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  #391 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2007, 02:32 AM
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hi! all
after i install this rom everything work fine for me but when i try to use voice comand to call the name it dial wrong namw ( e.g i call jack but my phone try to call mane so anyone have issue like me ?
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  #392 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2007, 09:23 AM
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Issues with 9.5??

Nope, No issues.. another fine release by JBabey...
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  #393 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2007, 10:19 AM
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I only had that problem with VC 1.5 not 1.6, are you sure your using the full 1.6 version?
Mine is also a crime deterent device,
Go ahead, try to take my wallet...

Have Wifi and GPS on your phone???
Check out Navizon. It's $$$ in your pocket!
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  #394 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2007, 02:40 AM
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i do not what version because i it altrady has in this ROM ( 9.5 )
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  #395 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2007, 04:41 AM
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Thank you JBabey for the help with the case of the reappearing Sprint junk. I started over by reinstalling the Sprint ROM, then accessing and clearing out the \Extended_ROM\ folder. I just reinstalled MARIO and am looking at empty \Extended_ROM\ and \Extended_ROM2\ folders.

Do I now put the contents of your custom \Extended_ROM2\ folder into the the same folder on my phone or into the \Extended_ROM\ folder?

If it's the latter, does that mean that the \Extended_ROM2\ folder now becomes additional RAM storage space for "today" screen apps that shouldn't be installed on the storage card?

Do I need to reinstall ANY of the not-so-obvious Sprint cab files (i.e. IOTA.sa.cab, DirectShow.sa.cab, Cert_SPCS.SA.cab, etc.)?
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  #396 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2007, 05:16 AM
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Originally Posted by dalsik
Thank you JBabey for the help with the case of the reappearing Sprint junk. I started over by reinstalling the Sprint ROM, then accessing and clearing out the \Extended_ROM\ folder. I just reinstalled MARIO and am looking at empty \Extended_ROM\ and \Extended_ROM2\ folders.

Do I now put the contents of your custom \Extended_ROM2\ folder into the the same folder on my phone or into the \Extended_ROM\ folder?

If it's the latter, does that mean that the \Extended_ROM2\ folder now becomes additional RAM storage space for "today" screen apps that shouldn't be installed on the storage card?

Do I need to reinstall ANY of the not-so-obvious Sprint cab files (i.e. IOTA.sa.cab, DirectShow.sa.cab, Cert_SPCS.SA.cab, etc.)?
good, now that your ext.rom is empty you can most certainly do whatever you like with it, it is considered "Device Storage" so ya, you can install things there.

uh so ya, once its empty, you have the option of copying my stuff from the ext.rom folder in the RAR download of my rom. Doing that will allow you to hard reset, and the phone will automatically install the MMS-Registry CAB file and phonealarm.

and no, you do NOT need to install *ANY* of the sprint cab files, they are all already included. Installing those makes duplicate files and degrades the integrity of the ROM.

enjoy your new-found 10 megs of storage!

hi! all
after i install this rom everything work fine for me but when i try to use voice comand to call the name it dial wrong namw ( e.g i call jack but my phone try to call mane so anyone have issue like me ?
that is just strange... is there "1" before the area code in any of your contacts? that messes up sprint phones in general pretty bad. Remove the 1 before area codes in your contacts.

other than that.... and a good solid hard reset, im not sure. That is the very first ive heard of it dialing the wrong contact when it 'says' the correct one.

try the way of the ninja.... i hear ninja's can do anything.

seriously though, not sure, hard reset, reflash, hard reset again. There are indeed rare instances of hard resets not actually clearing everything properly so it can take multiple's.

good luck & keep me posted (if the boards are up hehe)
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  #397 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2007, 10:08 AM
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i love this rom keep up the good work.

is there away to turn of the leds with out it affecting the vibration?
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  #398 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2007, 06:06 PM
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Hey I gotta friend who's got one of the 6700's running on a canadian service (Bell I think???)

Anyway - if he flashes his phone with the verizon version of this rom, then uses the extended ROM that ships with his phone, he should ok right?


and wooohoooo the site is back !
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  #399 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2007, 06:33 PM
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Okay, I had someone walk me though the installation of this rom step-by-step and at first it worked great... Now, well not anymore...

1: Contacts are gone. Not gone as in got erased and can be re-added, but gona. They no longer exist. The contact word is still there, but when you click on it to go to the page, the screen flashes and nothing happens. So instead, I tried to save the numbers as I got text massages. I'd click on "Add to contacts" then add all the contact info, but when I click on "OK" to save it, it gives me an error box, saying it is an invalid operation.

2. I stopped receiving incoming calls. They worked the first day, but now when I get an incoming call, the screen lights up (as if you tapped it) but it does not indicate a call is coming in. It does not ring. It does nothing but light up. The only was I know that's what is happening is I will get a voicemail alert about 2 minutes afterwards. But when I click on the voicemail notification icon, it won't actually call voicemail. I have to manually dial my phone number and enter my passwod as if I'm calling from a landline phone.

3. When I make a call, as soon as it connects, the keypad disappears and instead, the "Adjust time/date" for the clock/alarm settings appear on the screen, and stay there until I hang up the phone.... Meaning I coulsn't even call Sprint for help because they want me to enter my phone number etc. and I can't do that with no keypad!
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  #400 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2007, 06:40 PM
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Originally Posted by TechnoHippie
Hey I gotta friend who's got one of the 6700's running on a canadian service (Bell I think???)

Anyway - if he flashes his phone with the verizon version of this rom, then uses the extended ROM that ships with his phone, he should ok right?


and wooohoooo the site is back !
yeup that should work just fine.

Originally Posted by pixiebaby473
1: Contacts are gone. Not gone as in got erased and can be re-added, but gona. They no longer exist. The contact word is still there, but when you click on it to go to the page, the screen flashes and nothing happens. So instead, I tried to save the numbers as I got text massages. I'd click on "Add to contacts" then add all the contact info, but when I click on "OK" to save it, it gives me an error box, saying it is an invalid operation.

2. I stopped receiving incoming calls. They worked the first day, but now when I get an incoming call, the screen lights up (as if you tapped it) but it does not indicate a call is coming in. It does not ring. It does nothing but light up. The only was I know that's what is happening is I will get a voicemail alert about 2 minutes afterwards. But when I click on the voicemail notification icon, it won't actually call voicemail. I have to manually dial my phone number and enter my passwod as if I'm calling from a landline phone.

3. When I make a call, as soon as it connects, the keypad disappears and instead, the "Adjust time/date" for the clock/alarm settings appear on the screen, and stay there until I hang up the phone.... Meaning I coulsn't even call Sprint for help because they want me to enter my phone number etc. and I can't do that with no keypad!

1. read the thread before posting, do a forum search, read *anything* about upgrading from aku2.x to 3.x, try the wiki, try SYNCHING YOUR PHONE FIRST.....


Im not feeling like a totall @$$ right now, even though my co-worker wants to rip your skull out and.... AHHHH HE GOT MY KEYBOARD.....


had to remove that... it got pretty ugly....

-My contacts are gone! HELP! the screen just flashes when i click contacts

The PIM.VOL file is formatted differently on AKU 3.x you will NEED to sync your phone with activesync prior to updating your handset from an AKU 2.x ROM.
>>>If you failed to do so, downgrade to the official ROM, and restore your contacts (pim or whatever) and then SYNC the phone, upgrade, and then sync back in. You can *NOW* use your old backup methods.

2. you have to hard reset after installing the rom, this types of issues only occur when you have not hard reset properly

3. see #2.

is there away to turn of the leds with out it affecting the vibration?
i wish... if you figure it out, you get a gold star.
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