Originally Posted by blockhead428
What a Debbie Downer. The corrupted memory card is a fault on HTC's part. Who wants to keep a class 2 memory card anyway? I've got a Class 6 16GB waiting to go in. Why would you listen to what an iphone fanboy says anyway? If you love the iphone so much, go get one. But beware that you have until Monday to buy an unlimited plan with your new awesome iphone! And by awesome I mean exactly the same as every model crapple has ever put out http://money.cnn.com/2010/06/02/tech...t_iphone_ipad/.
Im not listening to him, I just was showing that I am not the only person who has noticed this problem. Unlike others I come to my own conclusion, and not what a marketing campaign tells me. Ok maybe everyone here can figure out the problem, but how many of the average user base will care to take time to figure it out. Consumers do not have time to figure out what class an sd card falls in. They just want it to work. I have already put the phone on craigslist, but seems like nobody wants it. Even if I do end up having to keep it I will continue to use it as my go to guy on the crapper. I never said I hated it, you fan boys said that. I said it is not the greatest phone on the planet, and my tp2 can keep up with it. There are others that are just as good, and there are older ones that can do the some things better. The hardware is there and Android is growing up, but it aint quite there yet. Maybe in an update or 2 Android will be good enough for me. My thoughts