Originally Posted by SaltyDawg
Of course. Sure they could make it better, nothing is ever perfect. But I can't complain either. If it was faster, it would be better. But the functionality is there. It has more functionality than any other OS on the market.
Salty is right in that WM6.5 (6.53 would be even better) is not really limited in
functionality compared to any phone to date. Making my wm6.5 phone faster with more memory would help WAY MORE than pretty skins.
wp7 or android 3.0 phones wont make us more productive or free up our daily grind either.... lets get real.
That is not to say there is no room for improvement - there is in many areas including overall navigation & thumb support. But imho the largest issues are wireless integration ones making seemless sync between everything - EMAIL, contacts, bookmarks, calender, email and files w/o usb) AND full adobe flash (which is due to adobe's ineptitude).
No phone today is perfect, the droid phones are barely ready for primetime either. The most casual friendly smartphone is Palm and they clearly don't have no actual revenue model and have no shot at an 'app store' or media sales... basically a pretty, effective but dead end nonetheless.
The smartphone battle will be for casuals & soon tweens as more soccer moms go smartphone and carriers force data plans making (cheaper eris-like) smartphones a no-brainer vs the chocolate4 or eNvy2012