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  #71 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2010, 07:02 PM
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Re: WHY does anyone want WP7?

In today's world brand is everything. Every person will look at the brand and then decide whther to take it or not. WP7 has a very powerful OS. It is very simple to operate and easy to work. There are no problems regarding OS function. Other powerful features are there can be No File System Access without athorization. No Hot swap SD card support makes it very protective
  #72 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2010, 08:08 PM
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Re: WHY does anyone want WP7?

  #73 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2010, 07:52 AM
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Re: WHY does anyone want WP7?

Originally Posted by jerryyyyy View Post
Well, just checking in on this discussion again. The two pieces of rumor I have heard lately are that Paul Thurott of Windows Weekly says that MS has to cave in on the no-sync with Outlook game stopper. Second sales are very poor.

Windows Phone Crushed By Android -- InformationWeek

So, why sign up if eventually they just pull the plug on this one like the Kin.
considering the 500million in advertising, I'm guessing the plug is not getting pulled. Sales are poor, but what are the actual numbers? You've only had 4 devices launch in the usa on 2 carriers only. I think a larger sample size then 4-6 weeks is needed.

Originally Posted by dprout69 View Post
No Shock... they are not gonna lure apple and android users by coming out of the gate offering less than the competition. However, there is news of a 'MASSIVE' update in January on ppcgeeks front page... It better truly be massive cuz this will be the deal maker/breaker. IMHO, if they fail to deliver on this update, then it may just be KIN-worthy and M$'s last hoorah in the mobile market.
Wow, already a death knell for wp7? 4 weeks after launch? Guess this should be expected where anything you don't want to use must obviously be a failure.

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
They allow only multitasking of their own apps..not 3rd part apps..so you cant use a 3rd party radio service and 3rd party twitter client at same time...

The minimum is there..but once you get apps that can utilize say dual cores...with heavy 3d, front facing cameras or etc..the previous phones will always end up being left out...thats how it works for Android, thats how it works on iphones and thats how it will work on WP7...

Also as I stated..the reason the phone lags is samsung use their own crappy RFS partition...they are optimizing it and my guess by Froyo it won't be an issue..

My home computer is safer then M$ servers..for the following reasons:

1) My computer is only accessible by me

2) My computer is less likely to be targeted

So while M$ servers may have more protection..my home PC would still be safer statistically speaking..lol

I will answer your quote with your own quote lol:

Here is why, Epic is easy to get, it has no need for a lagfix because while it still has RFS it has faster nand and also the most important part that causes the lag is not in the RFS..aka EPIC is the best Stock android device on the market...it doesn't lag and very smooth..try one...
1. I didn't realize that samsung had fixed the lag on the epic, so why does the vibrant not get the same treatment? Oh wait, its because they have to wait for samsung to forward it to t-mobile, who then decides if the release it to the masses. MS has placed restrictions on updates not being released by carriers and since they aren't messing with the UI or core OS, they don't have any reason not to push out the updates.
2. I know only core apps multitask for the moment. More multitasking is coming. For now, I have no problems running zune for my music.

Originally Posted by dprout69 View Post
Its what I keep saying... if M$ would simply add a setting on the phone to switch back and forth from an advanced interface to a simple interface they would please everyone. It's not like the memory restrictions are still there, we have GB's now. I dig in and mess with every single file on my phone, my gf cant even figure out where she just downloaded a ringtone. BRING WINDOWS MOBILE BACK!!!!!! (Without the bugginess or lag of course.)

I think you hit the nail on the head. It's hard to make a great OS that also allows you to do whatever you want to it. It hasn't been made yet...

Originally Posted by brownhornet View Post
This really isnt a surprise... I kept telling people that by this time next year Android will be by far the #1 selling OS in the mobile game. There isnt anything out that can slow the momentum down right now and when they release the gingerbread line its probably going to get worse. One phone alone was able to turn around Sprints fortune and the demand for the Evo is STILL high even now. Even with MS massive marketing campaign I probably see 3 evo commercials to every wp7 commercial everyday. If you look at googles playbook.. they dont play to lose. When they corner the market, they do it in ALL out fashion.

Next year the top 5 will be 1)Android 2)Symbian 3) RIM 4) IOS 5) Windows

Looking at the stats based here Android OS sales on sharp rise in Europe, but can it sustain? | BiGGTech Android is probably already the #2 seller in Europe behind Symbian based on Q4 sales.Android Outshines Windows 7 & Symbian in Europe | Droid free apps and news

Its only a matter of time...not many people are expecting WP7 to have much impact as I pretty much expected.
5 years ago, who was number 1???
What about 3 years ago?
Last year?
So who knows who will be number 1, 3 years from now?
Could be anybody.

