Originally Posted by 1999TL
I'm not getting the massive boosts without SOD either. I'm working my way down and I'm at 729.6 now. Are ppl who are getting high speeds using a lower polling interval than 1000?
If your on Netripper's app then yes lower polling is good as it is to check "SPEED" to see if the phone is being overclocked..Lower is good(1000 & down)
If your on iwfratz app then NO, lowering polling not good as it is only to check "STATE" (usage/load) of proccessor and lowering it makes the speed on auto-scalling jump around too much. So higher is better (1000& up)
EDIT: I'm not shure which is better for UNDER-clocking, as Netripp app let the unit do it on its own defaults, while iwfratz app can controll all the time, but I'm not shure what happens on sleep so don't quote me.