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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 05:11 AM
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Re: The End Of The Rooted Evo?

Originally Posted by newone757 View Post
why would you update a rooted phone with an official OTA update?
Or "Why would anyone EVER take an official OTA update, whether they are rooted or not?" There is ALWAYS more to them than what they say, trying to take our options away, etc. I'm beginning to believe they deliberately release phones with shortcomings so that they can watch the community, look for holes they want to close, and then secretly incorporate them into the update that everyone is clamouring for.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 07:48 AM
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Re: The End Of The Rooted Evo?

Originally Posted by dajeepman View Post
I still have not updated and probley wont till 2.2 is out
Ding ding ding!!
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 07:50 AM
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Re: The End Of The Rooted Evo?

The same advice goes when 2.2 comes out. WAIT for a little bit as things shake out.....
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 08:06 AM
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Re: The End Of The Rooted Evo?

The only root this broke was unrevoked which they had fixed in a day. It did not make it impossible to root it never interfered with the toast method so the whole topic is null anyway. I will wait for a hacked version of the update or wait for the fresh rom to get updated then use that. That is the best advise anyway wait for your favorite rom to get updated. But I also agree rooting is not essential with this phone. I rooted for free wifi and some of the other apps that need root.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 08:54 AM
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Re: The End Of The Rooted Evo?

Originally Posted by arsmithsr View Post
The only root this broke was unrevoked which they had fixed in a day. It did not make it impossible to root it never interfered with the toast method so the whole topic is null anyway. I will wait for a hacked version of the update or wait for the fresh rom to get updated then use that. That is the best advise anyway wait for your favorite rom to get updated. But I also agree rooting is not essential with this phone. I rooted for free wifi and some of the other apps that need root.
You hit the nail on the head bro, I wouldn't have rooted my EVO, if I didn't need WiFi so bad. This is a great device!
It's an HTC EVOlution!

Audiovox 6700> Samsung i760> HTC Touch Pro> HTC Touch Pro2> HTC HeRooted> HTC EVOlutionized!
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 09:18 AM
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Re: The End Of The Rooted Evo?

Originally Posted by newone757 View Post
why would you update a rooted phone with an official OTA update?
the Evo.. it prints $&*#ing money!
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 09:26 AM
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Re: The End Of The Rooted Evo?

Originally Posted by arsmithsr View Post
The only root this broke was unrevoked which they had fixed in a day. It did not make it impossible to root it never interfered with the toast method so the whole topic is null anyway. I will wait for a hacked version of the update or wait for the fresh rom to get updated then use that. That is the best advise anyway wait for your favorite rom to get updated. But I also agree rooting is not essential with this phone. I rooted for free wifi and some of the other apps that need root.
Actually if you read their Twitter, they have NOT fixed the root yet for people that installed the OTA - all they have is a patch for people have that haven't installed the OTA. They are still looking for a fix for people that did the OTA.

On their home page:
This fix currently supports the following Android phones:

*Sprint EVO 4G (HTC Supersonic) that has not already been updated with the 2010-06-29 OTA update.


And their Twitter:
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 09:32 AM
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Re: The End Of The Rooted Evo?

Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post
Or "Why would anyone EVER take an official OTA update, whether they are rooted or not?" There is ALWAYS more to them than what they say, trying to take our options away, etc. I'm beginning to believe they deliberately release phones with shortcomings so that they can watch the community, look for holes they want to close, and then secretly incorporate them into the update that everyone is clamouring for.
I sometimes wonder the same thing. They knew people were going to root and if they released an update just saying "fixes security holes" or "disabled root methods", etc, then people wouldn't want the OTA updates.

If they actually fix something that's broken, then people will want the update more.
At&t iPhone 8 Plus
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 10:04 AM
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Re: The End Of The Rooted Evo?

Originally Posted by chino331 View Post
Actually if you read their Twitter, they have NOT fixed the root yet for people that installed the OTA - all they have is a patch for people have that haven't installed the OTA. They are still looking for a fix for people that did the OTA.

On their home page:
This fix currently supports the following Android phones:

*Sprint EVO 4G (HTC Supersonic) that has not already been updated with the 2010-06-29 OTA update.


And their Twitter:
It still ONLY Affects the unrevoked method and it is still able to be worked around unless you jumped the gun with no knowledge of whether it would break the root. And it does not make it unrootable toasts method still works. So the label is still wrong. If you want to say it makes the original unrevoked not work if you use it then fine that is accurate but it DOE NOT make the phone itself unrootable!
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 10:38 AM
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Re: The End Of The Rooted Evo?

There are versions of it that you can flash over on xda that have already been pre-rooted. I had one but messed up when i flashed the new radio and lost access to custom restore so I went back to the rooted stock rom for now.
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