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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2008, 12:31 AM
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Re: Anyone got VoIP on WM6.1 working?

Fring and Skype worked for me but I am talkiing about the built-in VoIP support in Windows Mobile, I don't want to use the external speaker so it's not an option.

Luckily I got it to work again, I can make calls but then an error shows up, now I have to figure out what it is.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2008, 12:55 AM
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Re: Anyone got VoIP on WM6.1 working?

Originally Posted by Daved View Post
Fring and Skype worked for me but I am talkiing about the built-in VoIP support in Windows Mobile, I don't want to use the external speaker so it's not an option.

Luckily I got it to work again, I can make calls but then an error shows up, now I have to figure out what it is.
I can use skype and fring to make voip calls, but not with wm6.1.. I had no problems in earlier wm versions.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2008, 02:03 AM
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Re: Anyone got VoIP on WM6.1 working?

Originally Posted by yellowone View Post
I am able to receive Voip calls using Fring and Gizmo/Grandcentral (Grandcentral not necessary) It is coming from the loud speaker and the problem with GC is I can make outgoing calls fine but incoming requires you to press a button to receive which the Fring client doesn't allow for.

Anyhow...try Fring
Fring is garbage and the reason u posted is why. Using the voip cab file to integrate it into your phone will work with grandcentral and u can press 1 to accept the call.

This is one of those things where it takes a nice amount of explaining and troubleshooting to get it to work. Trying to do it over this thread will take a week...waiting for him to wake up, and him to remember to reply, etc. which is why i suggested installing palringo, and joining the ppcgeeks group. easier to communicate, share files, and resolve the issue faster that way.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2008, 05:03 PM
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Re: Anyone got VoIP on WM6.1 working?

I did get VoIP to work by the way. It was some firewall issues with some outdated firewall issues. New/minor problem now I'm hoping you know the answer to.

Basically, once I successfully register with my SIP server, ALL outbound calls go through that and NOT Verizon Wireless. How do I toggle between them both?

Another second issue is I have to FIRST kick of a data session in order for the Phone app to connect to the SIP server over the EVDO/2.5G connection. Otherwise it stays as Verizon Wireless.

Basically, I configured VoIP using the cooked-in Schap 'Setup VoIP version 0.3' app adding a new provider called "SIP-TMC". Once I kick off a data session via IE, Opera, etc. it attempts to register with my SIP-based PBX. I think whether it registers or not, the Phone dialer changes the provider to "SIP-TMC" and tries to initiate ALL outbound calls through my SIP server. I have to DISCONNECT the data connection and then my service goes back to "Verizon Wireless" and THEN I can make outbound calls again through Verizon.

I just can't seem to easily toggle providers back & forth - from SIP/VoIP over EVDO to Verizon Wireless cellular calls. I have to disconnect my data connection to get it to back to Verizon Wireless. Maybe that's just the way the cookie crumbles. Or maybe there is a skin out there that lets you click on the provider and change it on the fly.

Third problem - I thought by using the built-in Phone app that the sound goes over the main earpiece and not the external speaker. It goes over the external speaker for me. You too?

Let me know if you have answers to problems 1, 2, and 3.

Last edited by voipster; 08-27-2008 at 05:07 PM.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2009, 06:48 PM
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Re: Anyone got VoIP on WM6.1 working?

Daved, please tell me how you enabled the internet calling on your cdma! I downloaded the sip config tool cab and the dial plan software. I entered my configuration.. says successful but not internet tab in settings... nor anything on my today screen. Is there a registry edit I need to do?
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