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  #421 (permalink)  
Old 08-14-2010, 11:20 PM
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Re: Overclock TP2 in WM?

Originally Posted by puff601 View Post
its works fine on my stock sprint 6.5 (cdma) with no freezing or SOD
AH, your settings are probably going to be the ones that I try, I wish I understood what they do.

I probably should've loocked at your carrier when you posted that, hadn't crossed my mind though.
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  #422 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2010, 11:50 AM
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Re: Overclock TP2 in WM?

Originally Posted by puff601 View Post
its works fine on my stock sprint 6.5 (cdma) with no freezing or SOD
I see your settings and notice your polling is so high and you have the dynamic scalling on.. gona try those settings...
EDIT: AAHHAA.. I see the app does not have any problem holding the speed, so the polling is just for frequency of changing auto scalling!
So it SHOULD be large & I set it to 2000!
Originally Posted by prboy1969 View Post
Well I tried iwfratz app . Not happy with it at all . Maybe it was just my lone experience , but I got several SODs after calls and freezing . Plus I can't get it to uninstall . So I switched back to NetRippers & SetCpuSpeed.10d . Everything is fixed now .
Ya I like the interface of Netrippers app better..
But I still on iwfratz app so wanna knoe wat your settings were.
I bet some problems over the settings.
Setting polling at zero prob not good idea, only the "steps" setting has to be at zero to stop the auto scalling.
I'm not finding any advantage on overclock from iwfratz over Netripper app, just under-clocking..
Also I still have the SOD cab installed from one of my previous posts.

Last edited by Maxx134; 08-15-2010 at 12:14 PM.
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  #423 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2010, 02:27 PM
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Re: Overclock TP2 in WM?

Originally Posted by jamio88 View Post
While I am not 100%, I am sure you could try it and see (It would not hurt).

I personally am using the 4.2 version and I have yet to experience even one issue with it. It runs SO smooth that I could not ask for anything more.

However, I am still working on getting some of the massive boosts some of us are getting (I am running 100% stable at 710 right now)

I am just slowing working my way up (I usually jump to the next level once a day. I like to give it a full day before I jump up so it can get use to the new settings.....not sure if it really helps, but it seems to be working so far)
I'm not getting the massive boosts without SOD either. I'm working my way down and I'm at 729.6 now. Are ppl who are getting high speeds using a lower polling interval than 1000?
Another day, another rom:
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  #424 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2010, 03:16 PM
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Originally Posted by 1999TL View Post
I'm not getting the massive boosts without SOD either. I'm working my way down and I'm at 729.6 now. Are ppl who are getting high speeds using a lower polling interval than 1000?
1999TL. Didn't know you were still on WM. How goes it.

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-MightyMike was here.... true story!
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  #425 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2010, 03:28 PM
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Re: Overclock TP2 in WM?

Originally Posted by 1999TL View Post
I'm not getting the massive boosts without SOD either. I'm working my way down and I'm at 729.6 now. Are ppl who are getting high speeds using a lower polling interval than 1000?
If your on Netripper's app then yes lower polling is good as it is to check "SPEED" to see if the phone is being overclocked..Lower is good(1000 & down)

If your on iwfratz app then NO, lowering polling not good as it is only to check "STATE" (usage/load) of proccessor and lowering it makes the speed on auto-scalling jump around too much. So higher is better (1000& up)

EDIT: I'm not shure which is better for UNDER-clocking, as Netripp app let the unit do it on its own defaults, while iwfratz app can controll all the time, but I'm not shure what happens on sleep so don't quote me.

Last edited by Maxx134; 08-15-2010 at 03:53 PM.
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  #426 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2010, 04:14 PM
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Re: Overclock TP2 in WM?

Originally Posted by DarkLord View Post
1999TL. Didn't know you were still on WM. How goes it.

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Yup. Just don't post that much since I'm counting down the days till I can switch to the Epic 4g (seems to be Oct. 1st since I'm on SERO). There hasn't been much more that I could do with Winmo. All the apps come out for Android and Iphone, leaving winmo users stranded most of the time. This overclock app is giving me something to do...

Originally Posted by Maxx134 View Post
If your on Netripper's app then yes lower polling is good as it is to check "SPEED" to see if the phone is being overclocked..Lower is good(1000 & down)

If your on iwfratz app then NO, lowering polling not good as it is only to check "STATE" (usage/load) of proccessor and lowering it makes the speed on auto-scalling jump around too much. So higher is better (1000& up)

EDIT: I'm not shure which is better for UNDER-clocking, as Netripp app let the unit do it on its own defaults, while iwfratz app can controll all the time, but I'm not shure what happens on sleep so don't quote me.
I'm on netripper's app. What settings are you using btw? I'm trying to get a stable clock speed with a 1000 ms polling interval b4 I move up again with lower intervals.
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  #427 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2010, 04:53 PM
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Originally Posted by 1999TL View Post
Yup. Just don't post that much since I'm counting down the days till I can switch to the Epic 4g (seems to be Oct. 1st since I'm on SERO). There hasn't been much more that I could do with Winmo. All the apps come out for Android and Iphone, leaving winmo users stranded most of the time. This overclock app is giving me something to do.
I have an EVO. I love it.

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  #428 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2010, 05:19 PM
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Re: Overclock TP2 in WM?

Originally Posted by 1999TL View Post
I'm on netripper's app. What settings are you using btw? I'm trying to get a stable clock speed with a 1000 ms polling interval b4 I move up again with lower intervals.
at 1000 I would prob try 710 as most can go there.
If you can't dont worry as you really can with reduced polling.
Even thou the app based "SetCpuSpeed1.0d" cab solution is theoretically supposed to be better as it uses less resource, the Scipt based solutions gave me smoother stable control..
And with reduced polling on both solutions, I was able to even go higher with the script based "OC_ Auto_v4.21.cab" solution which I posted link a few pages back.
With iwfratz OCT app, I am able to go to highest setting achieved on netripp, but not higher.
Probably my unit limits, but at least I dont need low polling and having it autoscale helps.
Originally Posted by DarkLord View Post
I have an EVO. I love it.
I work with a friend who has the evo and luvs it and lets me play wit it.
I which it had a keyboard and with this overclock I can "almost" match his speed lol.
Dam lotta nice apps on his sh*t.

Last edited by Maxx134; 08-15-2010 at 05:30 PM.
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  #429 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2010, 05:46 PM
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Re: Overclock TP2 in WM?

Ok I am able to "cheat" my previous limits, and select a higher setting on OCT app that previously would freeze Sense after a while..
My limit was 748 with 768 Sense freeze after a while, regardless whether on Netripp or iwfratz apps, but..

If you select OCT app to autoscale, it does not use the highest setting long enough for Sense to freeze.
I have it now set higher at 768, with "#Steps" just at 1, and polling at 2000.
so I effectively have it running faster than I could on Netripp

Last edited by Maxx134; 08-15-2010 at 06:20 PM.
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  #430 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2010, 05:55 PM
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hmm. I'm running fine at 710 on netrippers. I may try out OCT later, but I think netrippers with the script is more versatile.
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