Originally Posted by jerryyyyy
Well, just checking in on this discussion again. The two pieces of rumor I have heard lately are that Paul Thurott of Windows Weekly says that MS has to cave in on the no-sync with Outlook game stopper. Second sales are very poor.
Windows Phone Crushed By Android -- InformationWeek
So, why sign up if eventually they just pull the plug on this one like the Kin.
considering the 500million in advertising, I'm guessing the plug is not getting pulled. Sales are poor, but what are the actual numbers? You've only had 4 devices launch in the usa on 2 carriers only. I think a larger sample size then 4-6 weeks is needed.
Originally Posted by dprout69
No Shock... they are not gonna lure apple and android users by coming out of the gate offering less than the competition. However, there is news of a 'MASSIVE' update in January on ppcgeeks front page... It better truly be massive cuz this will be the deal maker/breaker. IMHO, if they fail to deliver on this update, then it may just be KIN-worthy and M$'s last hoorah in the mobile market.
Wow, already a death knell for wp7? 4 weeks after launch? Guess this should be expected where anything you don't want to use must obviously be a failure.
Originally Posted by gTen
They allow only multitasking of their own apps..not 3rd part apps..so you cant use a 3rd party radio service and 3rd party twitter client at same time...
The minimum is there..but once you get apps that can utilize say dual cores...with heavy 3d, front facing cameras or etc..the previous phones will always end up being left out...thats how it works for Android, thats how it works on iphones and thats how it will work on WP7...
Also as I stated..the reason the phone lags is samsung use their own crappy RFS partition...they are optimizing it and my guess by Froyo it won't be an issue..
My home computer is safer then M$ servers..for the following reasons:
1) My computer is only accessible by me
2) My computer is less likely to be targeted
So while M$ servers may have more protection..my home PC would still be safer statistically speaking..lol
I will answer your quote with your own quote lol:
Here is why, Epic is easy to get, it has no need for a lagfix because while it still has RFS it has faster nand and also the most important part that causes the lag is not in the RFS..aka EPIC is the best Stock android device on the market...it doesn't lag and very smooth..try one...
1. I didn't realize that samsung had fixed the lag on the epic, so why does the vibrant not get the same treatment? Oh wait, its because they have to wait for samsung to forward it to t-mobile, who then decides if the release it to the masses. MS has placed restrictions on updates not being released by carriers and since they aren't messing with the UI or core OS, they don't have any reason not to push out the updates.
2. I know only core apps multitask for the moment. More multitasking is coming. For now, I have no problems running zune for my music.
Originally Posted by dprout69
Its what I keep saying... if M$ would simply add a setting on the phone to switch back and forth from an advanced interface to a simple interface they would please everyone. It's not like the memory restrictions are still there, we have GB's now. I dig in and mess with every single file on my phone, my gf cant even figure out where she just downloaded a ringtone. BRING WINDOWS MOBILE BACK!!!!!! (Without the bugginess or lag of course.)
I think you hit the nail on the head. It's hard to make a great OS that also allows you to do whatever you want to it. It hasn't been made yet...
Originally Posted by brownhornet
This really isnt a surprise... I kept telling people that by this time next year Android will be by far the #1 selling OS in the mobile game. There isnt anything out that can slow the momentum down right now and when they release the gingerbread line its probably going to get worse. One phone alone was able to turn around Sprints fortune and the demand for the Evo is STILL high even now. Even with MS massive marketing campaign I probably see 3 evo commercials to every wp7 commercial everyday. If you look at googles playbook.. they dont play to lose. When they corner the market, they do it in ALL out fashion.
Next year the top 5 will be 1)Android 2)Symbian 3) RIM 4) IOS 5) Windows
Looking at the stats based here Android OS sales on sharp rise in Europe, but can it sustain? | BiGGTech Android is probably already the #2 seller in Europe behind Symbian based on Q4 sales. Android Outshines Windows 7 & Symbian in Europe | Droid free apps and news
Its only a matter of time...not many people are expecting WP7 to have much impact as I pretty much expected.
5 years ago, who was number 1???
What about 3 years ago?
Last year?
So who knows who will be number 1, 3 years from now?
Could be anybody.