Re: Anyone got VoIP on WM6.1 working?
u got palringo? i can walk u through it step by step if u join the group ppcgeeks using the IM client palringo. it's jus easier to communicate that way.
of course u gotta first go to palringo.com, create an account, download the cab, install and sign in. |
Re: Anyone got VoIP on WM6.1 working?
Are we having the same issue? I'm trying to get VoIP running on WM6.1 but I don't see the Internet tab listed under Start-Settings-Personal-Phone. Under the Phone menu I only see Phone, Services, and More tabs. ‘Internet’ isn't a tab listed at the bottom. I posted a thread here: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=32296 let me know if it's the same issue for you. It's driving me nuts. |
Re: Anyone got VoIP on WM6.1 working?
I know some guys say it's because it's a CDMA phone but that doesn't mean why should not get some of the configuration. Anyways, I once got it to work (I mean, I could at least dial a VoIP destination) without that tab so I know we don't need it. Do you at least get the VoIP provider name on the dialer? |
Re: Anyone got VoIP on WM6.1 working?
I have it working here on a couple of 6700's.
The only issue I seem to have is that the audio isn't that great. The person I'm talking too says they can hear me just fine, however its very hard for me to hear them - the only way I really can is with a bluetooth earpiece and I need to be in a fairly quite area. I'm using a voip Gizmo account - which voIP provider are you trying to use? |
Re: Anyone got VoIP on WM6.1 working?
Would you please tell me exactly what did you do to get it working on the 6700? |
Re: Anyone got VoIP on WM6.1 working?
>>Do you at least get the VoIP provider name on the dialer?
Does the VoIP provider only show up on the dialer "if" it registers successfully with the SIP server? I know I "baked" one of the alternative dialer skins, so I hope that doesn't mess it up I'm not sure what is supposed to appear in the dialer. How do I toggle between making a VoIP call or a regular wireless call? Reading this page, it says you can set the preference in the Internet tab, which neither of us have: Set voip as your calling priority Start->Setting->Personal->Phone->Internet->Whenever available->OK After all this done, reboot your mobile phone. When your mobile boots up, and the WIFI connects to the internet, there shows phone logo and ‘vbuzzer:Searching’, this means your mobile phone connects to Vbuzzer voip service successfully. So without the Internet tab, it's unclear how the dialer will react when dialing. Maybe it defaults to VoIP if it has a WiFi connection? I honestly haven't tried it over WiFi. Trying to get it to work over the 2.5G connection according to the "hack" they list, i.e: ‘Tools’ ->’Sip Over 3g/GSM’->’Enable Via Reg’-> ‘SIP over 3G/Gsm:On’->’OK’ Although my Verizon xv6700 phone isn't 3G, so maybe that's part of my problem. Maybe it only works over WiFi? I'll try connecting to a WiFi AP and see what happens. But I'm still unsure what I should see in the dialer. I'm guessing it will be similiar to what the guy above described, i.e. "mobile boots up, and the WIFI connects to the internet, there shows phone logo and ‘vbuzzer:Searching’, this means your mobile phone connects to Vbuzzer voip service successfully" Maybe you can describe your experience on how it works or what I should see. |
Re: Anyone got VoIP on WM6.1 working?
I am able to receive Voip calls using Fring and Gizmo/Grandcentral (Grandcentral not necessary) It is coming from the loud speaker and the problem with GC is I can make outgoing calls fine but incoming requires you to press a button to receive which the Fring client doesn't allow for.
Anyhow...try Fring |
Re: Anyone got VoIP on WM6.1 working?
Has anyone had success using Skype? My 6700 had that installed on it when I got it but the wi-fi is so slow I don't see how it could possible work. Maybe if I only talked at the rate of one word a week it would be OK! LOL
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