  #74 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2010, 08:17 AM
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Re: WHY does anyone want WP7?

Originally Posted by nrfitchett4 View Post
1. I didn't realize that samsung had fixed the lag on the epic, so why does the vibrant not get the same treatment? Oh wait, its because they have to wait for samsung to forward it to t-mobile, who then decides if the release it to the masses.
Thats cause Epic and Vibrant have different hardware...when they push out the froyo update to the vibrant I would guess they would fix it then...

MS has placed restrictions on updates not being released by carriers and since they aren't messing with the UI or core OS, they don't have any reason not to push out the updates.
we don't know yet how it will be..for example, M$ will be setting up minimum requirements..so what if WP7 2.0 has requirement of 2ghz processor? instantly all the others would not get the update anyways...

Not to mention if M$ follows this it might actually delay updates as before deploying it every partner would have to test it first..this is was one of the things that brought down winmo...

2. I know only core apps multitask for the moment. More multitasking is coming. For now, I have no problems running zune for my music.
There is nothing wrong with using zune for music, but its not everyone's first choice for it...
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2010, 04:00 PM
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Re: WHY does anyone want WP7?

Originally Posted by nrfitchett4 View Post
Wow, already a death knell for wp7? 4 weeks after launch? Guess this should be expected where anything you don't want to use must obviously be a failure.
Not about me so dont make it personal. Its about simple math... MS did well when it was the only option out there and when the only competition was a couple of half arsed attempts to compete... sorry palm.

Apple came busting out of the gate and took over, followed by android who leap frogged on apple. Because of MS's continuing lag, complexity, bugginess they lost most of the market to apple and android and then finally after 2 Years of silence and after apple and android having dug in their claws deep to the bone, MS comes bursting into a room full of people announcing, "Here we are... offering you less than the other 2 but we're still alive and well... !!!! " Well, just like in a movie, the entire room kinda looked at them for a sec and then turned back to continue their own conversation...

At this point not many care cuz there is no WOW... there is only, well we gave you a bunch of stuff before, but no one knew how to use it so we're just gonna give you next to nothing and make it look like everyone else and blow off everything our MS supporters did use...

Really? You dont think that marketing, research and development strategy deserves a death knell? Apple and Android users arent coming back in droves...they're gone. Unless MS delivers something big, a good deal of MS supporters such as myself feel a bit betrayed that they did take a decent platform and massacre it. The only thing I take about this personally is that I spent 5 years building up my software library only to be told F U we're not gonna run that software any more.
Peace Within...

Last edited by dprout69; 12-06-2010 at 04:04 PM.
  #76 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2010, 04:32 PM
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Re: WHY does anyone want WP7?

Wow... Why do you guys think this is about us? This is about your little brothers and sisters and your kids and their kids... You think Microsoft really cares what we have to say... Some of us went to Android... That gave Android a huge boost... Some went to iOS... Some went to web OS... Whatever!
The 16 year olds of the world are what will be driving this business... Some of us are ready to jump into one of those flip phones with the big ass numbers cuz we're so old. But the machine never stops... My sons are ready to spend money... They are watching the trends and believe me... They are into XBOX. They love the fact that it interacts with their phone... By the time MS gets this right... 12 year olds will be 17 and 16 year olds will be 21. iPhone hipsters will be old news and old school winmo will be a dinosaur. It's going to be all about interacting devices and entertainment... Not a bunch of pages filled with icons that drive apps. The phones of the future will have to do more thatn just fart or sound like a friggin vuvuzella to get picked.
MS is on the right track and that's why I support this move. Yeah... I'm a winmo dino... But I'm not going into the tar pits. I'm moving along with the flow. Otherwise... I'll be left behind talking about the good old days and not know what the hell is going on NOW. There's nothing wrong with iOS or Android or Web OS or RIM or whatever else you like... NOW. But it's not about now or about retaining customers for these companies... It's about filling their nets with every new wave of consumers that comes up. That's why technology is always pushing forward, It's an everchanging animal and it IS alive and it's watching and waiting. Otherwise... We'd all still be using apple ones and commodore 64s and IBM pcs.

And STILL that's why "I" want WP7 and that's what "I" think.
But don't let me influence you. You do what's right for you.
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  #77 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2010, 09:28 PM
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Re: WHY does anyone want WP7?

Originally Posted by dprout69 View Post
Not about me so dont make it personal. Its about simple math... MS did well when it was the only option out there and when the only competition was a couple of half arsed attempts to compete... sorry palm.

