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  #1321 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 07:43 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg View Post
Well there are a few problems with that theory...

#1: If Sprint's stock ROM is so bad, then Sprint and HTC need to do a better job making the stock ROM. If Mighty and everyone here can make good ROMs, there is absolutely no reason Sprint and HTC shouldn't be able to make way better ROMs than anyone here. For the record, the stock ROM on my unlocked European Touch Pro 2 (no carrier branding, only HTC) was as good as any cooked WinMo 6.1 ROM.

#2: Verizon's stock ROM actually got really good reviews. So did AT&T's (which was WM 6.5 out of the box). I didn't see any commercials for either of them.

#3: We've all seen the HTC "You" commercials. HTC finally got the hint and started advertising. The problem is, those commercials are all for Android devices.

#4: Even aside from HTC advertising, I see about 10 T-Mobile commercials every day for the MyTouch3G. And I see a Sprint commercial where they talk about their best smartphones. They mention the Palm Pixi, Samsung Moment, and some Blackberry. So they aren't even trying.

#5: To this day, most Sprint stores don't even have a Touch Pro 2 in stock, and half the agents there don't even know anything about it. They are obviously just trying to get their commission so they will try to sell you whatever they have right there. If they actually had these phones in stock, agents would take the time to learn about them. And then they could show the customer how to use it right there in the store.

I think the real problem is- Sprint/Verizon/AT&T/T-Mobile/Any other greedy ass carrier- does not want to carry Windows Mobile devices. They do NOT like the idea of consumers installing whatever app they want without the carrier getting a commission off the app sale. They do NOT like the iea of the consumer being able to WiFi tether without paying extra. They do NOT like the idea of the consumer having access to data intense apps like Slingbox without paying extra. WInmo allows all of this. The carriers always strip most of this stuff out (tethering) but we just put it right back. They can't just flat out drop WinMo because some of their largest business customers ONLY use WinMo. So they do their best to hide it form the average joe. THAT's why we don't see commercials for it, and THAT's why the rumors are Winmo 7 will be stripped down and locked down. That will get the carriers back on board with it, and gain some marketshare among consumers when they finally start advertising it. Everyone who knows anything about it will probably hae it, but it will get tons of rave reviews and sell a ton of units, with plenty of advertising.
You said it yourself. Carriers do not want to carry Windows Mobile phone bcoz it's too unsecured, Carriers are losing out so they don't wanna advertise it. Now, If carriers will not carry WM, There is only 1 direction to go. DOWN.
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  #1322 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 07:54 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

You keep asking me what's better about android the things that are better about android is everything that makes the iPhone better. Except I get the plus' of expandable memory and so forth.
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  #1323 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 08:10 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
Deimoss wait, are you saying winmo 6.5.x has better memory management then android?
Go back and read, or you know what I'll quote myself, save you some time

" -Improved Memory Management" Does Improved look or sound like Better? wait what say that again? It's in black and white and posted, im not editing my responses either, so its documented for your pleasure

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
Salty and deimoss is the reason winmo lost marketshare to iPhone. They didn't want to change.
So now Myself and another Forum user are the sole reason Iphone Marketshare rose, and If you notice Slim is backtracking and actually saying Marketshare matters, You're ridiculous pSlim, worth nothing more than a good laugh in this thread, besides coming off as un educated, biased, opinion based, side changing, flip flopper, who can't even agree with his own line of arguing, so you pick on the weakest point in someone elses and twist up the words, i consider that low blows and dirty politics. Putting people in words mouths like you just did,

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
Deimoss wait, are you saying winmo 6.5.x has better memory management then android?
No where did i say that, and i even paragraphed the response so you would understand more easily, since you seem to have some deficiency in understanding black and white text, or facts and even concrete reports or marketshare figures, nope , that's like Santa to Slim, or do you still believe in Santa? i mean cause you get a new Toy every year, LoL i wonder if you'r mommy and daddy, oop i mean Santer Causer is listening in on this thread , ho ho ho

and this last part made no sense, just more opinions

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
You have to change with the times which is what Microsoft is finally doing. You guys keep forgetting the head start Microsoft had over all these other companies. Microsoft has missed out on so much $ dealing with you dinosaurs. They're finally making the move and will win back support from developers, HTC will finally give them the commercials you want, when they create some random app like NBA gametime or Pandora, winmo finally wont be left out. Its time for winmo 6 to go bye bye.
you have to change with the times, and blah blah, give me an MP3 that is better quality than vinyls, screw changing with the times, its abut changing when you want to change, this is America not Communist Russia or Nazi Germany
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  #1324 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 08:17 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
Deimoss wait, are you saying winmo 6.5.x has better memory management then android?

