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Old 04-01-2010, 09:01 AM
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Re: why does my 2.5 LAG?

As much as I'd love it to run smoothly, I seriously doubt 2.5 ever will on the TP2 without some major OC'ing...that being said, the new MR is as smooth as I've ever seen with 2.5.

Also to everyone that says there is NO lag with 2.5 and/or cookie's home tab mod, your just not SEEING it and sometimes it takes time.

After about a week of having cookie's on mine with both Mr X's and MR it will start to considerably slow the device down. Sometimes I'll slide to unlock the phone(stock 6.5 lock) and it will zip to the home screen quickly without issue, sometimes it takes like 1-2 seconds to render the screen, which is annoying as hell if you ask me.

I'm seriously considering flashing back to the last version of MR with 2.1, IT was faster than anything I've ever used without question.
Sprint Lead Technician / Store Manager -- Feel Free to PM me if you need anything!
Oh, and NO I cannot reset your upgrade status. Kthxbye

Phantom's 6.5/6.5x Modified Lock Screens

Last edited by PhantomApolyon; 04-01-2010 at 09:10 AM.
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