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  #61 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2008, 03:09 PM
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Re: Navizon - Get paid to use your GPS w/ the 6800!

Hey guys. I'm a noob to navizon (just started yesterday) and i was wondering if someone could tell me what a "good day" of points would be? In about a full 24 hour period, i've gotten 2200 points. Is that on the low side, or about average? I drive for my job, so i figured i would be in good position to get points. I just wanted to see if i was doing alright in your opinion. Thanks for any and all input. dschoenike
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2008, 03:16 PM
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Re: Navizon - Get paid to use your GPS w/ the 6800!

that sounds like a good day to me.. at that rate you'd get a reward in 5 days.
this will fluctuate alot however, b/c you only get points for a given signal once. so your typical route will stop providing points. although ppl are always moving and upgrading their wireless routers, so fresh points are always just an apartment complex away..

which reminds me.. I need to head over to the area campus's now that schools are starting back up... gotta love dorms!!
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2008, 03:48 PM
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Re: Navizon - Get paid to use your GPS w/ the 6800!

Originally Posted by cycomachead View Post
shaggy have you ever tried a DCD rom to see if there's a difference? I'm using DCD, just a thought

Oh did you ever confirm if 1X collects more than evdo? also I believe data is disabled with 1x.
I'm currently using DCD's latest. I've also run no2chem's and stock ROMs and haven't noticed any difference. I'm on Sprint.
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  #64 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2008, 04:12 PM
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Re: Navizon - Get paid to use your GPS w/ the 6800!

Originally Posted by shaggylive View Post
that sounds like a good day to me.. at that rate you'd get a reward in 5 days.
this will fluctuate alot however, b/c you only get points for a given signal once. so your typical route will stop providing points. although ppl are always moving and upgrading their wireless routers, so fresh points are always just an apartment complex away..

which reminds me.. I need to head over to the area campus's now that schools are starting back up... gotta love dorms!!
thanks for the answer. cool to hear i had a decent day, and how it works. guess ill be changing up my route a little more often. and like you said, going by the universitys some more. thanks again, dschoenike
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  #65 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2008, 01:16 AM
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Re: Navizon - Get paid to use your GPS w/ the 6800!

Originally Posted by shaggylive View Post
nothing I've been able to do has made any difference except roaming.
I've played with epst, qpst, ect.. but kinda hard with out a verizon version to compare too. (if anyone want to walk me thru flashing my mogul or apache to verizon, I could get a better feel of what navizon is looking for when it collects a cell.)

also, do any verizon users notice a difference in the # of cells collected with evdo enabled/disabled?

no, I haven't ran a DCD rom for a quite a while, and every time I think I ready to , I get confused which ver I should run... (I only have time to follow 1 dev, closely.)
also really like my wifi swich running s2u2.
the other rom I really want to try is that wm5 one for the titan.
Hmm...you could try flashing your mogul to Vzw stock by relocking and then flashing to a new rom.
The new Vzw update won't work becuase of the PRI...
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Put you Titan to good use with it's GPS. Use Navizon! Get paid for mapping the wifi and cell towers around the world! Click here: http://my.navizon.com/Webapps/UserAd...e=5A5F5C5B5E5B
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old 09-09-2008, 01:48 PM
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Re: Navizon - Get paid to use your GPS w/ the 6800!

Originally Posted by shaggylive View Post
I will likely be going back to, as 1.3 is very frustrating.

anyway as requested I have uploaded some previous versions, actually all 3.5.x versions are now in my ftp folder.

Thanks shaggy, I just dl'd it and I am going to try the 5.2 ver.
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2008, 04:40 PM
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Re: Navizon - Get paid to use your GPS w/ the 6800!

I got an email from Breno, but I'm not really in a postition to help, but I know some of you are..

Have you tried the latest (official) wm6.1 on your xv6800?

We have received a report that phone positioning accuracy was a lot
worse after upgrading to wm 6.1, and I was just curious if you are
seeing the same on your phone/in your area.

(Wifi positioning still works well, so I am only interested in phone

Bredo Oeveraas
Navizon support
my reply
well, I think I might actually be able to help some...
1st. I'm on sprint.
2nd. I use the internal gps for positioning and haven't really tried using cell positioning
-on this note, I don't need GPS for navigation... I only ever use these apps to find the address i'm going to, once I know where it is, I navigate myself. (i'm an Eagle Scout)

3rd.. I recently loaded a wm5 rom onto my Titan, and have been pretty happy with it's stability I really haven't noticed any major differences (more wifi, ect..) from the wm6.1 rom's I've used.

I have been meaning to put both phones side-by-side to compare wm5 vs. wm6(.1)

also as far as cell positioning, this still requires a data connection, correct? this is a problem due to sprint limiting my roam data to 300k/mo so when I'm "collecting" verizon cell's I make sure my phone cannot use cellular data.

you may want to check with NuGuy, he uses Verizon.
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2008, 01:23 AM
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Re: Navizon - Get paid to use your GPS w/ the 6800!

Originally Posted by shaggylive View Post
I got an email from Breno, but I'm not really in a postition to help, but I know some of you are..
my reply
I'm not flashing the official VzW update because it breaks GPS. Vzw has locked it downin a strange way and Navizon would not work. So Vzw users must still use unlocked phones for GPS use.
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2008, 02:47 AM
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Re: Navizon - Get paid to use your GPS w/ the 6800!

I bet that's why they checked with a ppcgeek!
alot more verizon users are forced to use cell/wifi positioning, and I bet their getting lots of complaints about it and the accuracy.
does anyone know if the carrier customizations will work on wm5 and wm6? and on apache's? I would like to have my apache flashed for verizon but turn very boon when it comes to verizon..
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  #70 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2008, 04:15 AM
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Re: Navizon - Get paid to use your GPS w/ the 6800!

Well I am not that eager to load the new 'break and cripple your phone' update from vzw, not saying I will not do it, but I would really have to be coaxed...

I am sure that it would make the gps unavailable to Navizon, just like it makes the gps unavailable to everything except vzw navigator. That would explain to me why they would get complaints.


As for the carrier cabs, I thought they would work on all versions of wm, of course dcd would be the right one to ask...

Assuming they do work, I am pretty sure you could run the vzw one and if you didn't like the results, run the sprint one and be pretty much back to where you started.

Of course having a very fresh backup is still a good idea!
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