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  #131 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2010, 01:52 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

Originally Posted by alphaxi3 View Post
Maybe that's what MS wants is for people to think of this phone as a PC. Maybe unlike you MS is looking far into the future. These phones these days have the computing power of a 486 PC of the 80's and if you think they will not get more powerful you are not to bright. MS is probably looking at these phones as what they will eventually become, which is a phone and a laptop. One day instead of carrying around a bulky laptop or Pad PC you will carry around a collapsible 15" monitor and keyboard in a 5" X 5" carrying case. When you open and power them up it will auto-connect to your phone and you are now using your phone as a laptop. So now Windows PC = Phone. This will happen within the next ten years, so MS probably has a method to their madness. Any phone OS manufacturer not thinking in this direction now will get caught playing catch up like MS is now and they are probably trying to become the front runner. Get out of your little box, its a box of failure. If you don't believe me neither did everyone else who laughed a my Kyocera 6035 palm phone when I told them it was the future. They are not laughing anymore and are trying to be like me. I just laugh when they try to show me their new little gadgets, its just cracks me up. I just say your about ten years late. LOL
Well thats not what Joe Belfiore thinks...if you don't know he is the vice president of windows phone 7 program...

Using an unidentified prototype phone, Joe Belfiore, vice president of Windows Phone, showed off the new user interface. It’s a dramatic change from Microsoft’s original approach to the mobile market with the PocketPC: as the name implied, the idea was to translate the PC experience to mobile devices. That model is now extinct: “The phone is not a PC,” Belfiore said repeatedly.

Windows Phone 7 Spurs Microsoft's Mobile Strategy - PCWorld

So I'm guessing you know M$ strategy better then they themselves do >.>??

I am not saying the future is not PCs..even the iphone is opening up little by little...M$ on the other hand is going in years behind...
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  #132 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2010, 12:17 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

It amazes me, the arrogance of companys and people. Everytime Microsoft comes out with a new product to compete with someone elses, the news reports, people, and companies all say the same thing. "No way MS can catch up, they should just give up..."

Lets look at the past and see who won against Microsoft. A small sampling.
Lotus 123 vs Excell - MS
Wordperfect vs Word - MS
Novell vs Windows Server - MS
Netscape vs IE - MS
Sony Playstation vs Xbox - TIE hehe
Macintosh vs Windows - MS
VMWare vs Hypervisor - TIE (For now)

Always people say MS can't compete. Those companies above sat on their arrogant asses and said no one can touch us. Microsoft built, listened and changed based on what CUSTOMERS want and blew right past their competitors.

They also have failed at times, but...Pick up and move on forward.
  #133 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2010, 12:33 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

Originally Posted by kaylick View Post
It amazes me, the arrogance of companys and people. Everytime Microsoft comes out with a new product to compete with someone elses, the news reports, people, and companies all say the same thing. "No way MS can catch up, they should just give up..."

Lets look at the past and see who won against Microsoft. A small sampling.
Lotus 123 vs Excell - MS
Wordperfect vs Word - MS
Novell vs Windows Server - MS
Netscape vs IE - MS
Sony Playstation vs Xbox - TIE hehe
Macintosh vs Windows - MS
VMWare vs Hypervisor - TIE (For now)

Always people say MS can't compete. Those companies above sat on their arrogant asses and said no one can touch us. Microsoft built, listened and changed based on what CUSTOMERS want and blew right past their competitors.

They also have failed at times, but...Pick up and move on forward.
There are also many times M$ failed at..like Zune vs iPod?

The above instances were fought with M$ having an advantage..biggest being when Windows grew to be like 90% market share..it made pushing software a lot easier...in Netscape's case they mostly lost cause IE was bundled with Windows. The same applies to the M$ office suite...On the xbox 360 suite they got a lot of market share because Sony was suborn and lost Square, they were too focused on promoting blueray and M$ spent a lot of money bribing developers...this time around the competition is already bribing developers..same trick dont work twice..
  #134 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2010, 12:44 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

I like the Zune-like interface of WP7 and the Zune desktop software isn't TOO bad...a lot of eye-candy though.
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  #135 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2010, 01:39 PM
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Its doomed. I had hope, but now that I used it. It's doomed. Nothing ground breaking. It's more of a sad attempt to clone the iphone. Sorry but fail.

