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  #301 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2010, 01:20 AM
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Re: Overclock TP2 in WM?

" Error Calculatong the cpu frequency. Exiting "<<<< what should i do ?
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  #302 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2010, 01:33 AM
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Smile Re: Overclock TP2 in WM?

I can do 710 and 748 and it works well. Seeing a some extra battery drain but I assume its because of active sync and exchange... On busy exchange email days I notice more drain for obvious reasons. I tried 787 but had boot to lockup on my custom rom. and I didn't install the OC_Auto4.2 to the SD card... Thank god for XDA_UC! Good thing Im used to flashing several times a week...

Other then that its really cool we can OC. I am thinking of making an EXT to cook it in and maybe make rom first boot a little faster... Thanks all!
VZW TP2 WM6.5.x...HTC Sense 2.x... , 8gb SD Card

ipaq2200 - ipaq4100 - ipaqhx2110(wm6.5) - dell axim v3 - motoQ - i760 - xv6800 PPCK 23081
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  #303 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2010, 01:53 AM
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Re: Overclock TP2 in WM?

At 710 right now, but a quick question. Would overclocking make my phone a lot hotter and reduce the life of the cpu?
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  #304 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2010, 02:00 AM
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Re: Overclock TP2 in WM?

Originally Posted by pesok View Post
Quickly read this thread and very exciting stuff i must admit!!! Quick question though - it sayd it only works while on AC power, so it will not work while on the battery? I am debating whether to try it now or wait for netrippers V3 to come out(which will eliminate the need for scripts mambo-jumbo)!!!
It is unknown when an update will come.
If you are afraid or just do not want to deal with scripts, then this post is for you:
Originally Posted by 85stang View Post
I can confirm this fixes the SOD when using SetCpuSpeed I was getting SOD after every call when using setCpuspeed 1.0d Changing this registry settting has fixed it. that was the only issue so far. running 748Mhz and stable. no scripts required, only one cab to install, and one registry edit, done!
To make things even more simpler, I made a cab for the reg-fix for SOD on calls....
And also to set the startup on a reset to 2min, which is needed to give enough time for the phone to fully boot up before the OC kicks in(on a soft-reset).
So all-you-need, three cabs here:
EDIT: I think Msm7kCpuSpeed_v2 app not needed, just 2 other cabs, but I still install it anyway to check the speed, then close that app. Never leave it open as it will crash when unit sleeps.

For those lucky enough to clock higher...
OR un-lucky enough to need more control from SOD...
Originally Posted by nayr1482 View Post
OK added higher OC values for those lucky people out there
Should go up to 902mhz now.

Last edited by Maxx134; 08-08-2010 at 12:30 PM.
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  #305 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2010, 02:01 AM
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Re: Overclock TP2 in WM?

Here are my results with SPB Benchmarks v1.6. All results are in Ms and lower is better/faster

ROM = Formula's SPB MobileSense 3.5.5 - Formula.LD.23563.E.080410.exe (WM 6.5 COM5)

Clean flash done right before tests with Task29 prior(to assure integrity)
Fresh reboot + 2 mins wait(to make sure startup apps are fully loaded) done before EACH run.

Stock (530mhz) - neither Msm7kCpuSpeed nor any other OCing program installed

RUN #1
----------FILE SYSTEM----------
Write 1MB file = 454ms
Read 1MB file = 64ms
Copy 1 MB file = 489ms
Write 10kb x 100 files = 3910ms
Read 10kb X 100 files = 336ms
Copy 10kb X 100 files = 3275ms
Dir. list of 2k files = 1202ms
Internal adatabase read = 808ms
Compress 1MB file using ZIP = 2719ms
Decompress 1024x768 JPEG file = 409ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MFLOPS = 3485ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MOPS = 1023ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MWIPS = 7316ms
Copy 1MB using memcpy = 8ms

RUN #2
----------FILE SYSTEM----------
Write 1MB file = 453ms
Read 1MB file = 64ms
Copy 1 MB file = 487ms
Write 10kb x 100 files = 3820ms
Read 10kb X 100 files = 327ms
Copy 10kb X 100 files = 3218ms
Dir. list of 2k files = 1201ms
Internal adatabase read = 795ms
Compress 1MB file using ZIP = 2705ms
Decompress 1024x768 JPEG file = 401ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MFLOPS = 3488ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MOPS = 1030ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MWIPS = 7319ms
Copy 1MB using memcpy = 8ms

