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  #451 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2010, 12:31 AM
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Re: EVO Full Root|Recovery|Nand Backup/Restore|Flashing for n00b's Instructions & Vid

Originally Posted by radar369 View Post
My bad.....I messed up............I meant the only thing I didn't do was unlock the nand protection because I don't know what that it or what it does..............I apologize!
No worries. Unlocking Nand is the path to full root. Toast's method came in two parts-you just finished Part I. Almost full root but you can't write to /system and you need a PC for recovery (unless you use an app like ROM Manager but it's not 100% the same as the regular recovery. The difference is minor)
Writing to /system lets us add/delete apps ourselves from /system not just /data as well as let us install and run apps from the SD card with A2SD. OMJ just released his latest ROM and I'm testing that feature now.
The steps to Part II are just as easy as Part I IMO.
In the future you may need to be fully rooted to run ROMs that are written with full root in mind-dont hold me to that, that's my theory and I haven't had anyone smarter than me confirm or deny.

@Subzero-guess this applies to your post too So you're good to go Dude? Awesome

Last edited by iknowsquat; 06-19-2010 at 12:40 AM.
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  #452 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2010, 01:08 AM
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Re: EVO Full Root|Recovery|Nand Backup/Restore|Flashing for n00b's Instructions & Vid

Yep yep, I'm DLing OMJs latest, and going to start all over again
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  #453 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2010, 01:23 AM
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Re: EVO Full Root|Recovery|Nand Backup/Restore|Flashing for n00b's Instructions & Vid

Originally Posted by winmonewbie View Post
Your issue MAY be a adb driver issue. Had one other user with a similar "device not found" error.
Fast suggested this:

"You do not need android-sdk at all.
I have a laptop w/ Vista that has never been connected to my phone. I connected the phone, and it failed to see it. It looked for drivers, but failed. Only thing I could do was Charge or Disk Drive. Went into the disk drive and copied the HTC Sync file and installed it.
After it was done, I unplugged the phone, reconnected it w/ HTC Sync.
Then I downloaded the evo-recovery.zip, open the run command and typed "c:\evo-recovery\adb-windows reboot recovery".
Worked fine. Then I typed "c:\evo-recovery\recovery-windows.bat" and went right into recovery mode.
Never needed the sdk."

Dont need the HTC Sync part. Just charge only will work. Just tested it on my device.

Worth a shot.

EDIT: I meant you dont need HTC Sync to be running, still grab and install the files as Fast said.
Thanks. It was the drivers that was causing the problems. I already had HTC Sync installed before my problem. So, I just looked on XDA for the right drivers, and now I'm good to go.
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  #454 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2010, 01:34 AM
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Re: EVO Full Root|Recovery|Nand Backup/Restore|Flashing for n00b's Instructions & Vid

Trying to do a NAND backup and it's telling me "Error : Run 'nandroid-mobile.sh' via abd!"

/sigh wtf
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  #455 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2010, 01:43 AM
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Re: EVO Full Root|Recovery|Nand Backup/Restore|Flashing for n00b's Instructions & Vid

Originally Posted by subzero1313 View Post
Trying to do a NAND backup and it's telling me "Error : Run 'nandroid-mobile.sh' via abd!"

/sigh wtf
Did you try Nand backup or Nand+ext backup?

If you did Nand+ext just run Nand backup.

Last edited by iknowsquat; 06-19-2010 at 02:07 AM.
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  #456 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2010, 01:56 AM
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Re: EVO Full Root|Recovery|Nand Backup/Restore|Flashing for n00b's Instructions & Vid

just NAND
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  #457 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2010, 02:08 AM
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Re: EVO Full Root|Recovery|Nand Backup/Restore|Flashing for n00b's Instructions & Vid

Originally Posted by subzero1313 View Post
just NAND
Can you get to adb shell, I know you said you were not familiar?
If you can just type that command


Also reading that a low battery can cause that error and rebooting the phone may help clear that. Haven't seen that myself just trying to help with the power of Google
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  #458 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2010, 03:17 AM
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Re: EVO Full Root|Recovery|Nand Backup/Restore|Flashing for n00b's Instructions & Vid

OK, I must be a total retard, but I have been at this for like 5 hours now...

I was able to do the first part of the ROOT... but I am unable to do the following:

1) I am unable to unlock the NAND in any way (I have an EVO 4g version 3)
2) I am unable to reboot to recovery using ROM Manager...
3) I am unable to load a ROM manually, without it restarting over and over and over again
4) I have tried formatting an 8 gig SD card... several times... it still won't read the downloaded and renamed ENG-PC36IMG.ZIP file...
5) I am able to reload my factory rom (PC36IMG.ZIP), from the factory 8gig micro-sd card, but I am unable to load the ENG-PC36IMG.ZIP rom...
6) Whenever I go through the process of loading the ENG-PC36IMG.ZIP file (of course after renaming it to PC36IMG.ZIP, it first says it is unable to find the IMG and then it starts checking the img and finishes with "Main version is Older!" and prompts me to reboot the phone..

