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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2011, 02:48 PM
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Re: Anyone else considering returning their EVO 3D?

I am suprise you say nothing about the speaker.

My speedtest is bad. Where is 4G? The icon is there and got 1 bar.
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Old 07-14-2011, 03:17 PM
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Re: Anyone else considering returning their EVO 3D?

I sync my exange automatically every 15 minutes from 1:30pm until 8pm and then every hour from 8:01pm until 1:29pm the next day. I also sync two Yahoo accounts every hour from 8am until 8pm and then every 4 hours outside of that.

I use Timeriffic to turn off my data at night also.

I average 24 to 36 hours on a single charge.

Originally Posted by boe View Post
toddpedersen - can you tell us if you have email set for auto sync? I need that. Can you tell us how long your battery lasts on average?
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Old 07-14-2011, 03:23 PM
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Re: Anyone else considering returning their EVO 3D?

I'm keeping mine. Bat life is at least 1-1/ 2times as good if not quite twice as good as my evo 4g. I'm hoping for an ota that addresses some of the new platform bugs one has to expect anytime you are an early adopter. Love it so far.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2011, 03:35 PM
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Re: Anyone else considering returning their EVO 3D?

Originally Posted by gator352 View Post
I returned my first mostly because of signal issues but the tilted screen was eating at me and I figured if I got a second one, my signal issues would be better and if it had a tilted screen I could live with it. Now that I have my second, it does the exact same as the first which is that it drops calls consistantly where my EVO 4G didn't. It bounces between 1 bar and roaming where I had 3 to 5 bars with the EVO 4G. Ridiculous. So I think I may be returning this one for another EVO 4G as my wife confiscated the 4G I had.

Question though.....If you have 30 days when you buy a phone but it's screwed up and get another one, does your 30 days start over?
Originally Posted by KarlE View Post
I'll be keeping the 3D

30 days from purchase

I asked Sprint this very question this morning. I can confirm its 30 days from date of purchase. I was going to have mine swapped out to see if I had the same issues with a second one, but decided not to since the 30 days wouldn't start over.

I'm just gonna send mine back wait for them to reset my upgrade and order another one a couple of weeks later. Maybe they will have the problem fixed by them and I'll get another 30 days to find out.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2011, 03:35 PM
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Re: Anyone else considering returning their EVO 3D?

I'll start a new thread and if someone is kind enough they can help me make sure I'm not running junk I don't need to be. Then maybe I'll get better battery life. I'm an Android newbie so I could be doing things incorrectly to cause my own battery performance issues.

Last edited by boe; 07-14-2011 at 03:54 PM.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2011, 04:46 PM
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Re: Anyone else considering returning their EVO 3D?

I have been using HTC phones for a while now. I just recently upgraded from the Sprint TP2 to the EVO 3D. I like the phone but I am not in love with it. There are some things I miss from my TP2. Mainly I am referring to the way things worked. I was a heavy Excel user on my TP2 I got the Polaris App on the Android and sent myself a file from my TP2 via bluetooth opened the file to see most of the fields were missing info. I am a heavy Voice Recorder user and I noticed although the voice recorder looks exactly the same as it does on the TP2 there is one thing missing. It doesn't allow you to pause while recording. I was always able to pause a recording and restart it where I left off. Not on on this phone I can't. The people widget has groups and one of the groups is VIP. I added the names I wanted to my VIP list then it asks for you to set the default action for this widget. I add the cell phone number I want for my VIPs and it seems as though it is set then if you leave that screen and come back the icon for the phone is gone and when you click on their picture, it asks you to once again set the default action for this widget. What gives? This VIP widget looks the same as it did on my TP2 the difference is it worked on my TP2 I set the number I want the phone to dial for that person and it worked never had to reset it again. With regards to text messaging, I noticed everytime I would go into a thread to see the conversation and come back out the phone would say Message Draft Saved. I didn't type anything so why is it saving it to draft? Now for all of these issues I have contacted HTC and really the answers I got have not helped. I still have some of them as outstanding to be resolved. What I discovered on my own was that when I add a signature to my text messages and you open the thread and come out it saves it to draft. The mere insertion of the signature makes the app think you are typing. That never happened on my TP2. Now I am not going back to my TP2 because it had so many glitches it was slow to respond to my commands it was beyond annoying. However, I want this brand new phone to exceed what my TP2 did and then some. There are some things that blow my TP2 out of the water, but in the most simple of things it doesn't. The speaker volume is atrocious. My corporate Blackberry is louder than this phone. I don't know why HTC phones are so low in speaker volume. This is not my first HTC to experience low volume. By now HTC should get a hint. Has anyone else experienced these issues with their 3D?

