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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2007, 10:56 AM
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Re: Full Opera Mini Shortcut + Icon

Originally Posted by kevxross
Well I finally got my OperaMini shortcut how it should be and it was such a PITA getting everything working right that I decided to share it here. You will need TotalCommander or Resco Explorer to do this. To get a shortcut to launch Opera Mini without going through the midlet manager:

1. Go to \Windows\appdb
2. You should see files like s#_suite. One of these should be Opera Mini. If it is the only Java app you have installed it will be the one that isn't s0_suite. If you have several, you can click on them to find out which launches Opera Mini. Mine is s3_suite, even though it's the only Java app I have... Now remember whatever number it is.
3. Go to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\
4. Find Java, and duplicate it
5. Rename it to OperaMini
6. Go into Properties > Shortcut. It should say "\Windows\jeodek.exe"
7. Make it: "\Windows\jeodek.exe" -run s#_
(Replace the # with the number from step 2)

---I've now attached my Opera Mini shortcut so you can download it, put it in \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ and just edit it instead of duplicating the Java shortcut.

Now you have a shortcut directly to Opera Mini. The problem is, it has that stupid Java e as the icon. To get the Opera icon:

1. Download the dll attached to this post
2. Put it on your phone somewhere
3. Edit the shortcut again, this time make it: "\Windows\jeodek.exe" -run s#_?\Path\To\OperaIcon.dll,0
(Obviously change the path to wherever you placed the dll.)
Here's what my shortcut target looks like to give you an example: "\Windows\jeodek.exe" -run s3_?\Storage Card\My Documents\OperaIcon.dll,0

And that's it! The hardest part was creating the icon.. It's hard to get round icons to not look like crap on nonwhite backgrounds. Hope this helps someone!
How did you make this icon? This is actually something I've been thinking of doing to create different icons for various MortScripts that I've written. I'd like them to have different icons so that I can place them on the quick launcher... would your method of assigning an icon to a shortcut work for mortscripts as well?
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2007, 12:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Cicatrize
Nevermind. I downloaded Resco and did it fine. For some reason, Total Commander kept removing my first quotation before /Windows, and adding it after s1_, so it was searching for s1_". lol
I had exactly the same error message and problem using Total Commander. I just kept messing with it and eventually got it to work.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2007, 02:16 PM
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Originally Posted by cobra9777
Originally Posted by Cicatrize
Nevermind. I downloaded Resco and did it fine. For some reason, Total Commander kept removing my first quotation before /Windows, and adding it after s1_, so it was searching for s1_". lol
I had exactly the same error message and problem using Total Commander. I just kept messing with it and eventually got it to work.
how exactly did you get it to work with Total Commander because i keep trying to add the " at the beginning but it never stays.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2007, 06:36 PM
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Re: oops

Originally Posted by volDeus
[i havent had as much trouble with it as most people i see posting here about it but i dont use it that often ... IMHO the main reason to use Mini or Picsel is for the eye-candy and i never used either as my primary browser ... of course the web compressing thing Mini does is great but (IMHO again) unlimited internet is sort of a requirement with a PPC so the compression isnt worth using such a featureless browser ... i just stick with the full Opera for most browsing and Picsel for pages i dont want to reformat or for showing the phone off everytime i hear someone say "iPhones are the sh*t!!" XD

it would be awesome to see either Mini or Picsel updated tho in any event ill shut up now ... dont want to spam a good thread
The main reason to use opera mini over opera mobile is not the eye candy of the zoom feature, but rather the much faster rendering speeds. I only use the full mobile version for websites that mini chokes on.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2007, 08:12 PM
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Originally Posted by want2tokyo
Originally Posted by cobra9777
Originally Posted by Cicatrize
Nevermind. I downloaded Resco and did it fine. For some reason, Total Commander kept removing my first quotation before /Windows, and adding it after s1_, so it was searching for s1_". lol
I had exactly the same error message and problem using Total Commander. I just kept messing with it and eventually got it to work.
how exactly did you get it to work with Total Commander because i keep trying to add the " at the beginning but it never stays.
Don't remember exactly, but as I look at it right now, there is no quote at the beginning. Must not be needed.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2007, 09:06 PM
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I can't get it to work...

I have it set up exactly as it should be but it won't work. Does it matter if it's the beta version?

If mini isn't running I get the "could not find suite" error. If mini is running and it's in the background the link brings it to the foreground. Any ideas?
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 09-09-2007, 03:00 PM
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Originally Posted by gtarent View Post
The main reason to use opera mini over opera mobile is not the eye candy of the zoom feature, but rather the much faster rendering speeds. I only use the full mobile version for websites that mini chokes on.
maybe your reason ... i personally dont see a huge loading speed difference between mini and mobile (or even picsel) and i think it "chokes" far too often and is too featureless to use as a primary browser ... not to mention the tradeoff of image quality to the measly OBML compression and the fact that it cant open local files and has trouble with alot of downloads ...

EDIT: also i just downloaded beta 2 and played with it for a minute and unless i'm crazy it doesnt even zoom anymore ... just reformats server side to fit the screen

i agree for some devices the advantages are undeniable ... but isnt this a forum for a 400mhz QVGA EVDO PPC?

to each his own i guess

Last edited by volDeus; 09-09-2007 at 03:11 PM.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2007, 07:51 PM
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kevxross, thanks so much for creating this. I was actually just complaining to my friend that I love the new opera mini but hate that you have to go into java to open it. Awesome job!
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2007, 12:26 PM
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FYI for those with difficulty getting this to work: After quite a bit of tinkering the only way I could get it to work was to remove both quote marks in the shortcut and make no mods to the selector.utf file (use original). I have a Mogul.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2007, 06:12 PM
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Originally Posted by gtarent View Post
The main reason to use opera mini over opera mobile is not the eye candy of the zoom feature, but rather the much faster rendering speeds. I only use the full mobile version for websites that mini chokes on.
I had been using the previous Beta version on my 6700 and when I got my Mogul, I downloaded Beta 2. One site that I like Opera Mini for is Gmail. When I used Beta 2 to access it, the list of messages was really odd. It wasn't getting them all, in chrono order. It was like it was missing some. I removed Beta 2 and went back to Mini 3 and all is well. Anyone else use Gmail and have this problem?
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