Originally Posted by 1999TL
I'm on netripper's app. What settings are you using btw? I'm trying to get a stable clock speed with a 1000 ms polling interval b4 I move up again with lower intervals.
at 1000 I would prob try 710 as most can go there.
If you can't dont worry as you really can with reduced polling.
Even thou the app based "SetCpuSpeed1.0d" cab solution is theoretically supposed to be better as it uses less resource, the Scipt based solutions gave me smoother stable control..
And with reduced polling on both solutions, I was able to even go higher with the script based "OC_ Auto_v4.21.cab" solution which I posted link a few pages back.
With iwfratz OCT app, I am able to go to highest setting achieved on netripp, but not higher.
Probably my unit limits, but at least I dont need low polling and having it autoscale helps.
Originally Posted by DarkLord
I have an EVO. I love it.
I work with a friend who has the evo and luvs it and lets me play wit it.
I which it had a keyboard and with this overclock I can "almost" match his speed lol.
Dam lotta nice apps on his sh*t.