Apple came busting out of the gate and took over, followed by android who leap frogged on apple. Because of MS's continuing lag, complexity, bugginess they lost most of the market to apple and android and then finally after 2 Years of silence and after apple and android having dug in their claws deep to the bone, MS comes bursting into a room full of people announcing, "Here we are... offering you less than the other 2 but we're still alive and well... !!!! " Well, just like in a movie, the entire room kinda looked at them for a sec and then turned back to continue their own conversation...

At this point not many care cuz there is no WOW... there is only, well we gave you a bunch of stuff before, but no one knew how to use it so we're just gonna give you next to nothing and make it look like everyone else and blow off everything our MS supporters did use...

Really? You dont think that marketing, research and development strategy deserves a death knell? Apple and Android users arent coming back in droves...they're gone. Unless MS delivers something big, a good deal of MS supporters such as myself feel a bit betrayed that they did take a decent platform and massacre it. The only thing I take about this personally is that I spent 5 years building up my software library only to be told F U we're not gonna run that software any more.
and how long do you think MS should support Winmo? Nobody was buying it but us techies and some businesses. But as IOS and android get better exchange support, that was even changing. So that leaves the techies, not exactly the majority, and most of them went to android since it was the new thing, just like they jumped on Winmo when it was the new thing and I'm jumping on WP7 because it is the new thing.
The biggest difference between wp7 and winmo is that you will have a cenntralized marketplace with reasonably priced programs. With the exception of slingplayer, I haven't seen an app for more than 8 bucks, and that's for the biggest xbox live games. Reg. programs are .99-2.99. Winmo, devs want 20 dollars for programs they haven't upgraded in 2 years.
  #78 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2010, 09:50 PM
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Re: WHY does anyone want WP7?


you guys are still having this conversation...???


how come nobody realizes that NO first realease OS will come with everything included??? sheesh, you guys really think that it was gonna come more feature packed, app rich, and all out like ios and android is today????

2007... IOS was a joke compared to winmo...
2008 ...Android was a joke compared to IOS and Winmo
2009 ...webOS was a joke to all the above

what happened??? they matured, updated and developed to the spot where they offer the most if not the best of different worlds in their own way... why?? not magic.... UPDATES!!!!

WP7 is no different... except the fact that it launched stronger than the above in such short time. Multiple simutanious devices with a minimum 1ghz cpu and high res screen, 3500 apps in like 4 weeks of being out, over 18000 registeres developers etc.

Give it at least a year before dismissing it to be dead/buried... because the out come should surprise you (not me...)

they developed a strong foundation and are building off it with a stable, healthy ecosystem (something i cant say about android)

im curious to see what the jan update will bring and hope it will shut some of u whiners up
  #79 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2010, 09:52 AM
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Re: WHY does anyone want WP7?

Originally Posted by nrfitchett4 View Post
and how long do you think MS should support Winmo?
How long should a city stand before we scrap it and start all over? Unless a disaster happens, it changes over time. No one is against change... what I am against is scrapping and burning it all down just to say we're competitive and keeping up with the times. That argument is so weak and yet used so often. I dont know how many who read this know about programming but changing programming is as simple as pointing to snippet of code 'B' instead of snippet of code 'A' and checking does it still do what it did and does it now do what we want it to do. So update the code, clean it up, make it look prettier, incorporate the latest enhancements, put restrictions in place for third party providers so they dont keep locking it up and oh hey btw did-ja know winmo does themes? Are you telling me that over the years the look and feel of winmo hasnt changed to match the i phone when we wanted it to, to use touchflo, to use spb shell, etc. Are you telling me that what WP7 looks like now isnt just another overlay that could have been designed and put into a theme?

But to burn down years of work and call it progress? To say we're not gonna give you any of the ground breaking tech you had before, we're not gonna let you use any of the software that you've accumulated and we're going to replace it with nothing except a pretty overlay... is progress? The kicker of it all is is that it's still M$ and they are using the same basic underlying code... they've changed and removed a bunch of stuff and increased the hardware requirements. So of course its not buggy, of course its liquid... of course it works... referring back to a reference I made earlier that if I have a car and just keep the body, frame and wheels, then of course its gonna be maintenance free but what is it really doing??? Nothing.

M$ has most fooled and I accept that. The most priceless commercial I ever saw was the one with the mac and pc guys "Broken Promises" and it shows the pc guy saying the same thing year after year after year... not gonna have any of the problems Windows Me had... not gonna have any of the problems windows 98 had... not gonna have any of the problems windows 95 had...trust me. This time its gonna be different.... trust me. HA! Thats awesome.