So for now, I appear to have a rooted device, but am unable to load roms... which SUCKS...
SOmeone help me out here... I am coming from a Windows Mobile and Apple Ipod\Touch background, so I know how to unlock and to jailbreak phones... This thing, has baffled me beyond words...
What am I doing wrong? WHy won't my phone load the proper image...

Help me out fellas... I am feeling like a complete retard right now... I just went from $97.00 a month, in fees, Sero plan with my wife and I, to $129.00 + Fees for the SERO family plan with 3 phones.. so there is no going back with me... only going forward... I am absolutely HATING this phone right now... it is a love hate relationship. I love the voice recognition features, but I hate the lack of hardware buttons, the sensitivity of the touch capacitive buttons, the difficulty with the little things... The herky jerkyness of the OS which reminds me of Windows, and the need to have to go through and disable a bunch of stuff, just to preserve batterypower...

Somebody please help me out... please...
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  #459 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2010, 03:50 AM
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Re: EVO Full Root|Recovery|Nand Backup/Restore|Flashing for n00b's Instructions & Vid

Originally Posted by wphend00 View Post
OK, I must be a total retard, but I have been at this for like 5 hours now...

I was able to do the first part of the ROOT... but I am unable to do the following:

1) I am unable to unlock the NAND in any way (I have an EVO 4g version 3)
2) I am unable to reboot to recovery using ROM Manager...
3) I am unable to load a ROM manually, without it restarting over and over and over again
4) I have tried formatting an 8 gig SD card... several times... it still won't read the downloaded and renamed ENG-PC36IMG.ZIP file...
5) I am able to reload my factory rom (PC36IMG.ZIP), from the factory 8gig micro-sd card, but I am unable to load the ENG-PC36IMG.ZIP rom...
6) Whenever I go through the process of loading the ENG-PC36IMG.ZIP file (of course after renaming it to PC36IMG.ZIP, it first says it is unable to find the IMG and then it starts checking the img and finishes with "Main version is Older!" and prompts me to reboot the phone..

So for now, I appear to have a rooted device, but am unable to load roms... which SUCKS...
SOmeone help me out here... I am coming from a Windows Mobile and Apple Ipod\Touch background, so I know how to unlock and to jailbreak phones... This thing, has baffled me beyond words...
What am I doing wrong? WHy won't my phone load the proper image...

Help me out fellas... I am feeling like a complete retard right now... I just went from $97.00 a month, in fees, Sero plan with my wife and I, to $129.00 + Fees for the SERO family plan with 3 phones.. so there is no going back with me... only going forward... I am absolutely HATING this phone right now... it is a love hate relationship. I love the voice recognition features, but I hate the lack of hardware buttons, the sensitivity of the touch capacitive buttons, the difficulty with the little things... The herky jerkyness of the OS which reminds me of Windows, and the need to have to go through and disable a bunch of stuff, just to preserve batterypower...

Somebody please help me out... please...
While I cant help you like the phone (and hopefully it's just the frustration talking) I think I can help you finish the rooting process.
First-you said you rooted and were unable to boot recovery with ROM Manager.
My suggestion is to follow the steps (watch the video) and do the steps outlined for Manual Recovery.
Not sure what you meant by "unable load a ROM manually without it restarting"
If you rooted correctly and follow the steps for Manual Recovery you should be able to flash a new ROM-either the rooted version of stock or a custom one.

In describing the attempt to get past Nand protection and flash the new PC36IMG.zip you didnt mention the placement of the flash_image and the mtd-eng files. Did you do put those files (not the zipped folders) on the root of the card and follow the adb commands listed in the tutorial?

I *think* I see your errors and they are fixable.
Hopefully the reformatting of the SD card wont become an issue when you retry.
I read Fast's tutorial and watched his videos and got Part I of the root on my first shot and Part II took a 2nd try but I found my mistake and was able to correct it.
Hang in there Dude.
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  #460 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2010, 04:23 AM
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Re: EVO Full Root|Recovery|Nand Backup/Restore|Flashing for n00b's Instructions & Vid

after doing the nand unlock am i suppose to load the rom again? when i first did part 1 of the root then i loaded the OMJ rom it looked different. Then i started doing the nand unlock root and i lost the omj rom setting am i suppose to load it agian?>
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