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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2008, 12:27 PM
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Re: Official Titan built-in GPS Thread

I have posted on http://www.htcwiki.com/ home page a program which will allow user of the Mogul to access their GPS for free. I have even posted the source code for those who are adventurous. I used microsoft visual 2005, C#, and the Window Mobile 6 SDK as the starting place for the code. Enjoy.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2008, 12:35 PM
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Re: Official Titan built-in GPS Thread

Originally Posted by scottpj View Post
I have posted on http://www.htcwiki.com/ home page a program which will allow user of the Mogul to access their GPS for free. I have even posted the source code for those who are adventurous. I used microsoft visual 2005, C#, and the Window Mobile 6 SDK as the starting place for the code. Enjoy.
I was actually hoping for a link to the exact place you are refering to. Not a link to another forum...geeesh.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2008, 05:56 PM
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Re: Official Titan built-in GPS Thread

Originally Posted by GeoT100 View Post
i use this

remember when u change your values wait a couple of minutes before u soft reset.. if u do it too soon the values sometimes don't save.

i hope this works... the gps is still running strong
How do I install this on my PPC? I can get it on the computer but it won't go to the phone. It says it installed on device but can't find it. How do you find and then start so that you can edit the registry?
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2008, 03:27 PM
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Re: Official Titan built-in GPS Thread

Okay Today I got the reg editor installed and changed the 4 settings for disabling power managment and went back outside and within a couple minutes had 5 fixes on the satellites. I then opened Google Maps and told it to use the GPS and it works great. Thank you for this.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2008, 06:13 PM
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Re: Official Titan built-in GPS Thread

sorry I'm tired and headed out the door to work, but wanted to get some of the thougths/idea's out there... some of this is pretty deep and I can't get all my details fully thought through or reasearched yet.

does anybody know off hand wether the gps satelites are in stationary orbit like the tv sat's or do some or all "move"?
if they move, they still may disable the "public" frequence when over other parts of the works.

Originally Posted by mrmadness View Post
Just posting a quick bulletin that comes from users a couple pages back. Many of you have questions about your GPSone chip working overseas. Here's something you all should know. Looking at Qualcomm's page about GpsOne http://www.qctconnect.com/products/gpsone.html, the chipset is GPS technology only as far as the satellites are concerned. This means it is not WAAS enabled according to their descriptions. The re963 (LBS) rather than advanced programming, seperate systems, manual points of reference etc. A problem with this is that overseas, you don't have GPS. You have EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service) that works Europes gps system. You also have GLONASS (GLObal'naya NAvigatsionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema) that is the Russian version. Also in development is Galileo which is being formed by the European Union, which may replace or supplement EGNOS. So, for GpsOne users that have things setup here in the US, your programming is set for GPS service that may have WAAS for accuracy. All your programs are programmed for that. Some are programmed for your LBS capabilities to get the urban areas that satellites currently don't reach. If you're going overseas, consider getting a program that uses EGNOS or GLONASS instead of GPS with/without WAAS. Those may easily be picked up and the GpsOne chipset since they had a global market in mind (LBS for GSM). If you're relying on Delorme or other programs, you're stuck in the mud.
Also, the chipset supports 4 modes of operation. 3 of these modes involve having towers available for LBS accuracy. Only one is left for standalone sky only service. Nothing is posted describing how this chipset works, but I would assume it is set to automatically determine the best solution for it's fix. This means that if the chip detects towers are available, it will use them. If not, it won't. There may be some software flags that can be sent to the chipset telling it what to do/look for. If I were programmers, I would be for determining what the interface to the chip is. If there is a set of software flags that can enable/disable the LBS modes, this should help in streamlining how the chip starts up and how fast it does it.
Hopefully this helps some and sparks ideas in others.
wow, that's a read... thanks

Originally Posted by Stevevo View Post
I've done everything that is posted and my unit still won't fix. I get 12 satalites that show up with differing numbers inside the boxes with the satalite number under them but I have left it for almost an hour and no lock but it does show that it is scrolling. I went to shut it off, The GPS Viewer and it actually lit up the boxes in blue but when I restarted it did not show them filled. What do I need to do to get it to fix? I have Com4 chosen and then just hit the open GPS and it scans for sats.
Originally Posted by Stevevo View Post
Okay Today I got the reg editor installed and changed the 4 settings for disabling power managment and went back outside and within a couple minutes had 5 fixes on the satellites. I then opened Google Maps and told it to use the GPS and it works great. Thank you for this.
wonders which one is the ONE for gps.

Originally Posted by JimSmith94 View Post
Schettj, where is that registry setting you changed? I'm in Poland on business until the 25th, and would like to try your change on my Titan. Do you think changing it to PL would work? Does every country have its own setting?
With the stock settings, I can only see one satellite after a half hour, and of course never get a lock. Oddly enough, I'm using iGuidance to look at the satellites, and it reboots my phone after that length of time. I don't have any maps for here, but it would help prove your point if I could at least get enough satellites to lock and show my coordinates.
I may have seen a cab floating around the vouge area's, but I try to stay out of those, and i'm running low on time. sorry you'll have to do your own search...
any body tried with a vouge? maybe the extra ram helps???

also if you haven't already tried, I think Navizon has a userbase in poland so wifi may provide an initial lock. (this works if I start navizon in a store (no gps lock) it shows me at my last location and reports no lock. but if i turn on wifi (and had previously mapped one that's signal reaches or is in the store...) I get a lock (street outside) when I walk out the door, it jumps to my REAL location.
also sometimes if I don't have wifi on when in a store sometimes my gps won't work until a reboot (have not recreated/tested to a science for exact situation) but suppors my theory that the phone does the "lock" proccessing and is therefore limited by it's capablilites and not the gps chips.

