may just give it a try.

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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2010, 02:58 PM
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Re: Discussion Group: Overclocking NRG ROM

ive been using it since yesterday, it seems to work pretty well. it doesnt support all roms yet but a reg edit solves that for now. its supposed to be better on battery than oct.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 12-20-2010, 12:05 AM
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Re: Discussion Group: Overclocking NRG ROM

Originally started out with OCT 1.5 and did some SKTools benchmarks before and after the install.

CPU Speed - 528 (stock)
INT - 315.6187
FP - 7.603
RAM - 590
GDI - 855

CPU Speed - 748
INT - 440.5450
FP - 10.830
RAM - 800
GDI - 1043

748 was the max I could push it too without running into a SOD.

I've now switched over to WiMoSpeed and so far so good but I've not gone past 768 yet. Do I really need to? Kind of puzzling that RAM time dropped though.

CPU Speed - 768
INT - 470.9269
FP - 11.18
RAM - 702
GDI - 1079
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old 01-04-2011, 06:58 PM
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Re: Discussion Group: Overclocking NRG ROM

Originally Posted by docnas View Post
Ive also been overclocking since netripper came out with v2 of his app and when jcp from XDA wrote a script that would underclock the frequency back to 604 when the phone would be on call or when the phone went to sleep.

Im still using the same script with netrippers app as it works perfectly i get a "turbo" boost to 768 when starting to speed it up and i get a regular overclock of 710 as a baseline and when it sleeps it reverts to 604 to prevents SODs.

The total SODs since using this script=0 so im thinking why mess with something thats working perfect? which is why i never upgraded to the newer apps.
BTW i can get to 806 Stable(i ran it for an hour at that using all kinds of programs, pushing the phone) but i dont like to push the overclock so high cuz i worry about it overheating.

Link to the Script i use = xda-developers - View Single Post - [APP] Msm7kCpuSpeed - Overclock Raphael/Diamond/Topaz/Rhodium/Blackstone/Whitestone
It uses mortscript and netrippers app here are JCPs steps
Originally Posted by jpc073@gmail.com
Ok Ive seen a couple of people asking for a howto on the scripts. I will try. This is assuming you have already installed Msm7kCpuSpeed to the device and have mortscript installed. Also you will need a registry editor (just to find the DispOn) I use Total Commander because of it's search function.
1. So first open 2 blank text files (I prefer to do this part on my PC) and copy the scripts that were posted (I use the ones I posted of course) into the files. Be sure to copy the entire script it shouldstart with ;******** and end with Exit.
2. Now do a save as and save the first one as Startup.mscr and the second as Power.mscr (these are the names I use.) You can close the second one now but keep the first one open.
3. On your phone open the registry editor and search for "DispOn" in the entire registry. If it does not show you won't be able to use this script. You could, however still use the power script and OC always to 604 but that is no fun!
4. Once you have the location of the "DispOn" Value ensure this is right in the script. To do this first locate the Root it is found in. This will be HKLM, HKCU etc. Ensure that the Root is correct in the script (the one I posted it is "HKCU"). To change this look for 'reg_root = "HKCU"' in the script. Change the HKCU to whatever the root is that your "DispOn" was found in.
5. Next do the same thing for the key. Locate the line 'reg_key_bkl = "ControlPanel\BackLight"' and change the ControlPanel\BackLight to whatever the Key is that your "DispOn" was found in.
6. Ok now the script should be done. But before saving again, please verify that you have not changed the formatting of the root or key. You have not added in or removed any quotations, nor have you added in or removed slashes. If it is ok, then save the file, and congrats your scripts are set up.
7. Copy the scripts from your computer to your phone. Be sure they end in .mscr
Once on your phone I create a .lnk file for the scripts. To do this using Total Comander select the script and then select file on the lower bar. Choose ">>>>>>" and select create shortcut and you want to put it in the same directory at this time. Once the shortcut is created, longpress on the shortcut and select properties. Select the Shortcut tab and in the target box add the following text '"Mortscript.exe" -'. (This assumes that Mortscript is installed to your windows directory if not you will need to put the full path i.e. '"\Program Files\Mortscript\Mortscript.exe" -') Do this for both shortcuts.
8. Longpress the Startup.lnk shortcut and select copy/move. You want to copy this file to the location: "\Windows\StartUp\"
9. Now soft reset. Run Msm7kCpuSpeed once fully restarted and loaded and it should show you as running at 748. If so congrats you did it. you can adjust this to whatever your highest stable speed is by going to you registry and changing HKLM\SOFTWARE\Msm7kCpuSpeed\BoostSpeed to the appriate setting as posted in an earlier post. (i.e 31=604, 32=614, 33=633, 34=652, etc.)
10. Exit Msm7kCpuSpeed. Now you will want to assign Power button to execute the power.lnk when pressed. I will let someone else write the tutorial on that though.

Props to JPC and netrippper and all the others at the xda thread that worked on the program and the script
srry for da noob question but would dis script require the OC_ Auto_v4.21.cab???
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2011, 11:32 PM
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Re: Discussion Group: Overclocking NRG ROM

Originally Posted by jokergp View Post
srry for da noob question but would dis script require the OC_ Auto_v4.21.cab???
OMG don't use that overcomplicated way of overclocking,
you are not going to overclock any higher using scripts,
The max clock is dependant only on the manufact date of your device, newer units slightly faster, breaking the 748Mhz barrier.
just follow my "overclocking" sig link and all is explained in clearer terms.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2011, 09:08 PM
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Re: Discussion Group: Overclocking NRG ROM

Originally Posted by puff601 View Post
yw. have u guys tried WiMoSpeed?

Tried would be the operative word. Won't install to the SD card on my Imagio
WinMoSpeed 1.07 @ 768MHz (step 40, b/c 41 freezes)
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