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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2007, 08:22 AM
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My $0.02= I'd rather be able to add OEMs from other packages on my own. I thought that's what these kitchens were supposed to be about.
Having all these extra themes and possibly contraindicated programs/OEMs is making it more difficult. I wasn't able to add any of the folders that I used to add without BuildOS choking. I ran them through buildDSM- but there were probably folders that needed to be removed.

I wanted to create a bastard using this kitchen and a bunch of BigJ/JBabeys OEMs. But every time I added one of his--

Maybe there's a way for BuildDSM to actually report what is causing the error? Tell us what is being duplicated. Or, if the file is too big, tell us that when it's compiled so that CreateROM doesn't choke on it!
When I'm working in my kitchen, I can see if the meat is too big for the grinder and I can taste if two spices aren't going well together. I'd like to be able to have a clue about what I'm doing with this one without having to dig through files to make tiny corrections.

Maybe that was more like $0.10.

Didn't mean to sound like bitching... This is really a great tool and I'd just like to see it work for all of us, not just the ubergeeks.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2007, 08:36 AM
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you *can* remove all the optional oem folders, and just add back the ones you want.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2007, 10:29 AM
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Trident, BuildOS does tell you what is causing the error. Not only does an error box pop uo with a duplicate file, but it tells you which OEM it was on when it stalled at the bottom of BuildOS. Also, there is a log in Temp that shows everything that BuildOS does. If this is not what you mean by your problem, please be a little more specific to the issue.

The kitchen is setup to allow the user to add and remove just about anything they want. If you are having issues with duplicate files causing errors, then that is an unfortunate side affect of this kitchen format. However, it keeps stuff from getting in the rom and causing issues later.

The problem with the size thing is that there really is no "real size limit". Remember you are probably packing an 80-85MB dump folder into a 63.6MB file. It all comes down to compressability. As a general rule, I would guess that dump folders over 85MB may cause issues. That is strictly a guess. Also remember, while it is nice to build stuff into the rom, apps that can run fine from the storage card can be left out for more critical apps.

Also, restarts of the PC every once in a while will do wonders to avoid issues with compiling and flashing.
Kitchen updates at www.ppckitchen.org and you can get BuildOS help Here

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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2007, 12:11 PM
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I have been out of the loop on new ROMS lately.. what exactly is this "new kitchen R3" ??

Is this still based on the already going around AKU3.5? Or is this something different?

I cant find any information about this new ROM.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2007, 01:22 PM
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Re: ## Codes - THEY WORK!

Originally Posted by Kolano
Originally Posted by answerman
One little thing I noticed... installed the new CommManager as part of the flash and I have the same goofy display that others had earlier with the big blocky letters under the icons (looks like they were written with a white Crayola). Minor inconvenience.
I'm going to remove the ## item from the unconfirmed issues list since no ones spoken up about it thus far, and you were able to confirm it working on Altel. It may be the case that it's not set right for carriers outside of Sprint, Altel, and Verizon (i.e. the ones there are carrier packages for), but that seems more like an omission than a bug.

If you can provide any further details on the specifics that cause the blocky letters it would be helpful.
You asked for specifics... here's more than you could possibly want.

What I installed from the kitchen(I'm 99% sure this is accurate... I run a pretty slim 6700)
Windows Live Mobile
Office Mobile
Windows Media
Remote Desktop Mobile

Solitaire, Bubble Breaker

Crossbow Theme

Adobe PDF Reader
HTC Camera
Adobe Flash Player 7
Microsoft Internet Sharing
Null Keyboard
HTC Smart Dial
TCPMP v.0.81
Total Commander
Windows Live Search
WM5 Storage v.1.7.3

Alltel Extended ROM
ExtRom Unlock

eaByte Keyboard Skin

Cyberon Voice Commander

I'm pretty sure I noticed the CommManager display issue immediately after the flash, so I don't think it has anything to do with additional programs I installed after flash. Regardless, here they are:

CompanionLink for ACT! (sync with ACT! through ActiveSync)
Filao Sudoku Pack (game)
Infogation Odyssey Mobile (nav app for my Holux GPSlim236)
ISH InClose Mobile (task manager/application closer)
Lou Terrailloune MagicSS (screen capture prog)
Opera Browser
SBSH PocketWeather
SlingPlayer Mobile
Spb FreeCell

I have a screen capture of the CommManager as well... looks like only the uppercase letters show?