Originally Posted by schettj View Post
See http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=333275

Note, the phone that worked in the UK was the AT&T Tilt (Kaiser - which uses Quick GPS) not the Mogul (Titan, which does not) - which apparently for whatever reason may be hamstrung to only lock in the US
so it sounds like your back stateside? when you were there did you try to change the setting back to US settings? just trying to find out what's in the yellow hat, not that you probly had too much time to monkey around...
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2008, 08:27 AM
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Re: Official Titan built-in GPS Thread

Originally Posted by Stevevo View Post
Okay Today I got the reg editor installed and changed the 4 settings for disabling power managment and went back outside and within a couple minutes had 5 fixes on the satellites. I then opened Google Maps and told it to use the GPS and it works great. Thank you for this.

Awesome, then i guess its not just me. I hope this is a solution for everyone who is having problems...
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2008, 08:41 AM
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Re: Official Titan built-in GPS Thread

Originally Posted by shaggylive View Post
does anybody know off hand wether the gps satelites are in stationary orbit like the tv sat's or do some or all "move"?
if they move, they still may disable the "public" frequence when over other parts of the works.
From the Garmin website:

The 24 satellites that make up the GPS space segment are orbiting the earth about 12,000 miles above us. They are constantly moving, making two complete orbits in less than 24 hours. These satellites are travelling at speeds of roughly 7,000 miles an hour.

Selective Availability (SA) is an intentional degradation of the signal once imposed by the U.S. Department of Defense. SA was intended to prevent military adversaries from using the highly accurate GPS signals. The government turned off SA in May 2000, which significantly improved the accuracy of civilian GPS receivers.

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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 07-15-2008, 02:24 AM
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Re: Official Titan built-in GPS Thread

Originally Posted by shaggylive View Post
so it sounds like your back stateside? when you were there did you try to change the setting back to US settings? just trying to find out what's in the yellow hat, not that you probly had too much time to monkey around...
I'm still in the UK. While in the UK, updating the QuickGPS data changed the reg to GB (no idea how it knows, but it seems to know where I am)

GPS still working fine here on the Tilt/Kaiser. Clearly its not a limitation of the HTC hardware/driver (same gpsOne chip) but then the phone is active and connected (tilts are GSM/Sim card based, this one is running on an O2 sim/network while here)
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2008, 12:09 PM
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Re: Official Titan built-in GPS Thread

Originally Posted by phunzoid View Post
that would be me....i leave for st. maarten in the caribbean on friday, houston-miami-st. maarten, and will try to have the GPS on for as much of the trip as i can, while also using TrackMe

will update the thread with my results
well, i got back from St. Maarten yesterday...with somewhat strange & mixed results

my trip started in Houston, through Miami, to St. Maarten....i used the GPS tracking program, TrackMe....and i tried to keep the GPS on the for pretty much the whole way

after looking at the points that were recorded by TrackMe and using Google Earth, it looks like i lost GPS signal about 1 hour outside of Houston, somewhere out over the Gulf of Mexico....i then turned the GPS off to conserve battery...i turned the GPS back on as we approached Miami, but did not get a GPS signal lock until after we landed

we had a couple of hours layover in Miami, so i turned the GPS off gain for sake of battery....i'm not sure what happened when leaving Miami, either the points didn't get recorded by TrackMe, or i forgot to turn the GPS back on, but i have no points recorded until 2 hours later, way down in the caribbean ....i somehow got a GPS lock from about 45 minutes outside of SXM all the way to the ground

again, i don't remember what happened then, whether i lost signal and turned GPS off, or just turned GPS to conserve battery, but i never got a GPS lock again for the rest of my stay

i tried periodically, but no satellites where found...i would try for about 10-15 minutes at a time....not sure if that was long enough

and this is what i thought was strange....i had excellent digital cell phone signal....i got a text message and an automated phone call from Sprint soon after landing in St. Maarten, telling me i would have cell coverage (@ 1.99 minute !) ...so i assumed getting a GPS signal would be no problem, but obviously it was

so anyway, i proved you CAN get a GPS signal well outside the US, but exactly how to ensure you get one is a mystery to me

looks like another trip to the caribbean may be necessary

here's a Google Earth screenshot
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Last edited by phunzoid; 07-16-2008 at 12:41 PM.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2008, 03:35 PM
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Re: Official Titan built-in GPS Thread

Originally Posted by phunzoid View Post
....i'm not sure what happened when leaving Miami...

...again, i don't remember what happened then...

looks like another trip to the caribbean may be necessary
I agree - sounds like a great trip, even without the GPS. Having been to that wonderful island (stayed on the dutch side, ate on the french side!) I'm pretty sure you can get by without GPS for the one road that goes around the island

There is a link to some mojo changing settings WAY down in the radio firmware posted over on xda that make me wonder if there is indeed some bit that needs flipping to unlock the gps outside of the US. My AT&T Tilt (same gpsOne chipset) is still rocking out here in the UK, no issues at all after a week of hard daily use, for example.
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