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  #651 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2010, 02:31 PM
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Re: Got My Evo_Thoughts after 24hours

OK from my own knowledge and observations of sd cards and fat vs fat32. This has been a problem elsewhere as well. For instance trying to flash from the SD card. The instructions say you must be formatted to fat 32 for it to work. BUT you must also have an SD card BIGGER than 2 gigs. If you try to flash from a 2 gig or smaller card it will not work at all. You get read errors. Because FAt 32 was developed to handle drives and partitions BIGGER than 2 Gigs. the same is true the other way for fat or more properly fat 16 it was made for drives and partitions SMALLER than 2 gigs. So if as the bundo said is true and his was fat 16 I really can't believe it worked at all and that could very well be the issue. Please let us know if that is the case and if it works!
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  #652 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2010, 02:36 PM
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Re: Got My Evo_Thoughts after 24hours

Originally Posted by blockhead428 View Post
What a Debbie Downer. The corrupted memory card is a fault on HTC's part. Who wants to keep a class 2 memory card anyway? I've got a Class 6 16GB waiting to go in. Why would you listen to what an iphone fanboy says anyway? If you love the iphone so much, go get one. But beware that you have until Monday to buy an unlimited plan with your new awesome iphone! And by awesome I mean exactly the same as every model crapple has ever put out http://money.cnn.com/2010/06/02/tech...t_iphone_ipad/.
Im not listening to him, I just was showing that I am not the only person who has noticed this problem. Unlike others I come to my own conclusion, and not what a marketing campaign tells me. Ok maybe everyone here can figure out the problem, but how many of the average user base will care to take time to figure it out. Consumers do not have time to figure out what class an sd card falls in. They just want it to work. I have already put the phone on craigslist, but seems like nobody wants it. Even if I do end up having to keep it I will continue to use it as my go to guy on the crapper. I never said I hated it, you fan boys said that. I said it is not the greatest phone on the planet, and my tp2 can keep up with it. There are others that are just as good, and there are older ones that can do the some things better. The hardware is there and Android is growing up, but it aint quite there yet. Maybe in an update or 2 Android will be good enough for me. My thoughts
All hail the Evo. May my TP2 RIP
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  #653 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2010, 02:40 PM
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Re: Got My Evo_Thoughts after 24hours

Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post
It's so easy to switch to the front camera, it's silly. It's as easy as any other setting. Just slide out the "curtain" from the left, press the little "gears" on the bottom, and the 1st choice is "Switch Camera". Just touch that choice, and you're done. Switching resolution or anything else takes at least one more press.
Wish there was an easier way. You just said 3 or 4 taps easy. Novice user that could take 5 minutes to figure out. Hardware or software could have easily fixed this issue, and HTC could have fixed it either way.
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  #654 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2010, 02:44 PM
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Re: Got My Evo_Thoughts after 24hours

Originally Posted by timsmooth View Post
Im not listening to him, I just was showing that I am not the only person who has noticed this problem. Unlike others I come to my own conclusion, and not what a marketing campaign tells me. Ok maybe everyone here can figure out the problem, but how many of the average user base will care to take time to figure it out. Consumers do not have time to figure out what class an sd card falls in. They just want it to work. I have already put the phone on craigslist, but seems like nobody wants it. Even if I do end up having to keep it I will continue to use it as my go to guy on the crapper. I never said I hated it, you fan boys said that. I said it is not the greatest phone on the planet, and my tp2 can keep up with it. There are others that are just as good, and there are older ones that can do the some things better. The hardware is there and Android is growing up, but it aint quite there yet. Maybe in an update or 2 Android will be good enough for me. My thoughts
you're posting on a ppcgeek website but you don't think people will figure out they need to format their memory card? I'm a fanboy because i believe otherwise, hahaha. not to mention everything you said you can't do like play special video formats or sbp tv or mobi tv or anything like that, have nothing to do with the functionality of the phone. people who buy phones look at much more then those weak media sites. its funny how you left things out like how documents to go works better then microsoft off on the tp2, you forgot to mention android has about 40x more apps in their marketplace, i can keep going. the fact that you don't want to leave windows shows your the fanboy, and a fanboy of a dying os which is worse
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  #655 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2010, 02:46 PM
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Re: Got My Evo_Thoughts after 24hours

Originally Posted by timsmooth View Post
Wish there was an easier way. You just said 3 or 4 taps easy. Novice user that could take 5 minutes to figure out. Hardware or software could have easily fixed this issue, and HTC could have fixed it either way.
it took you 5 minutes to figure that out, oh man, i dont want to laugh at you but hahahahaha. you're correct we're just fanboy's nothing else.

Last edited by p-slim; 06-02-2010 at 03:22 PM.
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  #656 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2010, 04:02 PM
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Re: Got My Evo_Thoughts after 24hours

Originally Posted by timsmooth View Post
Wish there was an easier way. You just said 3 or 4 taps easy. Novice user that could take 5 minutes to figure out. Hardware or software could have easily fixed this issue, and HTC could have fixed it either way.
Seriously? There are SO MANY people on these friggin forums that bitch if something takes more than 1 tap on the screen to accomplish something. Boo hoo.
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  #657 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2010, 04:13 PM
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Pocketnow EVO unboxing video

Pretty nice..


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  #658 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2010, 04:15 PM
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Re: Pocketnow EVO unboxing video

Originally Posted by supdawg View Post
Its an ok video but its been posted several time already.



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  #659 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2010, 04:34 PM
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Re: Pocketnow EVO unboxing video

Originally Posted by WarChild View Post
Its an ok video but its been posted several time already.

Perhaps you mean unboxings in general? This was just uploaded today.

I always like Pocketnow's videos, Brandon does a great job.
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  #660 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2010, 04:45 PM
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Re: Official HTC EVO Review Thread

added a few more...

Can a mod sticky this for a little bit until we actually get our phones...seems we get alot of review links posted everyday...thanks..if not thats cool too.
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