Originally Posted by gator352
Wow. What a write up! My batt life on the 3D is on par with my EVO 4G, maybe a little better even. So there's no complaints there. One thing I notice though is that people load up thier EVO's with apps and widgets and all the goodies turned on to max then complain that they get only 5 hours. Anywho, it's the signal loss I can't handle.
I'm not saying that's the case for everyone (since bad reception can be a huge drainer), but many seem to expect too much out of their Android smartphones. They basically abuse the hell out of the services available to them and expect to maintain good battery life, which is unrealistic. The more you demand from your phone, whether it's constantly using it with the screen on or through apps that automatically update in the background, the less the battery will last. Also, HTC offers a ton of widgets that really aren't that battery friendly, or at least that's what I've noticed in the past. I tend to opt for third party app/widget equivalents. And like the guy earlier said, there are always preloaded programs with automatic settings turned on out of the box - those need to be turned off if you don't use them. The EVO 4G had a few apps/services like that, and it seems the EVO 3D has at least 1 or 2.
Anyway, I'm actually experiencing good life with the way I use my phone. Seems at least as good as my EVO 4G. Which reminds me... remember how everyone complained about bad battery life when the EVO 4G came out? I even remember when CrunchGear reviewed the OG EVO and said they only got like 5 hours of life with light use lol. The majority of these complaints will die down in a month or so once people stop constantly using their new toy, figure out how to use Android, and/or learn some battery saving tips/tricks - just like with the EVO 4G.
I highly recommend users to thoroughly investigate the problem first, before giving up and returning the device. If all else fails, you could always get the original at a huge discount or grab the upcoming Photon 4G (wait a little longer and get the Epic 2 or Galaxy S II).