Originally Posted by shappy0869
Coverage from carrier to carrier is really a function of geography. My wife had T-Mo for years with no coverage issues. Same with Sprint, no coverage issues. However, my friends on ATT always sound like crap when I talk to them, with their voices dropping in and out. This is in south Florida.
I have been looking at T-Mo's coverage map vs that of the other major carriers. T-Mo's coverage is great along the highways and in the big cities. It's rural and small town/city coverage appears pretty poor (and I live in a rural area). This is one of the reasons I have not switched to T-Mo. Verizon and AT&T have the best coverage maps (no surprise there). In some areas, it looks like you don't even get voice or data coverage if you stray to far away from the interstate/highway. With Sprint, I can roam on the Verizon network (without penalty given my current voice and data usage pattern).
BTW, looks like the
Nexus One will not take advantage of its wireless N radio initially. That sucks given I have a wireless N router at home.