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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 02-14-2007, 07:17 PM
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saridnour, I believe MS would have a problem with someone hosting a slipstreamed copy of XP or Office too. They provide the tools to do that, but I don't think they intend or desire for slipstreamed versions to be distributed by anyone except them and their OEMs.

And in a way, I see their point... especially when the MS lawyer said that carriers have been complaining about idiot end users wanting them to support "custom roms" and with news outlets like Engadget spreading the word.

Everything has just gotten too widely publicized, unfortunately. It should have been kept on the down low (hard to do when the carriers do such a piss-poor job of providing updates--people are desperate). But trust me, if xda-dev hadn't gotten so damn much press lately MS would never have lifted a finger... I bet you this whole thing is due to pressure from cellular carriers.

Like I said, the whole thing will just move underground, which may be better off for everybody. People that know enough about these devices will get in early and work will continue quietly. Then, once ROMs are more perfected and bugs worked out they can be leaked out to more public places.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 02-14-2007, 08:15 PM
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luv2chill: true to a point on the slipstreaming, although the intended audience of the tools is for corporate use. The idea is that the IT pro's can set a specific canned install business wide. But yes I believe they would squawk if they were distro'd on the net... now that brings me back to PE abd UBCD and the like

But all in all I do agree with you. It's too bad this will get forced underground and I am sure the carriers have a lot to do with it. They are putting pressure on everyone now days it seems. Sad thing is I think many would have paid for an aku 3.5, sure would beat buying that ring tone for $5 I really think the carriers are missing a busniess oppurtinty to a degree, but maybe their EULA prohibits it or something.

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 02-14-2007, 08:45 PM
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Yes, but the manufacturers and carriers are getting scared when their biggest selling point in a new device, namely Crossbow, is already being released for older phones. Case in point, how many people have said "With all these new roms, I don't need to run out and buy a 6800"? To me, though, this is a spoonful of their own medicine. If they cannot produce and support a device that I want, I am going to do it myself instead of buying the new shiny toy they parade out every year.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 02-14-2007, 09:02 PM
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Argh. Yeah. Guess it was too good to be true.

Well, maybe it was my first and last windows mobile phone. Microsoft has a braindead business model to allow themselves to be locked into the deathgrip with the carriers. Too bad.

Edit: Uh.. all roms, but not Kitchens? Lol, I bet not.

No doubt it is the flood of people seeking "support" for their "bricked" phones from Sprint. All 12 of them.

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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 02-14-2007, 09:24 PM
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gimme a break. this is about new sales. New OS comes out, they want to sell new phones. If we fix old phones, whats the market for the new ones.

Simple as that.. Just like every other OS release from MSFT ++ Y2K. its not about the technology, or the "stealing", its all about marketing.

Plus, at least for a while they get to shove more marketing junkware on the phone to annoy us.

Why stiffle xda? Cause they plan on dominating the market, at least until the uproar from failures gets to the point they turn a blind eye on us again. We been here, done this so many times.....
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 02-14-2007, 09:35 PM
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Originally Posted by sfaure03
gimme a break. this is about new sales. New OS comes out, they want to sell new phones. If we fix old phones, whats the market for the new ones.
I don't think thats entirely true imo

I am only gonna tweak my 6700 til either the 6800 or the i760 comes out.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 02-14-2007, 10:27 PM
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I agree. Hardware upgrades would be enough to make me upgrade. Call me crazy, but the scroll wheel on the side of the 6800 is almost enough to make me want to switch!
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 02-14-2007, 10:48 PM
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Its unfortunate but as mentioned earlier, entirely predictable.

As also already mentioned it is Microsoft's, and in some instances the Carrier's code and as such they do have the right to control its distribution.

Rant Mode On:
What I feel is criminal is the lack of support we as consumers have come to accept, and even expect. They (Carriers, Microsoft, and the OEM's) have this cycle down where they introduce product and push it hard and heavy for 3-6 months, then shut-off the support rapidly and EOL it within a year.

$600.00 dollars for a product that goes EOL in less than a year is not a great bargain in my view. Yes, I paid full retail (I have a great plan I don't want to change). I looked at the device long and hard and decided to invest my time and effort into making it a workable tool rather than just a broken toy. For the most part it has been a good experience, but no one in their right mind could say that the operation of this device was ever fully right and did what was promised (real hi fidelity A2DP anyone ?) completely (If it had I would not be out here scrounging for OS upgrades, would I?).

So although I understand Microsoft enforcing their intellectual property rights (and I agree probably at the Carrier's urging), I also feel as a consumer that they and Sprint (in my case) have not met their agreement with me as a consumer of their expensive and complicated device.

I would say these Carriers and to a lesser extent Microsoft had better tread very carefully, or they may fall victim to a backlash of increased competition, law suits, government regulation, and in the worst case a wholesale breakdown of their business channel to piracy. Ask the media mavens how that feels Sprint.

To UTR Starcom:
Thank you for trying to get these lazy greedy bastids off their arses, keep up the good work, it hasn't gone without notice to some of us.

Rant Mode Off:

Now where are the addresses to thhose private FTPs, DC Hubs, or Torrent trackers..I know I left them here somewhere.

Omni out!

Edit Add: Another thing for the powers-at-be to think about. I bought my PPC when I my research and discovered there was a strong community of people in the wild working on these devices and trying to make them better and fix the problems. I know of at least ten other people who also waited until they did their research and saw the community support before getting the bug to finally buy. Without the interesting upgrades and breakthrus from time to time these communitys soon grow stale and die.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 02-14-2007, 10:59 PM
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Originally Posted by The_Omni
I would say these Carriers and to a lesser extent Microsoft had better tread very carefully, or they may fall victim to a backlash of increased competition, law suits, government regulation, and in the worst case a wholesale breakdown of their business channel to piracy. Ask the media mavens how that feels Sprint.
Hmmm... I think it would be kind of cool to see a good, usable Linux port or even a Flash-based OS make it's way to the 6700. I know I'm dreaming, but alternate OS' seem to be making a pretty strong showing at 3GSM this week.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2007, 04:14 AM
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To: Microsoft

This Petition aims to show the support for xda-developers.com's archive of 'ROM Images'

The Undersigned wish to notify Microsoft Corp. of their strong feelings against the recent demands to remove the 'ROM Images'. We feel that they bring more publicity and support to the 'Windows Mobile' platform and device: without this we feel they would not be as popular as they are to this date.

Please think rationally Microsoft!


The Undersigned
please go here for the petition:

Please support our forum, hopes there's a sollution for this M$ stupid act...
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