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Old 08-08-2010, 03:37 AM
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Re: Overclock TP2 in WM?

Originally Posted by pesok View Post
Here are my results with SPB Benchmarks v1.6. All results are in Ms and lower is better/faster

ROM = Formula's SPB MobileSense 3.5.5 - Formula.LD.23563.E.080410.exe (WM 6.5 COM5)

Clean flash done right before tests with Task29 prior(to assure integrity)
Fresh reboot + 2 mins wait(to make sure startup apps are fully loaded) done before EACH run.

Stock (530mhz) - neither Msm7kCpuSpeed nor any other OCing program installed

RUN #1
----------FILE SYSTEM----------
Write 1MB file = 454ms
Read 1MB file = 64ms
Copy 1 MB file = 489ms
Write 10kb x 100 files = 3910ms
Read 10kb X 100 files = 336ms
Copy 10kb X 100 files = 3275ms
Dir. list of 2k files = 1202ms
Internal adatabase read = 808ms
Compress 1MB file using ZIP = 2719ms
Decompress 1024x768 JPEG file = 409ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MFLOPS = 3485ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MOPS = 1023ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MWIPS = 7316ms
Copy 1MB using memcpy = 8ms

RUN #2
----------FILE SYSTEM----------
Write 1MB file = 453ms
Read 1MB file = 64ms
Copy 1 MB file = 487ms
Write 10kb x 100 files = 3820ms
Read 10kb X 100 files = 327ms
Copy 10kb X 100 files = 3218ms
Dir. list of 2k files = 1201ms
Internal adatabase read = 795ms
Compress 1MB file using ZIP = 2705ms
Decompress 1024x768 JPEG file = 401ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MFLOPS = 3488ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MOPS = 1030ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MWIPS = 7319ms
Copy 1MB using memcpy = 8ms

RUN #3
----------FILE SYSTEM----------
Write 1MB file = 455ms
Read 1MB file = 66ms
Copy 1 MB file = 488ms
Write 10kb x 100 files = 4088ms
Read 10kb X 100 files = 342ms
Copy 10kb X 100 files = 3323ms
Dir. list of 2k files = 1218ms
Internal adatabase read = 788ms
Compress 1MB file using ZIP = 2743ms
Decompress 1024x768 JPEG file = 409ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MFLOPS = 3478ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MOPS = 1020ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MWIPS = 7300ms
Copy 1MB using memcpy = 8ms

Overclocked to 787Mhz with Auto_OC tool via Msm7kCpuSpeed V2

RUN #1
----------FILE SYSTEM----------
Write 1MB file = 441ms
Read 1MB file = 57ms
Copy 1 MB file = 482ms
Write 10kb x 100 files = 3148ms
Read 10kb X 100 files = 284ms
Copy 10kb X 100 files = 3036ms
Dir. list of 2k files = 1030ms
Internal adatabase read = 639ms
Compress 1MB file using ZIP = 2370ms
Decompress 1024x768 JPEG file = 303ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MFLOPS = 2358ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MOPS = 737ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MWIPS = 4977ms
Copy 1MB using memcpy = 7ms

RUN #2
----------FILE SYSTEM----------
Write 1MB file = 436ms
Read 1MB file = 58ms
Copy 1 MB file = 495ms
Write 10kb x 100 files = 3152ms
Read 10kb X 100 files = 294ms
Copy 10kb X 100 files = 3077ms
Dir. list of 2k files = 1043ms
Internal adatabase read = 652ms
Compress 1MB file using ZIP = 2359ms
Decompress 1024x768 JPEG file = 307ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MFLOPS = 2367ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MOPS = 751ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MWIPS = 4987ms
Copy 1MB using memcpy = 7ms

RUN #3
----------FILE SYSTEM----------
Write 1MB file = 430ms
Read 1MB file = 56ms
Copy 1 MB file = 494ms
Write 10kb x 100 files = 3158ms
Read 10kb X 100 files = 278ms
Copy 10kb X 100 files = 3056ms
Dir. list of 2k files = 1021ms
Internal adatabase read = 604ms
Compress 1MB file using ZIP = 2401ms
Decompress 1024x768 JPEG file = 308ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MFLOPS = 2358ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MOPS = 753ms
CPU Test: Whetstones MWIPS = 4972ms
Copy 1MB using memcpy = 7ms

As you can see OCing to 787Mhz brings tremendous benefits. Not a single problem during overclocked state.
Did not notice any excessive battery drain, nor did phone overheat during intensive benchmarking(Battery temp stayed under 40c)
All the tests took a bit over 3 hours, hitting thanks button takes less than 3 seconds,
but then again i didnt do it for thanks
Maybe not, but I thanked ya anyway

Way to take one for the team buddy. I was really wondering how well the OverClocker actually worked, and now I have my answer. So thank you very much kind sir.

I actually download this like a week ago, but still have yet to put it on my Phone, as I wanted to wait until I got a bit more info on it.
Phone: hTc Evo 4g LTE
HBoot: 1.12.2222 (S-Off)
ROM: MeanROM v6.0 (OC @ 1.72 GHz)
Kernel: #Mean-v0.5.1728
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