Originally Posted by pesok
Quickly read this thread and very exciting stuff i must admit!!! Quick question though - it sayd it only works while on AC power, so it will not work while on the battery? I am debating whether to try it now or wait for netrippers V3 to come out(which will eliminate the need for scripts mambo-jumbo)!!!
It is unknown when an update will come.
If you are afraid or just do not want to deal with scripts, then this post is for you:
Originally Posted by 85stang
I can confirm this fixes the SOD when using SetCpuSpeed I was getting SOD after every call when using setCpuspeed 1.0d Changing this registry settting has fixed it. that was the only issue so far. running 748Mhz and stable. no scripts required, only one cab to install, and one registry edit, done!
To make things even more simpler, I made a cab for the reg-fix for SOD on calls....
And also to set the startup on a reset to 2min, which is needed to give enough time for the phone to fully boot up before the OC kicks in(on a soft-reset).
So all-you-need, three cabs here:
EDIT: I think Msm7kCpuSpeed_v2 app not needed, just 2 other cabs, but I still install it anyway to check the speed, then close that app. Never leave it open as it will crash when unit sleeps.
For those lucky enough to clock higher...
OR un-lucky enough to need more control from SOD...
Originally Posted by nayr1482