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  #1121 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2010, 04:33 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
it needs smarter users then me? if thats what windows requires to survive they are dead. Is anybody else reading this?

quote of the day:

Never argue with a stupid person. First, they'll drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience!
I love how you keep assuming you are the smartest person around, when you have demonstrated repeatedly in this thread that it is far from true, lol.

How about you post some facts. Nobody here cares about your opinion.
  #1122 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2010, 04:44 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg View Post
Of course. Sure they could make it better, nothing is ever perfect. But I can't complain either. If it was faster, it would be better. But the functionality is there. It has more functionality than any other OS on the market.
Salty is right in that WM6.5 (6.53 would be even better) is not really limited in functionality compared to any phone to date. Making my wm6.5 phone faster with more memory would help WAY MORE than pretty skins.

wp7 or android 3.0 phones wont make us more productive or free up our daily grind either.... lets get real.

That is not to say there is no room for improvement - there is in many areas including overall navigation & thumb support. But imho the largest issues are wireless integration ones making seemless sync between everything - EMAIL, contacts, bookmarks, calender, email and files w/o usb) AND full adobe flash (which is due to adobe's ineptitude).

No phone today is perfect, the droid phones are barely ready for primetime either. The most casual friendly smartphone is Palm and they clearly don't have no actual revenue model and have no shot at an 'app store' or media sales... basically a pretty, effective but dead end nonetheless.

The smartphone battle will be for casuals & soon tweens as more soccer moms go smartphone and carriers force data plans making (cheaper eris-like) smartphones a no-brainer vs the chocolate4 or eNvy2012
  #1123 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2010, 04:46 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg View Post
I love how you keep assuming you are the smartest person around, when you have demonstrated repeatedly in this thread that it is far from true, lol.

How about you post some facts. Nobody here cares about your opinion.
You want to here a fact, windows mobile os completely redoing its OS because android and iPhone OS is killing winmo 6
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Last edited by p-slim; 02-05-2010 at 04:48 PM.
  #1124 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2010, 05:01 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
You want to here a fact, windows mobile os completely redoing its OS because android and iPhone OS is killing winmo 6
Once again, that is NOT a fact. You want some facts?
Winmo 7 is based on Win CE. Winmo 6.5 is ALSO based on Win CE. Hmm, what do you say to that?

You want another fact? Winmo is killing Android in sales.

Again- leave your opinion at the door. We only care about the facts around here.

Now, tell me, what exactly is Winmo 7 redoing? You keep making that claim, so i am giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you actually know what you're talking about. I mean, you wouldn't post a baseless rant that was a flat out lie and call it a fact would you? So tell me, what exactly is Winmo changing in it's new OS? You say they are changing the entire OS- give me an example of what the heck that even means. I mean, we know they are changing the interface, we know they are adding xbox live and zune. Do you know of anything else that is changing? I sure don't, and I'm pretty sure you don't either.
  #1125 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2010, 05:05 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

I know what minimum it needs to change if it at least wants to compete. Android 2.1 is here now and winning g. They are creating 3.0 to stay ahead of the game.
  #1126 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2010, 05:16 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
I know what minimum it needs to change if it at least wants to compete. Android 2.1 is here now and winning g. They are creating 3.0 to stay ahead of the game.
Once again, you post your opinion. I thought I made it clear- nobody here cares about your opinion.

Again, Winmo is killing Android in sales right now. Not only that, but the HD2 is killing the Nexus One in sales- even though it hasn't even launched in the USA yet.

So miss me with all that Adroid is killing winmo crap. It's totally false.
  #1127 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2010, 05:28 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg View Post
Once again, that is NOT a fact. You want some facts?
Winmo 7 is based on Win CE. Winmo 6.5 is ALSO based on Win CE. Hmm, what do you say to that?

You want another fact? Winmo is killing Android in sales.

Again- leave your opinion at the door. We only care about the facts around here.

