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  #441 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2010, 10:15 PM
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Re: EVO Full Root|Recovery|Nand Backup/Restore|Flashing for n00b's Instructions & Vid

Originally Posted by RichTJ99 View Post
Does the nand backup save your settings?
It saves the entire ROM and all it's components. It is for you to restore in the event you FUBAR something You'll have your ROM back lock, stock and barrel to the way it was before you tried to flash to the new ROM. You do not want to restore that if you flash a new ROM successfully.
For taking settings, Sense layout, etc from one ROM to another look at Titanium backup, it's in the Market. It's awesome imo.
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  #442 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2010, 10:24 PM
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Re: EVO Full Root|Recovery|Nand Backup/Restore|Flashing for n00b's Instructions & Vid

Originally Posted by winmonewbie View Post
@BenS- tell us how you really feel lol.
Fast roks.
Welcome to the party Brother

You may be doing this but you didn't say it in your post so I just wanted to clarify-when you do as you described that brings up hboot. Don't be connexted to a PC for the next part.From there you can select Recovery via the volume rocker and pressing the Power button to select. THEN if you are fully rooted your phone will reboot into Recovery. If you're not fully rooted then your phone will reboot but stop at the screen with the red triangle waiting for you to connect to a PC.

@subzero-you can update your adb drivers, Google , but I think you already tried that?
Working today but I'll be happy to throw my brain at your issues this evening.
I think Im pretty much FUBAR. My phone won't even charge now. I just wish there was a way I could start totally over. But I don't think I can. Everyone seems to point to the thread at XDA for fixing the SD/USB, can someone please tell me how to get into ADB and type the commands listed. Dont be afraid to dumb it down. I know very little of Android and would like to learn as much as possible.

edit: wait, I might be onto something!

edit: I got ADB commands and have SD restored! It wiped everything, but oh well. Going to try the USB fix next.

Last edited by subzero1313; 06-18-2010 at 10:53 PM.
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  #443 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2010, 10:47 PM
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Re: EVO Full Root|Recovery|Nand Backup/Restore|Flashing for n00b's Instructions & Vid


I had a few questions for the part two portion:

1. Do I need to reflash the radio? I did the updated radio already, but I am a little confused if a Rom touches the radio.

Meaning I had the stock rooted rom, I flashed the radio, then say I try a new rom, do I always need to flash the rom, then update the radio or are they separate?

2. Is part of flashing a new rom to always do a wipe of data and dalvik cache? Is that just a standard part of flashing roms?

3. What does the nand backup do? Is that something I should plan to restore vs a rom restore?

4. I have two nand backups (from the guides steps), do I want to keep both nand backup or can I delete one (how do I delete the older one)?

5. What does the Nand backup restore actually do?

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  #444 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2010, 10:51 PM
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Re: EVO Full Root|Recovery|Nand Backup/Restore|Flashing for n00b's Instructions & Vid

Originally Posted by winmonewbie View Post
It saves the entire ROM and all it's components. It is for you to restore in the event you FUBAR something You'll have your ROM back lock, stock and barrel to the way it was before you tried to flash to the new ROM. You do not want to restore that if you flash a new ROM successfully.
For taking settings, Sense layout, etc from one ROM to another look at Titanium backup, it's in the Market. It's awesome imo.
Sorry for being dense, but should I be making a new nand backup for each rom I try (if I like it)? Is it an easy way to switch between Roms?

Meaning, I setup OMJ's rom, play with it, I like it & want to try another rom, I do a nand backup of it, then try Fresh rom, do a nand backup, then I could restore OMJ's rom with all my old settings, texts, etc?

Is that right?

Can you rename nands on the SD card?
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  #445 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2010, 11:26 PM
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Re: EVO Full Root|Recovery|Nand Backup/Restore|Flashing for n00b's Instructions & Vid

@subzero-fingers crossed Bro!

Originally Posted by RichTJ99 View Post

I had a few questions for the part two portion:

1. Do I need to reflash the radio? I did the updated radio already, but I am a little confused if a Rom touches the radio.

Meaning I had the stock rooted rom, I flashed the radio, then say I try a new rom, do I always need to flash the rom, then update the radio or are they separate?

