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  #201 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2007, 03:36 AM
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everyone keeps saying that after the flash they have 20 - 25 mb free; is that supposed to be a good thing? or a bad thing? what about after you put your programs back on?
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  #202 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2007, 03:44 AM
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Originally Posted by jasonmac View Post
Just tried it and no hang. Maybe you had some other program causing it, perhaps a data connection going that freaked when you killed it by switching to roam only? Or was that the original problem?
Ok forgot to mention. Full 2.17 rom with 1.47.01 radio installed 24 hours ago. only programs installed is spb pocket plus. mobile shell, pdanet.

been trying various combinations of settings. switch to roaming from sprint, it hangs or is Very slow, soft reset. it goes to 1x but no triangle. calls are fine. switch to sprint only, calls are fine, reboot, switch to roaming, phone hangs. same senarios repeated 3 times already same outcomes.

if others are not experiencing this.. this is incredibly odd.
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  #203 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2007, 04:20 AM
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Okay, I just went to try and repeat what you did and it slowed upon choosing the settings, then froze within the phone settings window. This is after trying your first request to switch to roam only. It seems to have been a display issue since I was able to launch the start menu. Clicking on settings>phone again froze up the display, leaving the menu showing, but I was again able to launch the start menu. I ran Oxios CloseApps and that unfroze the display, but the phone (not the device, just the phone/radio) turned off and any attempt to turn it on threw me into airplane mode. So, yeah, something is kooky with the roam-only phone setting (or roaming in general). I wonder if it's because it doesn't want to roam where there is a strong Sprint signal? Can someone try this in a roaming region?

A soft reset put roaming back on Automatic. Taking a road trip tomorrow, so I will investigate this when roaming.
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  #204 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2007, 11:00 AM
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No problem with roaming here. You did a hard reset after you flashed the new system, right?
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  #205 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2007, 09:52 PM
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Originally Posted by nosmohtac View Post
I can't get the ##3282# code to work with the new rom to set up internet sharing.

I didn't realize the HTC Touch dialer breaks the ##codes.

I know this isn't the proper thread, but is there a good dialer skin that works with the ##codes on the titan?

I did the internet sharing hack and I still get error code 67.
Incorrect. The HTC Touch dialer available *on this site* might break the codes, but there is a version that is specifically hacked to work on the Mogul on another site.

Here is a "Mogul Big Button" dialer that is 100% compatible and looks the same as the Touch dialer:

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  #206 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2007, 10:38 PM
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Thumbs up

Okay after downloading the new rom and installing all apps that i use:

JUVS HTC home plugin
emuntz HTC home customizer
Resco file explorer REG add in and Today plug-in
phone alarm
Wisbar Advance 3
Codyppc Threaded SMS
Google maps
Live Search
Touch Clone Dialer
Oxis Memory
Sprite Backup
kaidi O2 Atom HTC Comm Manager
Led Killer 3.1

I have had zero problems after 24hrs. I've even used bluetooth off and on all day with no disconnections. As of right now my phone is sitting at 21m free and yes my phone has been on all day.
So in my case i am extremly lucky or Sprint and HTC have finnaly got something right.
I have not had to force my phone to roam because i live in a suburb of Los Angeles and i get excellent reception where ever i'm at so i cant comment on the roaming lockups some people are having.
Hopes this helps someone thats on the fence as far as upgrading. It was worth it for me.
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  #207 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2007, 11:00 PM
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Originally Posted by jasonmac View Post
Okay, I just went to try and repeat what you did and it slowed upon choosing the settings, then froze within the phone settings window. This is after trying your first request to switch to roam only. It seems to have been a display issue since I was able to launch the start menu. Clicking on settings>phone again froze up the display, leaving the menu showing, but I was again able to launch the start menu. I ran Oxios CloseApps and that unfroze the display, but the phone (not the device, just the phone/radio) turned off and any attempt to turn it on threw me into airplane mode. So, yeah, something is kooky with the roam-only phone setting (or roaming in general). I wonder if it's because it doesn't want to roam where there is a strong Sprint signal? Can someone try this in a roaming region?

A soft reset put roaming back on Automatic. Taking a road trip tomorrow, so I will investigate this when roaming.
I have the new rom with 1.47.01 and I can switch back and forth from Automatic to Roam Only. The phone searches for a min then gets a signal (usually 1x) and works fine. Tp
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  #208 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2007, 11:15 PM
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I don't have any problems with Switching from roaming to sprint or Vice Versa. I can change it over and over.. and the change is instant with virtually no slow down (1/2 sec slow when radio changes over) but never freezes or is unoperable during the switch. Bluetooth is great now... volume/clarity is much better now.. even though it wasn't HORRIBLE before... just bad.

The phone is Much Zippier on everything.. including Switching screen orientation (Which someone had mentioned)

Sometimes with the previous rom when I replied to a text message I would start typing and it would take 3-5 seconds for the letters to start appearing.. and on occasion it would "miss" a keypress while loading. Ex... Instead of getting 'Hello World!' I would get "Hllo orld!"
Now, when I reply to a message the window appears in under a second.. and ready to go.

Also, picking up Wifi/performing scans (Wifiknife, WiFiFoFum) is faster and provides more stable, higher signal AP's

my day started at 6am.. the phone unplugs, and I was in and out of roaming in mountains. I browsed the Internet, pulled up a PDF, used BT GPS, 31 minutes of talking... est. a total of 2 to 3 hours of use and right now (10pm) my battery is at 90%!!! Before on a day like today it would have been at 60-70%.

On Mobile SpeedTest on old ROM.. ~450-475kbps... Now ~700-750kbps

I installed the ROM, but performed a reset before the Sprint Customizations installed. I then installed my Essentials:
Kasuei Hitchhiker
iNav iGuidance
HTC Album
HTC Home Customizer

I Can't be happier with this ROM. No problems... period.

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  #209 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2007, 01:18 AM
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Try this from automatic mode
1. set phone to roaming
2. make a call
3. set phone back to automatic
4. make a call

It would reliably hang my phone with the previous update (1.47 radio)
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  #210 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2007, 10:21 AM
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I have been seeing a lot of people using PDANet on this thread. Wondering why?

Internet Sharing works just fine.
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