Okay, I had someone walk me though the installation of this rom step-by-step and at first it worked great... Now, well not anymore...
1: Contacts are gone. Not gone as in got erased and can be re-added, but gona. They no longer exist. The contact word is still there, but when you click on it to go to the page, the screen flashes and nothing happens. So instead, I tried to save the numbers as I got text massages. I'd click on "Add to contacts" then add all the contact info, but when I click on "OK" to save it, it gives me an error box, saying it is an invalid operation.
2. I stopped receiving incoming calls. They worked the first day, but now when I get an incoming call, the screen lights up (as if you tapped it) but it does not indicate a call is coming in. It does not ring. It does nothing but light up. The only was I know that's what is happening is I will get a voicemail alert about 2 minutes afterwards. But when I click on the voicemail notification icon, it won't actually call voicemail. I have to manually dial my phone number and enter my passwod as if I'm calling from a landline phone.
3. When I make a call, as soon as it connects, the keypad disappears and instead, the "Adjust time/date" for the clock/alarm settings appear on the screen, and stay there until I hang up the phone.... Meaning I coulsn't even call Sprint for help because they want me to enter my phone number etc. and I can't do that with no keypad!