But I digress... The original subject of this is "why does anyone want wp7... " and so far, in how many dozens of posts now, the only thing that anyone has said that I can pick out is someone said "integration". Which is nice and not necessarily for me, but I dont really see any progress occurring. Yes so now a 16 year old named Destructor94 or a 30 year old named SoulCollector80 can compare their scores and current standing on xbox live in HALO, but to call this progress... to anyone that says this, I'd have to question your judgement. And this is all coming from someone who up until Wp7 launched, was a die hard windows fan...

Maybe M$ does have a vision for where they are going with this but as of right now I dont see it and from everyone's responses thus far... neither do any of you. Enough of android, enough of apple, enough of winmo... so change has happened and we're moving forward with "progress". Lets start seeing some examples listed here of how wp7 is going to make life easier and why anyone wants it?

Last edited by dprout69; 12-07-2010 at 10:41 AM.
  #80 (permalink)  
Old 12-08-2010, 04:55 AM
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Re: WHY does anyone want WP7?

Originally Posted by dprout69 View Post
How long should a city stand before we scrap it and start all over? Unless a disaster happens, it changes over time. No one is against change... what I am against is scrapping and burning it all down just to say we're competitive and keeping up with the times. That argument is so weak and yet used so often. I dont know how many who read this know about programming but changing programming is as simple as pointing to snippet of code 'B' instead of snippet of code 'A' and checking does it still do what it did and does it now do what we want it to do. So update the code, clean it up, make it look prettier, incorporate the latest enhancements, put restrictions in place for third party providers so they dont keep locking it up and oh hey btw did-ja know winmo does themes? Are you telling me that over the years the look and feel of winmo hasnt changed to match the i phone when we wanted it to, to use touchflo, to use spb shell, etc. Are you telling me that what WP7 looks like now isnt just another overlay that could have been designed and put into a theme?

But to burn down years of work and call it progress? To say we're not gonna give you any of the ground breaking tech you had before, we're not gonna let you use any of the software that you've accumulated and we're going to replace it with nothing except a pretty overlay... is progress? The kicker of it all is is that it's still M$ and they are using the same basic underlying code... they've changed and removed a bunch of stuff and increased the hardware requirements. So of course its not buggy, of course its liquid... of course it works... referring back to a reference I made earlier that if I have a car and just keep the body, frame and wheels, then of course its gonna be maintenance free but what is it really doing??? Nothing.

M$ has most fooled and I accept that. The most priceless commercial I ever saw was the one with the mac and pc guys "Broken Promises" and it shows the pc guy saying the same thing year after year after year... not gonna have any of the problems Windows Me had... not gonna have any of the problems windows 98 had... not gonna have any of the problems windows 95 had...trust me. This time its gonna be different.... trust me. HA! Thats awesome.

But I digress... The original subject of this is "why does anyone want wp7... " and so far, in how many dozens of posts now, the only thing that anyone has said that I can pick out is someone said "integration". Which is nice and not necessarily for me, but I dont really see any progress occurring. Yes so now a 16 year old named Destructor94 or a 30 year old named SoulCollector80 can compare their scores and current standing on xbox live in HALO, but to call this progress... to anyone that says this, I'd have to question your judgement. And this is all coming from someone who up until Wp7 launched, was a die hard windows fan...

Maybe M$ does have a vision for where they are going with this but as of right now I dont see it and from everyone's responses thus far... neither do any of you. Enough of android, enough of apple, enough of winmo... so change has happened and we're moving forward with "progress". Lets start seeing some examples listed here of how wp7 is going to make life easier and why anyone wants it?
sorry, but it's not the same code, but a newer version.
Yes I call a bug free OS that doesn't freeze several times on a stock OS progress. I call a phone that is fluid into and out of apps that is hardware accelerated for the cpu/gpu progress. I call writing apps in silverlight progress.
You can be mad at MS all you want but the reality is that WinMo was dying long before MS pulled the plug. Devs were leaving in groups before wp7 was announced and their marketshare has never been lower.
Palm had to do it, MS needed to do it too.
Why do I want it??? Let's see, what do I use my phone for (in order of how often):
1. Twitter
2. Music
3. RSS
4. Surfing the Net
5. texting
6. Watching videos
7. Games
8. Making calls
9. Facebook

Based on that, WP7 works perfectly for me. I don't need my phone to be a usb drive, got a bunch of those in the drawer. Haven't missed copy/paste yet. Matter of fact, the only program I miss from my HD2 is MoTweets.

Most people aren't looking for a phone sized p.c. They are looking for a phone that has social apps, music, videos, games, web browsing.
Name one of the above that Winmo does better than wp7???
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