Now, tell me, what exactly is Winmo 7 redoing? You keep making that claim, so i am giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you actually know what you're talking about. I mean, you wouldn't post a baseless rant that was a flat out lie and call it a fact would you? So tell me, what exactly is Winmo changing in it's new OS? You say they are changing the entire OS- give me an example of what the heck that even means. I mean, we know they are changing the interface, we know they are adding xbox live and zune. Do you know of anything else that is changing? I sure don't, and I'm pretty sure you don't either.
This is just STUPID... windows mobile only outsold android because ONE android is a new device, TWO winmo had FAR more phones on the market than android. It's pretty much ALREADY been noted in MOSTLY EVERY major financial sales forecast that within the next year Android will surpass both the iphone AND windows mobile in sales just based on their last 2 quarters alone. You're comparing sales off of one side that had a plethora of phones on the market to another that had less than 5. And on top of that Android was limited to T-mobile and Verizon until recently whereas winmo had phones on every provider. Just an FYI, the droid alone has sold over a million units... hell it sold 700K within 3 weeks... on one carrier. The droid is also now going to telus... do you want to compare the droid sales to the TP2 in less time and the fact that the TP2 is on 4 carriers while the droid is on one?

SMH thats just like saying nokia is killing windows mobile in sales when they have a boatload more phones on the market in more locations. Do you even think before you post this garbage? And the same goes for the HD2 vs the Nexus argument, its only on t-mobile or unsubsidized here.. yet in Europe its on Virgin Mobile, Vodaphone.. do I really need to keep going. This kid is a putz.

Last edited by brownhornet; 02-05-2010 at 05:33 PM.
  #1128 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2010, 05:35 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg View Post
Speaking of stupid people, you might want to read my post again. At no point did I claim that Sprint is better than T-Mobile, or that CDMA is better than GSM. I only pointed out that YOU were making those claims earlier in this thread. The post you just made does a pretty good job of summarizing how you changed your tune.
Changed his color more times than a chameleon, but Salty did make a pretty accurate read of how Slims tune has changed which makes his arguments very weak cause god knows what would happen if he changed his mind about something again, or back tracks on something else he said"

then he's like blah blah that's what this threads about information and such and so forth, but it really seems he's bashing anyone's idea who strays from his and cooperates with anyone that agrees with him.. until that is.. they disagree with him again.

Oh and popping out of a news article to view a video then fire up the browser and try to comment then wait no there's another video on the page i should see before i comment..leaves the browser again for a link

p.s Dragon2 keeps posting m.youtube links
- i find this hilarious they wont even play on my laptop through Firefox 3.6 since they're formatted for mobile

Nice Job Ill stick with the desktop version of youtube, consider it a standard of quality

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  #1129 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2010, 05:39 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by brownhornet View Post
This is just STUPID... windows mobile only outsold android because ONE android is a new device Two blah blah snip
So then why does it bother you? If it's irrelevant why get riled up about it.

P.S i was expecting THREE

P.S.S where do you get off on calling everything "STUPID" show some maturity if you're going to be involved in a on going conversation

Last edited by Deimoss; 02-05-2010 at 05:41 PM.
  #1130 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2010, 05:40 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by brownhornet View Post
This is just STUPID... windows mobile only outsold android because ONE android is a new device, TWO winmo had FAR more phones on the market than android. It's pretty much ALREADY been noted in MOSTLY EVERY major financial sales forecast that within the next year Android will surpass both the iphone AND windows mobile in sales just based on their last 2 quarters alone. You're comparing sales off of one side that had a plethora of phones on the market to another that had less than 5. And on top of that Android was limited to T-mobile and Verizon until recently whereas winmo had phones on every provider. Just an FYI, the droid alone has sold over a million units... hell it sold 700K within 3 weeks... on one carrier. The droid is also now going to telus... do you want to compare the droid sales to the TP2 in less time and the fact that the TP2 is on 4 carriers while the droid is on one?

SMH thats just like saying nokia is killing windows mobile in sales when they have a boatload more phones on the market in more locations. Do you even think before you post this garbage? And the same goes for the HD2 vs the Nexus argument, its only on t-mobile or unsubsidized here.. yet in Europe its on Virgin Mobile, Vodaphone.. do I really need to keep going. This kid is a putz.
#1: If Android someday passes winmo, talk to me THEN. But right now, Winmo is killing Android in sales. It's pretty retarded for you clowns to say Android is killing winmo when in fact winmo is selling more, and has a bigger market share.

#2: Yeah, compare the Droid sales to the Touch Pro 2. Do you have the numbers? I'd be interested to see. I know Consumer Reports said the Touch Pro 2 was the BEST device on the market for business use- better than the iPhone, and better than the Droid.

#3: Do YOU think before you post? YOU basically just said Winmo has a bunch more devices, and still somehow tried to twist that to mean Android is killing it. LOL!

Last edited by BlackDynamite; 02-05-2010 at 05:45 PM.
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