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Old 12-06-2010, 09:28 PM
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Re: WHY does anyone want WP7?

Originally Posted by dprout69 View Post
Not about me so dont make it personal. Its about simple math... MS did well when it was the only option out there and when the only competition was a couple of half arsed attempts to compete... sorry palm.

Apple came busting out of the gate and took over, followed by android who leap frogged on apple. Because of MS's continuing lag, complexity, bugginess they lost most of the market to apple and android and then finally after 2 Years of silence and after apple and android having dug in their claws deep to the bone, MS comes bursting into a room full of people announcing, "Here we are... offering you less than the other 2 but we're still alive and well... !!!! " Well, just like in a movie, the entire room kinda looked at them for a sec and then turned back to continue their own conversation...

At this point not many care cuz there is no WOW... there is only, well we gave you a bunch of stuff before, but no one knew how to use it so we're just gonna give you next to nothing and make it look like everyone else and blow off everything our MS supporters did use...

Really? You dont think that marketing, research and development strategy deserves a death knell? Apple and Android users arent coming back in droves...they're gone. Unless MS delivers something big, a good deal of MS supporters such as myself feel a bit betrayed that they did take a decent platform and massacre it. The only thing I take about this personally is that I spent 5 years building up my software library only to be told F U we're not gonna run that software any more.
and how long do you think MS should support Winmo? Nobody was buying it but us techies and some businesses. But as IOS and android get better exchange support, that was even changing. So that leaves the techies, not exactly the majority, and most of them went to android since it was the new thing, just like they jumped on Winmo when it was the new thing and I'm jumping on WP7 because it is the new thing.
The biggest difference between wp7 and winmo is that you will have a cenntralized marketplace with reasonably priced programs. With the exception of slingplayer, I haven't seen an app for more than 8 bucks, and that's for the biggest xbox live games. Reg. programs are .99-2.99. Winmo, devs want 20 dollars for programs they haven't upgraded in 2 years.