Like I said, more information than you really want, probably...
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2007, 02:11 PM
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I have the new core R2 installed with minimal OEMs, and WM6 theme only!
I used to have the Kirvin's simple pre Kitchen.

The R2 seriously is no sloutch.

The battery life could be better but the performance is much better!!

I have had a Freeze where the phone would not wake. As though holding the power button too long which turns the backlight off. Only not this scenario. the Leds still flashing.

This morning the dial pad would not show but the program title did.
I closed all other running programs but had to soft reset to fix.

Since the extended ROM space is avail to use would it be a good idea to have it used only for cache?

Seriously thanks for everyone's hard work here. I was waiting for the 6800 to come out looking for better performance. With this new ROM I am 99% satisfied with the 6700. Really the only thing that I would really like is built in GPS. Guess we will have to see what comes next?
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2007, 02:29 PM
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Originally Posted by colonel
Trident, BuildOS does tell you what is causing the error. Not only does an error box pop uo with a duplicate file, but it tells you which OEM it was on when it stalled at the bottom of BuildOS. Also, there is a log in Temp that shows everything that BuildOS does. If this is not what you mean by your problem, please be a little more specific to the issue.

The kitchen is setup to allow the user to add and remove just about anything they want. If you are having issues with duplicate files causing errors, then that is an unfortunate side affect of this kitchen format. However, it keeps stuff from getting in the rom and causing issues later.
I think that answers most of my concerns.
I'm not so concerned about exact duplicates as files that seem to have some duplication inside. There has been some discussion about certain themes having an "issue" with dialers that are in other files. Not exactly a duplicate, but creates an error/failure. When I took a number of JBabey's OEMs and dragged them into the OEM folder of the new kitchen, I removed some that I knew I wouldn't use and then ran the new ones through the DSMbuilder. No matter what I did, BuildOS died.

I've never seen an error message popup that had any valuable information in it. And I can't get to that error message at the bottom of the BuildOS window if I can't even get BuildOS to open the window!
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2007, 02:36 PM
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Ok, so buildOS never started? That can be due to several reasons. Usually it is because of an issue with the dsm or the xml. Usually it happens if there is a problem with the xml or there are duplicate UUIDs being referred to. Best thing to test is to add each OEM one by one and start buildOS as you go. This should allow you to identify the problem OEM(s). Then you can work from there.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2007, 02:51 PM
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Originally Posted by colonel
Ok, so buildOS never started? That can be due to several reasons. Usually it is because of an issue with the dsm or the xml. Usually it happens if there is a problem with the xml or there are duplicate UUIDs being referred to. Best thing to test is to add each OEM one by one and start buildOS as you go. This should allow you to identify the problem OEM(s). Then you can work from there.
BuildOS starts, but the window never opens up to give me the choices.
I'll try doing one-by-one.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2007, 03:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Trident
Originally Posted by colonel
Ok, so buildOS never started? That can be due to several reasons. Usually it is because of an issue with the dsm or the xml. Usually it happens if there is a problem with the xml or there are duplicate UUIDs being referred to. Best thing to test is to add each OEM one by one and start buildOS as you go. This should allow you to identify the problem OEM(s). Then you can work from there.
BuildOS starts, but the window never opens up to give me the choices.
I'll try doing one-by-one.
This happened to me too. What caused it for me was an option.xml saved in ANSI instead of Unicode. Once I saved it as Unicode, all went smoothly.
One ROM to rule them all,
One ROM to find them.
One ROM to bring them all,
And in the kitchen, bind them.
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