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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2009, 09:24 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Diamond 2

I just bought and returned a TP2, holly smoke what a brick.

They removed the cool magnetic stylus. I hope they don't remove it from the TD2.

By the way iGuidance 2009 looked great on it and Opera Mini also looked great.

Looking forward to TD2. Be nice if it has 3.6 screen but I'll live with 3.2.

Wish they had fast processor though.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2009, 11:28 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Diamond 2

Originally Posted by mswlogo View Post
I just bought and returned a TP2, holly smoke what a brick.

They removed the cool magnetic stylus. I hope they don't remove it from the TD2.

By the way iGuidance 2009 looked great on it and Opera Mini also looked great.

Looking forward to TD2. Be nice if it has 3.6 screen but I'll live with 3.2.

Wish they had fast processor though.
They took so much out of the TP2. A garbage keyboard, no flash, reset button on the inside of the phone (have to remove the battery cover to do a soft reset). They could have at least left the same keyboard as the TP or at least a CTRL button and flash. The only thing good about it, is the screen size. Am having second thoughts about mine. I know I will keep it but I will at times switch back to the TP2. Blah, I can't wait to see what the next TP2 upgrade phone is. And yea the TP2 just came out but its garbage! lol
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 12:21 AM
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Re: Sprint Touch Diamond 2

Originally Posted by ink718 View Post
They took so much out of the TP2. A garbage keyboard, no flash, reset button on the inside of the phone (have to remove the battery cover to do a soft reset). They could have at least left the same keyboard as the TP or at least a CTRL button and flash. The only thing good about it, is the screen size. Am having second thoughts about mine. I know I will keep it but I will at times switch back to the TP2. Blah, I can't wait to see what the next TP2 upgrade phone is. And yea the TP2 just came out but its garbage! lol
im using the sprint touch pro 2 and its really not bad the size is a little big but you get use to it quite quickly. the camera is so much better than the one in the pro and diamond 1s.the keyboard is really great and 10 times better than pro1. i plan on trading in the pro 2 for the diamond 2 only for one reason size, i dont need the hardware keyboard but nice while i have it. by far a way better phone than pro 1. its not garbage by no means. its actually realy snappy.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 12:30 AM
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Re: Sprint Touch Diamond 2

Originally Posted by savage25rcracer View Post
im using the sprint touch pro 2 and its really not bad the size is a little big but you get use to it quite quickly. the camera is so much better than the one in the pro and diamond 1s.the keyboard is really great and 10 times better than pro1. i plan on trading in the pro 2 for the diamond 2 only for one reason size, i dont need the hardware keyboard but nice while i have it. by far a way better phone than pro 1. its not garbage by no means. its actually realy snappy.
If your a hard core WM user and do many things on it. You would want a CTRL key. Also you do know that speed wise and stuff, the TP and TP2 are same right? The biggest difference is the screen size.
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 12:51 AM
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Re: Sprint Touch Diamond 2

wrong there is far more changes than that there is the fact that it has the world phone chipset and that it has a larger battery is better on battery life has a new wifi/bt chipset
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 07:44 AM
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Re: Sprint Touch Diamond 2

Possible good news.


From the article:
The software maker said on Tuesday that the first phones running Windows Mobile 6.5 will launch worldwide on October 6 and will include phones running on AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon Wireless.

It doesn't mention updates to current phones but the launch of phones running 6.5. I know the initial specs listed 6.1 but I'm not sure Microsoft want phones launching after 10/6 to launch without 6.5. Just speculating but I'm hopeful.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 10:30 AM
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Re: Sprint Touch Diamond 2

Originally Posted by ink718 View Post
If your a hard core WM user and do many things on it. You would want a CTRL key. Also you do know that speed wise and stuff, the TP and TP2 are same right? The biggest difference is the screen size.
i am a hard core wm user and have owned 5.(mugul,touch,diamond,pro,pro2) i know how to use the control key but really theres no use anymore. The pro 2 has the same processor but the chip set is different. microsoft and htc did a great job on improving speed. speed is not just the chip its how the software is optimized. the pro 2 is really a great improvement from the pro 1. The diamond 2 should be even quicker because of the new memory management, and kernel.
and if you knew about wm phones you would know you can map your keyboard the way you want(sub a key for control)http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=554240

Last edited by savage25rcracer; 09-16-2009 at 04:40 PM.
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2009, 04:50 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Diamond 2

