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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2010, 09:47 AM
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Re: Average Battery Time

Originally Posted by Speeeddemon99 View Post
HEAVY use i got 3hrs out of a fully charged battery.........
Moderate use...... i managed to get about 5hrs.........
That's the typical battery life I've been reading about. I don't know how some others are claiming 15+ hours. Since the EVO uses the same crappy battery as my old TP2, has bigger screen, 4G, and faster processor, I just don't see how that is possible.

Maybe they are underclocking it or they aren't running their clocks on Earth time.

When I had my TP2, I was getting somewhere around 8-12 on very light usage. If I ran the GPS and internet, that battery would die out in 4 hours if not less. So, using the same battery, I expect the EVO to get around 6-10 hours on light usage and 2-4 hours of heavy usage. Of course I could be wrong because Android could be better at power management than WinMo since its a newer OS.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2010, 09:57 AM
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Re: Average Battery Time

i always have wifi and gps on.

if i'm connected to a wifi source i can pull about 38-40hrs.

if i'm strictly 3g i only get about 10-12hrs.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2010, 10:15 AM
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Re: Average Battery Time

Originally Posted by MadSquabbles View Post
i always have wifi and gps on.

if i'm connected to a wifi source i can pull about 38-40hrs.

if i'm strictly 3g i only get about 10-12hrs.
Is the 38+ hours standby time or are you actually using it? That sounds almost impossible, if its just sitting on a desk all day and you might use it every once in a great while, than thats considered standby time. On my TP2, I wouldn't get that number even in standby.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2010, 10:57 AM
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Re: Average Battery Time

I`m Not Rooted(yet) getting 16-20 hours in what I consider moderate use. -
100+ text
2 hours talk
about 1-2 hrs web browsing/ Youtube
listen to about 1hr music

Gps off when not in use, 4G off (not in area yet), Background data off, Auto-sync on, (still getting e-mail pushed via active sync) Wifi is off

I had similar use on TP2 and had about same Battery life
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2010, 11:25 AM
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Re: Average Battery Time

Originally Posted by NIKKG View Post
Is the 38+ hours standby time or are you actually using it? That sounds almost impossible, if its just sitting on a desk all day and you might use it every once in a great while, than thats considered standby time. On my TP2, I wouldn't get that number even in standby.
both are done with normal usage. usually about 40-60 min on the 'net. maybe 10 min of talking (i don't like talking much, lol). checking email every hour and light texting.

of course the rest of the time is standby. since having the airave set up, my battery last a good deal longer at home. no more weak signals.

on 3g the battery drains incredibly fast vs wifi.

other info - i'm using dc 3.2.2, i never use auto brightness. indoors i have it at 0 - 25%, usually 16% (i don't like bright displays and can see everything perfectly in my lighting conditions).

Last edited by MadSquabbles; 07-06-2010 at 11:28 AM.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2010, 11:34 AM
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Re: Average Battery Time

Originally Posted by Speeeddemon99 View Post
HEAVY use i got 3hrs out of a fully charged battery.........
Moderate use...... i managed to get about 5hrs.........
I agree with this. I bought an external wall charger and battery. Also, In my cars and home/work office I have a mico usb cable so my phone can sip power during he way. I love the phone, but the great features do come with a price of battery life. As for the people saying the get 1-2 days with heave use, respectfully, I just don't believe it.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2010, 11:52 AM
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Re: Average Battery Time

Originally Posted by JeffKay View Post
I agree with this. I bought an external wall charger and battery. Also, In my cars and home/work office I have a mico usb cable so my phone can sip power during he way. I love the phone, but the great features do come with a price of battery life. As for the people saying the get 1-2 days with heave use, respectfully, I just don't believe it.
the only problem is that "light", "moderate" and "heavy" are relative terms.

i'd call my usage light.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2010, 12:34 PM
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Re: Average Battery Time

I was experiencing hideous battery life on my Evo even with a custom rom (as in only getting 7 to 8 hours of life with moderate use) (by moderate use you could say, basically my phone was in my hand when you look at me and i would probably perform 30-50 texts, surf the web and play some games or browse the market)...

Soooo I decided to start over. I left off apps I didn't really use b/c I noticed when running Powertop (before starting over)in terminal through ADB I was seeing 2000 plus wakeups per second (powertop is a feature that fresh rom includes). So with that said if you root your phone and install SetCPU and have the CPU limit to 384 mhz with the screen off and set the priority to 75 you will see increased battery life. also install JuicePlotter and JuiceDefender and place the widgets on one of your homescreen pages, enable juicedefender. These two widgets help you monitor your charge and discharge times, they start off at 0 percent accurate but over the course of a day or so become "100%" accurate. This setup with fresh rom .53 is giving me 18-20 hours of battery life with medium usage.

One thing I have found that you will encounter is that even with background data on you still need to disable juicedefender (or change the settings) if you want to run pandora with your screen off. I was doing some yard work yesterday... it was 94 degrees, bright sun, phone being baked in my pocket and I ran pandora for 1.5 hours from a 95% charge and at the end of the 1.5 hours my battery was still at 86%.

*** So even with these apps mentioned above installed you can still have battery issues if you have "crappy" or "not-so-well" developed apps on your phone. ***

Advice for anyone having battery issues is that you start fresh, install JuiceDefender, JuicePlotter, SetCPU (you have to perform device selection and disable Perflock on every reboot)... I recommend then doing a nandroid backup and installing only apps you use or select apps at a time and you can always restore your nandroid if you have issues.

One of the key things in me figuring out how to perfect battery life was Powertop via fresh rom.

If you have fresh rom then you just connect phone to your computer, turn off the phone screen... wait like 10 seconds and then through adb:

adb shell

# powertop -d

it will run for 15 seconds and display the results. see http://geekfor.me for further details on how to use that..

Now through Powertop I am only seeing 75-80 wakeups per second. (higher in screen shot due to using terminal on phone while @ work)

All in all my problem was apps apps and more apps causing hideous battery life.

If somehow I've helped you... please hit thanks!
HTC Evo 4G | Rom: CM7 + 4G + HDMwIn | Kernel: CM7
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Last edited by fusion; 07-06-2010 at 12:58 PM.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2010, 12:39 PM
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Re: Average Battery Time

Running Fresh's rom I get about 10-12 hours. On a normal day I:
Send 20-30 texts
Check Facebook 2-3 times.
Talk anywhere from 15-30 mins
Randomly look things up on Google.

I've had phones that do better, but honestly to have a snapdragon and huge screen you can only expect so much. I ordered the package off of ebay with 2 batteries and a charger for 9.95 and I can say that the batteries I got are just as good as the stock one, so I usually carry an extra if Im gonna be gone a while.

When you first get the EVO for your first 3-4 battery cycles the bat life is gonna be insanely bad, but it gets much much better after a few days.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2010, 12:53 PM
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Re: Average Battery Time

I'm running stock, unrooted, and after a 16 hour day my battery is usually around 50%. That's with really light usage, though. On heavier usage days it probably gets down to about 30-40% in the same amount of time.

Data always on, 4G off, GPS on, Bluetooth off, WiFi off, OTA update (this helped a lot), auto screen brightness, no ATK.

You'll find that people getting 30+ hours with moderate use have one thing in common: WiFi. Using the WiFi radio instead of the 3G radio seems to save a considerable amount of battery life.

Likewise, people only getting 2 - 4 hours must either live in an area with really bad coverage or be streaming HD videos continuously or something.
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