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Old 07-06-2010, 09:47 AM
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Re: Average Battery Time

Originally Posted by Speeeddemon99 View Post
HEAVY use i got 3hrs out of a fully charged battery.........
Moderate use...... i managed to get about 5hrs.........
That's the typical battery life I've been reading about. I don't know how some others are claiming 15+ hours. Since the EVO uses the same crappy battery as my old TP2, has bigger screen, 4G, and faster processor, I just don't see how that is possible.

Maybe they are underclocking it or they aren't running their clocks on Earth time.

When I had my TP2, I was getting somewhere around 8-12 on very light usage. If I ran the GPS and internet, that battery would die out in 4 hours if not less. So, using the same battery, I expect the EVO to get around 6-10 hours on light usage and 2-4 hours of heavy usage. Of course I could be wrong because Android could be better at power management than WinMo since its a newer OS.
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