Originally Posted by ink718 View Post
They took so much out of the TP2. A garbage keyboard, no flash, reset button on the inside of the phone (have to remove the battery cover to do a soft reset). They could have at least left the same keyboard as the TP or at least a CTRL button and flash. The only thing good about it, is the screen size. Am having second thoughts about mine. I know I will keep it but I will at times switch back to the TP2. Blah, I can't wait to see what the next TP2 upgrade phone is. And yea the TP2 just came out but its garbage! lol
strongly disagree... i've had the mogul, touch... now i have a tp, diamond and tp2. the tp2 blows them all out of the water. i can't even look at my tp or diamond anymore.. the screen looks so tiny and i feel like i aged 30 years looking at (like my eyes have suddenly gotten worse). lol and no offense but what in the world are you smoking?!? the keyboard is rated as possibly the best winmo keyboard ever made. it's too bad you're able to disregard all the benefits just because it doesn't have you precious ctrl key. On top of the better screen and keyboard, don't forget the tilting action. Also, the battery life is much better. TP batter was alright, diamond's was terrible and tp2 lasts into the next day. If you're a "hardcore wm user," then you'd want better battery life. Don't forget the screen is more sensitive. Btw, tp2 build quality feels so much better. It actually feels like it's worth every penny compared to the tp and diamond. The dpad was nice and everything, but it was cheaply built on both those devices.

Originally Posted by ink718 View Post
If your a hard core WM user and do many things on it. You would want a CTRL key. Also you do know that speed wise and stuff, the TP and TP2 are same right? The biggest difference is the screen size.
the link above this psot probably leads to it, but you can remap all the hardware keys to any key u want, so your ctrl point is moot. Tp2 is much more stable and actually feels faster. If you think HTC didn't optimize it more over the 1yr old TP then you're mistaken.

anyway, i can't wait till something like the diamond2 or leo comes out in the states... can't wait to get rid of my diamond1. tiny screen!!!!
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2009, 06:57 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Diamond 2

Cool, I'll probably get the diamond 2 if it does come to sprint
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old 09-18-2009, 01:27 AM
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Re: Sprint Touch Diamond 2

Originally Posted by savage25rcracer View Post
i am a hard core wm user and have owned 5.(mugul,touch,diamond,pro,pro2) i know how to use the control key but really theres no use anymore. The pro 2 has the same processor but the chip set is different. microsoft and htc did a great job on improving speed. speed is not just the chip its how the software is optimized. the pro 2 is really a great improvement from the pro 1. The diamond 2 should be even quicker because of the new memory management, and kernel.
and if you knew about wm phones you would know you can map your keyboard the way you want(sub a key for control)http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=554240
Originally Posted by orlandojumpoff View Post
strongly disagree... i've had the mogul, touch... now i have a tp, diamond and tp2. the tp2 blows them all out of the water. i can't even look at my tp or diamond anymore.. the screen looks so tiny and i feel like i aged 30 years looking at (like my eyes have suddenly gotten worse). lol and no offense but what in the world are you smoking?!? the keyboard is rated as possibly the best winmo keyboard ever made. it's too bad you're able to disregard all the benefits just because it doesn't have you precious ctrl key. On top of the better screen and keyboard, don't forget the tilting action. Also, the battery life is much better. TP batter was alright, diamond's was terrible and tp2 lasts into the next day. If you're a "hardcore wm user," then you'd want better battery life. Don't forget the screen is more sensitive. Btw, tp2 build quality feels so much better. It actually feels like it's worth every penny compared to the tp and diamond. The dpad was nice and everything, but it was cheaply built on both those devices.

the link above this psot probably leads to it, but you can remap all the hardware keys to any key u want, so your ctrl point is moot. Tp2 is much more stable and actually feels faster. If you think HTC didn't optimize it more over the 1yr old TP then you're mistaken.

anyway, i can't wait till something like the diamond2 or leo comes out in the states... can't wait to get rid of my diamond1. tiny screen!!!!
yes the battery life is better. Yes it is a bit faster. But i do a lot of typing and stuff. I need the damn CTRL key for copy/paste/cut commands. Its annoying having to wait for that new TF3D menu to pop up with the copy/paste/cut menu. Of course I love the screen size. But I think I will disable the TF3D on the TP2. Also in text messages, you can not select the text by moving over it. You have to goto menu, select "select text" than copy the text. Its doing 3 steps as where in the TP you only have to do one step to copy/paste/cut. MS tried to make it easier for the new people trying out the WM OS but I think for people that have been using WM since they launched, its more difficult. They are trying to make it too much like the gayphone(iphone). I don't want that damn programs tab to open when I hit Start. And last, yes I know you can remap keys. ;]
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