Google isn't being hush hush about their sales. The phone just came out and its not doing bad, they just want to move more units. Salty and deimoss is the reason winmo lost marketshare to iPhone. They didn't want to change. You have to change with the times which is what Microsoft is finally doing. You guys keep forgetting the head start Microsoft had over all these other companies. Microsoft has missed out on so much $ dealing with you dinosaurs. They're finally making the move and will win back support from developers, HTC will finally give them the commercials you want, when they create some random app like NBA gametime or Pandora, winmo finally wont be left out. Its time for winmo 6 to go bye bye.
Well I see you are still throwing your opinion around like you're some sort of expert and we all trust your opinion or something.

Once again, I hate to let facts get in the way of your little rant there, but here is the real deal:

If you have something that claims it is actually selling quite well, other than your proven to be unreliable opinion, by all means, post it.
  #1325 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 08:19 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
You said it yourself. Carriers do not want to carry Windows Mobile phone bcoz it's too unsecured, Carriers are losing out so they don't wanna advertise it. Now, If carriers will not carry WM, There is only 1 direction to go. DOWN.
I wouldn't say WinMo is unsecure. It's actually very secure (remember when the NSA was insisting Obama use a Winmo device). But it just doesn't lock the customer down the way they want. It allows way too much freedom for the greedy carriers.

There are 2 ways it can go... They can either start selling directly to the public and bypass the carriers altogether, or they can try to please the carriers.
  #1326 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 08:48 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg View Post
I wouldn't say WinMo is unsecure. It's actually very secure (remember when the NSA was insisting Obama use a Winmo device). But it just doesn't lock the customer down the way they want. It allows way too much freedom for the greedy carriers.

There are 2 ways it can go... They can either start selling directly to the public and bypass the carriers altogether, or they can try to please the carriers.
That is a different kind of security ur talking about. That is the network.
I can change WM ESN in less than 15 mins. We can tether and make it undetected. HSPL comes out few months after the release.A twelve year old boy can completely overhaul the OS anytime he wants. You call that secure?

Actually That is the only reason why we buy WM. Everyone should have heard the W7 rumor by now. No more customization, no more SD card installation and this and that. Have U seen how many will drop windows mobile in a sec? about 90% of PPCG members right now.

Last edited by jethro_static; 02-08-2010 at 08:51 PM.
  #1327 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 08:54 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Dont know if this was talked about here, But you can cancel your Sprint account with No ETF (Early Termination Fee) until march becuase they have increased the Regulatory charge and if you also have a spending limit then you also have a new 4.99 charge monthly unless you sign up for auto pay. Read those bill's please. Only have until March so act FAST. Just mention you wanna cancel bc the regulatory charge, and they will.
  #1328 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 09:05 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

with a screen that big i dont think the keyboard would be a problem, so i wouldnt be worried about that.

im not a fan of Tm tho so i dont think i would change.. i like the phone tho

  #1329 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 09:05 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
That is a different kind of security ur talking about. That is the network.
I can change WM ESN in less than 15 mins. We can tether and make it undetected. HSPL comes out few months after the release.A twelve year old boy can completely overhaul the OS anytime he wants. You call that secure?

Actually That is the only reason why we buy WM. Everyone should have heard the W7 rumor by now. No more customization, no more SD card installation and this and that. Have U seen how many will drop windows mobile in a sec? about 90% of PPCG members right now.
Hard SPL isn't a winmo thing, it's an HTC thing. So lets clear that up real quick- we're not able to flash ROMs because it's winmo, we're flashing them because HTC makes phones that are easy to load a new OS on. There are plenty of winmo phnes out there than never get hacked.

And yes- even so, I would say our phones are still secure. While WE can change our phone settings anytime we want, it's not like anyone else can.

But yes, if they lock the phones down like an iPhone, I can definitely see even more than 90% of the current users being pissed about it. I know I won't even consider buying a winmo 7 phone if those leaked rumors about it are true.
  #1330 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 09:25 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg View Post
Hard SPL isn't a winmo thing, it's an HTC thing. So lets clear that up real quick- we're not able to flash ROMs because it's winmo, we're flashing them because HTC makes phones that are easy to load a new OS on. There are plenty of winmo phnes out there than never get hacked.

And yes- even so, I would say our phones are still secure. While WE can change our phone settings anytime we want, it's not like anyone else can.

But yes, if they lock the phones down like an iPhone, I can definitely see even more than 90% of the current users being pissed about it. I know I won't even consider buying a winmo 7 phone if those leaked rumors about it are true.
Excuse me? Samsung Omnia flashed with M2D...


The WM phone that was never hacked was the phone that nobody cared about. So nobody even tried to hack it.
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