I posted above on another thread. But to expound. I have had a few dropped calls. I noticed that roaming message comes up a lot for me in certain places where that wasn't an issue with my previous phone. As for battery life it is way better than my TP2 that phone wasn't holding a charge nor was the EVO 4G extra battery I bought as a back up (it would seem the TP2 and 4G used the same battery). If I can get these fixed soon, then no I won't return it. I just got this phone about 2 weeks ago.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2011, 05:15 PM
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Re: Anyone else considering returning their EVO 3D?

You can try voice recorders that might be to your liking in the market. There are tons of VR apps to choose from.

Remove your people widget and then re-add. Select an empty category (or make one) and add them one-by-one. I do this regarless of how I edit them (friend, vip, etc.).

Messaging, it only does this after selecting a person to text. If you want to get out without saving, don't hit the back button, hit the home button instead.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2011, 05:39 PM
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Re: Anyone else considering returning their EVO 3D?

Originally Posted by gator352 View Post
. One thing I notice though is that people load up thier EVO's with apps and widgets and all the goodies turned on to max then complain that they get only 5 hours. Anywho, it's the signal loss I can't handle.
I've posted what is running on my phone if you have a recommendation to remove or disable an app - http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/htc-evo-3d...e-battery.html
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2011, 06:51 PM
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Re: Anyone else considering returning their EVO 3D?

LOL man, wasn't aiming that at you! Just read toddpederson's post and that will help you out.

I totally forgot about the Google Talk app automatically signing in. It uses alot of batt cause it polls constantly for new posts.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2011, 07:36 PM
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Re: Anyone else considering returning their EVO 3D?

Originally Posted by gator352 View Post
Wow. What a write up! My batt life on the 3D is on par with my EVO 4G, maybe a little better even. So there's no complaints there. One thing I notice though is that people load up thier EVO's with apps and widgets and all the goodies turned on to max then complain that they get only 5 hours. Anywho, it's the signal loss I can't handle.

I'm not saying that's the case for everyone (since bad reception can be a huge drainer), but many seem to expect too much out of their Android smartphones. They basically abuse the hell out of the services available to them and expect to maintain good battery life, which is unrealistic. The more you demand from your phone, whether it's constantly using it with the screen on or through apps that automatically update in the background, the less the battery will last. Also, HTC offers a ton of widgets that really aren't that battery friendly, or at least that's what I've noticed in the past. I tend to opt for third party app/widget equivalents. And like the guy earlier said, there are always preloaded programs with automatic settings turned on out of the box - those need to be turned off if you don't use them. The EVO 4G had a few apps/services like that, and it seems the EVO 3D has at least 1 or 2.

Anyway, I'm actually experiencing good life with the way I use my phone. Seems at least as good as my EVO 4G. Which reminds me... remember how everyone complained about bad battery life when the EVO 4G came out? I even remember when CrunchGear reviewed the OG EVO and said they only got like 5 hours of life with light use lol. The majority of these complaints will die down in a month or so once people stop constantly using their new toy, figure out how to use Android, and/or learn some battery saving tips/tricks - just like with the EVO 4G.

I highly recommend users to thoroughly investigate the problem first, before giving up and returning the device. If all else fails, you could always get the original at a huge discount or grab the upcoming Photon 4G (wait a little longer and get the Epic 2 or Galaxy S II).

Last edited by Clipp; 07-14-2011 at 07:40 PM.
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