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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2010, 12:22 AM
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Re: why does my 2.5 LAG?

People WANT their 2.5 to be faster than 2.1. But the truth of the matter is, I've tried many variants of the 2.5, tried changing pagepool sizes, getting rid of some tabs, but it was never as snappy as 2.1. Unless we can overclock TP2 (WM side, not android) we are stuck with laggy 2.5.

What I want in my next TP3:
-At least 25% thinner, 1.5GHz Snapdragon, 4" -720p Cap. Screen (nothing bigger), 2GB of ROM, 1GB of RAM, Flash!, Better Camera, Even better keyboard (is that even possible?)
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2010, 12:29 AM
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op if u want a smooth 2.5 experence try my blackout rom (link in sig) its the fastest manila 2.5 rom to date!! most of the problem with manila lagging is winmo 6.5 (just too bloated) my rom uses 6.1 ( super fast and lite weight) the only things u lose is the 6.5 start menu and lock screen but u get the beauty of manila 2.5 and the speed and stablity of 6.1!!!

also manila controls %90 of winmos funtions so u really will not notice u are not using 6.5( unless u love the 6.5 start menu)
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2010, 01:13 AM
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Re: why does my 2.5 LAG?

OP, did you flash stock before flashing some of the roms you tried? I ask because I had the same problem after I flashed the new Mightyrom, and for a while I was disappointed with the new Manila 2.5.

However, after I flashed stock and then flashed back to Mightyrom, I was impressed by the speed. Granted, it wasn't as fast as 2.1, but it was only marginally slower. I get pretty much no lag at all (and I promise you its not the ol' placebo effect, because I expected Manila 2.5 to be slow).

I did remove some graphics from the screen though ( I removed the weather background, calendar background, and quick link backgrounds from the home tab). Even with all quick links taken up and fullscreen weather animations running (not just enabled, actually running), I still get no lag.

So, my advice is, flash stock, then flash the newest Mightyrom. I think you'll be pleased.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2010, 03:12 AM
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Re: why does my 2.5 LAG?

2.5 was designed for a fast CPU. The ported it to the 528 mhz cpu, and it's slow sometimes. Mr X's ROM 2.5 is fastest 2.5 rom I've tried. C0okie Monster mod does slow it down though for sure.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2010, 03:13 AM
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Re: why does my 2.5 LAG?

im rockin energy with the cookie mod cooked in. NO LAG WHATSOEVER!!!!!!
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2010, 09:01 AM
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Re: why does my 2.5 LAG?

As much as I'd love it to run smoothly, I seriously doubt 2.5 ever will on the TP2 without some major OC'ing...that being said, the new MR is as smooth as I've ever seen with 2.5.

Also to everyone that says there is NO lag with 2.5 and/or cookie's home tab mod, your just not SEEING it and sometimes it takes time.

After about a week of having cookie's on mine with both Mr X's and MR it will start to considerably slow the device down. Sometimes I'll slide to unlock the phone(stock 6.5 lock) and it will zip to the home screen quickly without issue, sometimes it takes like 1-2 seconds to render the screen, which is annoying as hell if you ask me.

I'm seriously considering flashing back to the last version of MR with 2.1, IT was faster than anything I've ever used without question.
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Last edited by PhantomApolyon; 04-01-2010 at 09:10 AM.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2010, 12:14 PM
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Re: why does my 2.5 LAG?

Originally Posted by ejoshkim View Post
People WANT their 2.5 to be faster than 2.1. But the truth of the matter is, I've tried many variants of the 2.5, tried changing pagepool sizes, getting rid of some tabs, but it was never as snappy as 2.1. Unless we can overclock TP2 (WM side, not android) we are stuck with laggy 2.5.
yeah i'd love to see it running 100%, but i would like to see more development (adding tabs and further customization) on 2.1 since 2.5 doesn't seem like it will ever run smoothly

Originally Posted by austin420 View Post
im rockin energy with the cookie mod cooked in. NO LAG WHATSOEVER!!!!!!
lucky, hopefully you don't run into lag one of these days. same happened to me with MR War. i was running smoothly no lag at all for maybe a week and a half and suddenly it just started lagging beyond belief

Originally Posted by PhantomApolyon View Post
As much as I'd love it to run smoothly, I seriously doubt 2.5 ever will on the TP2 without some major OC'ing...that being said, the new MR is as smooth as I've ever seen with 2.5.

Also to everyone that says there is NO lag with 2.5 and/or cookie's home tab mod, your just not SEEING it and sometimes it takes time.

After about a week of having cookie's on mine with both Mr X's and MR it will start to considerably slow the device down. Sometimes I'll slide to unlock the phone(stock 6.5 lock) and it will zip to the home screen quickly without issue, sometimes it takes like 1-2 seconds to render the screen, which is annoying as hell if you ask me.

I'm seriously considering flashing back to the last version of MR with 2.1, IT was faster than anything I've ever used without question.
i was actually going to ask you guys if overclocking was possible because i'm a little new with flashing phones, but then realized that there's only so much a phone could do that it would be asking a lot from such a device.

i agree that some people just might not SEE the actual lag, because they aren't as picky as i am. i always need to best and the fastest because i notice every little flaw...i guess that's just my fault though

i've flashed back to 2.1 several times because of the annoyance 2.5 caused me, and i think im going to stay there for good now unless something drastic happens. i'm running mr x 2.1, with the stock sliders and an android taskbar. runs like a beauty!

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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2010, 12:24 PM
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Re: why does my 2.5 LAG?

you guys should try a rom with the cookie mod cooked in. it makes as world of differnce imo.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2010, 12:58 PM
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Re: why does my 2.5 LAG?

I actually had to disable sense UI after I upgraded to sprint 2.5 stock and use winmo UI instead because of the lag. For my use (text/phone/web) the default winmo UI is actually not too bad.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2010, 01:04 PM
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Re: why does my 2.5 LAG?

Originally Posted by ghlu View Post
I actually had to disable sense UI after I upgraded to sprint 2.5 stock and use winmo UI instead because of the lag. For my use (text/phone/web) the default winmo UI is actually not too bad.
after you did the upgrade, did you hard reset or clear storage once? i noticed the lag on the stock 6.5 too, so i did a single flash with one of my phones, and flashed, then did a clear storage on the other phone. after 1 day, you could tell the hard reset helped. the one i didnt h.r. lagged way worse.
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC Touch Pro 2

2.5, home, lag, manila, screen

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