2. Is part of flashing a new rom to always do a wipe of data and dalvik cache? Is that just a standard part of flashing roms?

3. What does the nand backup do? Is that something I should plan to restore vs a rom restore?

4. I have two nand backups (from the guides steps), do I want to keep both nand backup or can I delete one (how do I delete the older one)?

5. What does the Nand backup restore actually do?

Originally Posted by RichTJ99 View Post
Sorry for being dense, but should I be making a new nand backup for each rom I try (if I like it)? Is it an easy way to switch between Roms?

Meaning, I setup OMJ's rom, play with it, I like it & want to try another rom, I do a nand backup of it, then try Fresh rom, do a nand backup, then I could restore OMJ's rom with all my old settings, texts, etc?

Is that right?

Can you rename nands on the SD card?
1. Depends on the chef, but most do not include it. That being said- OMJ just released v1.4 in two DL's-just the ROM and the ROM + Radio. So if you already upgraded dont sweat it. Besides I can't imagine a chef DOWNgrading a radio so you would most likely only UPgrade if the radio was included.
2.Wiping is personal choice. The bigger the change from one ROM version to the next the more likely a wipe is needed. However even with a small upgrade from let's say v1.0 to v1.01 if you dont wipe you have a higher chance of something getting messed up. I always wipe, just safer IMO.
3.Answered in previous post but I'll address it below
4.I'd always keep the last two nands in case the most current one didnt save correctly but that's just me being paranoid.
5.See #3

Never apologize Dude, we're all friends here, happy to help.
I make a nand before jumping to a new ROM, any ROM. Whether its a different chef or not. That way if I dont like the new ROM or something goes wrong I can easily get my old ROM back.
In your example of OMJ vs Fresh. If you liked Fresh you would NOT restore your Nand because you'd be back on OMJ. You'd have to set up Fresh as you like it with the backups from something like Titanium backup that I mentioned in my earlier post.
If you didnt like Fresh THEN you could restore you Nand and be back on OMJ.
That clear things up? PM me if it does not.

Yes, you can rename Nands to your liking.

OK, fingers tired now
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  #446 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2010, 11:54 PM
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Re: EVO Full Root|Recovery|Nand Backup/Restore|Flashing for n00b's Instructions & Vid

This worked for me PERFECTLY................the only thing I didn't do is the NAND Backup because I don't know what that is or what it does!!!!!!
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  #447 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2010, 12:00 AM
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Re: EVO Full Root|Recovery|Nand Backup/Restore|Flashing for n00b's Instructions & Vid

Originally Posted by radar369 View Post
This worked for me PERFECTLY................the only thing I didn't do is the NAND Backup because I don't know what that is or what it does!!!!!!
Um....look up one post from yours

Edit: Also more detail here:
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  #448 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2010, 12:01 AM
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Re: EVO Full Root|Recovery|Nand Backup/Restore|Flashing for n00b's Instructions & Vid

Originally Posted by winmonewbie View Post
@subzero-fingers crossed Bro!
Im back in business! SD and USB working!

I think I got a good grasp of this now. Im going to start over from scratch. Delete everything off the SD card and start fresh. I think I know where I messed up and how to fix it. Thank you guys so much!!

1 last question: Is the NAND unlocking part necessary? Whats the benefit of it?

opps that was 2 questions

Last edited by subzero1313; 06-19-2010 at 12:12 AM.
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  #449 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2010, 12:12 AM
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Re: EVO Full Root|Recovery|Nand Backup/Restore|Flashing for n00b's Instructions & Vid

My bad.....I messed up............I meant the only thing I didn't do was unlock the nand protection because I don't know what that it or what it does..............I apologize!
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  #450 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2010, 12:16 AM
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Re: EVO Full Root|Recovery|Nand Backup/Restore|Flashing for n00b's Instructions & Vid

By the way.....GREAT THREAD FastRX8......................I would thank you a million times if I could........but I would need about 10 mouse replacements and I don't think you are willing to pay for that!

ANYBODY should get it on the first try using these instructions (except for unlocking NAND protection because I haven't done that yet........)
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