Originally Posted by mswlogo
I just bought and returned a TP2, holly smoke what a brick.
They removed the cool magnetic stylus. I hope they don't remove it from the TD2.
By the way iGuidance 2009 looked great on it and Opera Mini also looked great.
Looking forward to TD2. Be nice if it has 3.6 screen but I'll live with 3.2.
Wish they had fast processor though.
They took so much out of the TP2. A garbage keyboard, no flash, reset button on the inside of the phone (have to remove the battery cover to do a soft reset). They could have at least left the same keyboard as the TP or at least a CTRL button and flash. The only thing good about it, is the screen size. Am having second thoughts about mine. I know I will keep it but I will at times switch back to the TP2. Blah, I can't wait to see what the next TP2 upgrade phone is. And yea the TP2 just came out but its garbage! lol