RUN #3
----------FILE SYSTEM----------
Write 1MB file = 455ms
Read 1MB file = 66ms
Copy 1 MB file = 488ms
Write 10kb x 100 files = 4088ms
Read 10kb X 100 files = 342ms
Copy 10kb X 100 files = 3323ms
Dir. list of 2k files = 1218ms
Internal adatabase read = 788ms
Compress 1MB file using ZIP = 2743ms
Decompress 1024x768 JPEG file = 409ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MFLOPS = 3478ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MOPS = 1020ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MWIPS = 7300ms
Copy 1MB using memcpy = 8ms

Overclocked to 787Mhz with Auto_OC tool via Msm7kCpuSpeed V2

RUN #1
----------FILE SYSTEM----------
Write 1MB file = 441ms
Read 1MB file = 57ms
Copy 1 MB file = 482ms
Write 10kb x 100 files = 3148ms
Read 10kb X 100 files = 284ms
Copy 10kb X 100 files = 3036ms
Dir. list of 2k files = 1030ms
Internal adatabase read = 639ms
Compress 1MB file using ZIP = 2370ms
Decompress 1024x768 JPEG file = 303ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MFLOPS = 2358ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MOPS = 737ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MWIPS = 4977ms
Copy 1MB using memcpy = 7ms

RUN #2
----------FILE SYSTEM----------
Write 1MB file = 436ms
Read 1MB file = 58ms
Copy 1 MB file = 495ms
Write 10kb x 100 files = 3152ms
Read 10kb X 100 files = 294ms
Copy 10kb X 100 files = 3077ms
Dir. list of 2k files = 1043ms
Internal adatabase read = 652ms
Compress 1MB file using ZIP = 2359ms
Decompress 1024x768 JPEG file = 307ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MFLOPS = 2367ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MOPS = 751ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MWIPS = 4987ms
Copy 1MB using memcpy = 7ms

RUN #3
----------FILE SYSTEM----------
Write 1MB file = 430ms
Read 1MB file = 56ms
Copy 1 MB file = 494ms
Write 10kb x 100 files = 3158ms
Read 10kb X 100 files = 278ms
Copy 10kb X 100 files = 3056ms
Dir. list of 2k files = 1021ms
Internal adatabase read = 604ms
Compress 1MB file using ZIP = 2401ms
Decompress 1024x768 JPEG file = 308ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MFLOPS = 2358ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MOPS = 753ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MWIPS = 4972ms
Copy 1MB using memcpy = 7ms

As you can see OCing to 787Mhz brings tremendous benefits. Not a single problem during overclocked state.
Did not notice any excessive battery drain, nor did phone overheat during intensive benchmarking(Battery temp stayed under 40c)
All the tests took a bit over 3 hours, hitting thanks button takes less than 3 seconds,
but then again i didnt do it for thanks
Current: GS4(2.3Ghz)+TP2(787Mhz),HTC prior Diamond, TP,Wizard.HTC freak since Wallaby '02
Who needs home net?

When you can tether for free?: D
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  #306 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2010, 03:37 AM
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Re: Overclock TP2 in WM?

Originally Posted by pesok View Post
Here are my results with SPB Benchmarks v1.6. All results are in Ms and lower is better/faster

ROM = Formula's SPB MobileSense 3.5.5 - Formula.LD.23563.E.080410.exe (WM 6.5 COM5)

Clean flash done right before tests with Task29 prior(to assure integrity)
Fresh reboot + 2 mins wait(to make sure startup apps are fully loaded) done before EACH run.

Stock (530mhz) - neither Msm7kCpuSpeed nor any other OCing program installed

RUN #1
----------FILE SYSTEM----------
Write 1MB file = 454ms
Read 1MB file = 64ms
Copy 1 MB file = 489ms
Write 10kb x 100 files = 3910ms
Read 10kb X 100 files = 336ms
Copy 10kb X 100 files = 3275ms
Dir. list of 2k files = 1202ms
Internal adatabase read = 808ms
Compress 1MB file using ZIP = 2719ms
Decompress 1024x768 JPEG file = 409ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MFLOPS = 3485ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MOPS = 1023ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MWIPS = 7316ms
Copy 1MB using memcpy = 8ms

RUN #2
----------FILE SYSTEM----------
Write 1MB file = 453ms
Read 1MB file = 64ms
Copy 1 MB file = 487ms
Write 10kb x 100 files = 3820ms
Read 10kb X 100 files = 327ms
Copy 10kb X 100 files = 3218ms
Dir. list of 2k files = 1201ms
Internal adatabase read = 795ms
Compress 1MB file using ZIP = 2705ms
Decompress 1024x768 JPEG file = 401ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MFLOPS = 3488ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MOPS = 1030ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MWIPS = 7319ms
Copy 1MB using memcpy = 8ms

RUN #3
----------FILE SYSTEM----------
Write 1MB file = 455ms
Read 1MB file = 66ms
Copy 1 MB file = 488ms
Write 10kb x 100 files = 4088ms
Read 10kb X 100 files = 342ms
Copy 10kb X 100 files = 3323ms
Dir. list of 2k files = 1218ms
Internal adatabase read = 788ms
Compress 1MB file using ZIP = 2743ms
Decompress 1024x768 JPEG file = 409ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MFLOPS = 3478ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MOPS = 1020ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MWIPS = 7300ms
Copy 1MB using memcpy = 8ms

Overclocked to 787Mhz with Auto_OC tool via Msm7kCpuSpeed V2

RUN #1
----------FILE SYSTEM----------
Write 1MB file = 441ms
Read 1MB file = 57ms
Copy 1 MB file = 482ms
Write 10kb x 100 files = 3148ms
Read 10kb X 100 files = 284ms
Copy 10kb X 100 files = 3036ms
Dir. list of 2k files = 1030ms
Internal adatabase read = 639ms
Compress 1MB file using ZIP = 2370ms
Decompress 1024x768 JPEG file = 303ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MFLOPS = 2358ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MOPS = 737ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MWIPS = 4977ms
Copy 1MB using memcpy = 7ms

RUN #2
----------FILE SYSTEM----------
Write 1MB file = 436ms
Read 1MB file = 58ms
Copy 1 MB file = 495ms
Write 10kb x 100 files = 3152ms
Read 10kb X 100 files = 294ms
Copy 10kb X 100 files = 3077ms
Dir. list of 2k files = 1043ms
Internal adatabase read = 652ms
Compress 1MB file using ZIP = 2359ms
Decompress 1024x768 JPEG file = 307ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MFLOPS = 2367ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MOPS = 751ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MWIPS = 4987ms
Copy 1MB using memcpy = 7ms

RUN #3
----------FILE SYSTEM----------
Write 1MB file = 430ms
Read 1MB file = 56ms
Copy 1 MB file = 494ms
Write 10kb x 100 files = 3158ms
Read 10kb X 100 files = 278ms
Copy 10kb X 100 files = 3056ms
Dir. list of 2k files = 1021ms
Internal adatabase read = 604ms
Compress 1MB file using ZIP = 2401ms
Decompress 1024x768 JPEG file = 308ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MFLOPS = 2358ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MOPS = 753ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MWIPS = 4972ms
Copy 1MB using memcpy = 7ms

As you can see OCing to 787Mhz brings tremendous benefits. Not a single problem during overclocked state.
Did not notice any excessive battery drain, nor did phone overheat during intensive benchmarking(Battery temp stayed under 40c)
All the tests took a bit over 3 hours, hitting thanks button takes less than 3 seconds,
but then again i didnt do it for thanks
Maybe not, but I thanked ya anyway

Way to take one for the team buddy. I was really wondering how well the OverClocker actually worked, and now I have my answer. So thank you very much kind sir.

I actually download this like a week ago, but still have yet to put it on my Phone, as I wanted to wait until I got a bit more info on it.
Phone: hTc Evo 4g LTE
HBoot: 1.12.2222 (S-Off)
ROM: MeanROM v6.0 (OC @ 1.72 GHz)
Kernel: #Mean-v0.5.1728
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  #307 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2010, 08:46 AM
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Re: Overclock TP2 in WM?

787 locks my phone up on BigNaDaD's maxsense rom. What rom were you running?
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  #308 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2010, 10:12 AM
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Re: Overclock TP2 in WM?

For me, I can OC to 729. Anything more and it locks up. That's good enough for me.

Engergy ROM with CHT 8/1
Using Msm7kCPUspeed v2
Dont know what the build date is since I cannot ##786# with this ROM

Last edited by Scoob; 08-08-2010 at 10:14 AM.
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  #309 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2010, 11:26 AM
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Re: Overclock TP2 in WM?

Originally Posted by MrBeOTP2 View Post
" Error Calculatong the cpu frequency. Exiting "<<<< what should i do ?
You need to close Msm7kCpuSpeed. Never leave it open.
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  #310 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2010, 12:03 PM
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Re: Overclock TP2 in WM?

Originally Posted by pesok View Post
Ok sounds good, few questions though:
1) Is there any other soft that can tell you the current speed?
2) If i just remove both Auto_OC and Msm7kCpuSpeed from remove programms in settings - will it revert all back to normal(stock speed) or do i need to do something else prior?
3) Auto_OC seems to be limited to 784mhz, while Msm7kCpuSpeed seem to be able to go higher, any reason why? I set it to max(in auto_oc) and ran coreplayer(few tracks) as well as spb benchmarks few times and it seems stable, would like to try a bit higher, for that i have to go directly through Msm7kCpuSpeed then or is there a way to enable higher OC in Auto_OC?

OK added higher OC values for those lucky people out there
Should go up to 902mhz now.
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