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  #136 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2010, 05:36 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

Microsoft was not destine to win the whole iPod versus Zune contest... Everyone knew that. What people do not realize is that Microsoft has swung their company to be much more services driven... this is why you see services like ZunePass growing (and trust me - it will continue to grow big time now with WP7.) This is why people pay Microsoft $50 a year to play Xbox Live... This is also why companies like Netflix are succeeding and why Apple may have to rethink it's strategy on Micro-music transactions for a subscription service. The thing about subscription vs. per transactions is that once people get locked into a service they are highly unlikely to leave. The ZunePass retention rate is ubber high... it's like crack - once you get a taste you do not want to go back.

Regardless - Microsoft HAS lost before. KIN was a failed attempt at a product which did not have all the right ingredients in place and in the pot to get cooking... kids who actually used the device loved it. Microsoft kind of failed at the channel effort and their business relationship with Verizon.

When Microsoft says they are in it for the "race" and not the sprint (no pun ) you know you are in trouble. They will wear your a$$ down like a river rock. They do not quit and the do not stop. Just ask Sony and Nintendo. Ask Sun Microsystems. Ask Novell. Ask IBM. Ask Oracle. I would say ask Google but they are so new in the market with such fanfair they definitely will be a good challenge for Microsoft as they both have big revenues. Funny thing is that these two companies need each other more than anything... probably has to do with the ethos and leadership of Google - Eric has a hate on for Microsoft like you wouldn't believe through his many years of losing badly to Microsoft.

Alas, I digress, someone who actually thinks the WP7 device is a "clone" of an iPhone needs to get their head checked out... WP7 and iPhone have nothing in common except for the control module for software updates. Of course leave it to any AppleFanBoy to believe that Apple actually made the world of SmartPhones. Give your unaddressed market an Android phone and a WP7 device. Which one do you think they'll get first? Which one will give them the best experience? If you think it's Android you may need to look in the mirror and ask if your Geek ego is taking over reality. The WP7 GUI is much cleaner, much more simplistic... fact of the matter is at the end of the day WP7 will not fail - it will compete and do quite well especially capturing the market that hasn't stepped to the table yet... that is by far still the largest market. We are just a bunch of geeks battling over petty stuff - the unaddressed market is far more "interesting" to a company like Microsoft.
Samsung Focus running on the Telus Network... LG Optimus 7 runningo n the Telus Network

Last edited by jessiethe3rd; 12-23-2010 at 05:43 AM.
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  #137 (permalink)  
Old 12-28-2010, 02:15 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

It is not doomed. It is very far from it in fact. Although many think that "everyone who wants a smartphone already has one", this is an extremely flawed perception. The growth of the smartphone market can be likened to the PC market of the 1980's or the internet of the 1990's. The majority of the users 5 years from now are fairly oblivious to the entire smartphone market now. I would go as far as to say that I would be surprised if "dumb phones" are even available in 5 years.

Smartphones are rapidly replacing home PC's. The entire smartphone revolution is still in it's infancy. MS is focusing on the time frame/market when the vast majority of web traffic is handheld based, where social networks such as facebook are much more than a method of looking up ex's but a common solution for searching and hiring employees, selling and buying products, etc.

I am not saying that there is no way that MS can fail, I am just saying it is highly unlikely[/end spock]. They are the pretty much the only game in desktop OS, with something like 80% of the market share. And they are fully, completely aware of the importance of portable computing. I fully believe that MS has the funds to do whatever it takes to make them a dominant player, if not the primary player, in mobile OS's. You don't dominate the entire digital age by not knowing what you are doing.
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  #138 (permalink)  
Old 12-28-2010, 03:11 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?

Originally Posted by jessiethe3rd View Post
When Microsoft says they are in it for the "race" and not the sprint (no pun ) you know you are in trouble. They will wear your a$$ down like a river rock. They do not quit and the do not stop. Just ask Sony and Nintendo. Ask Sun Microsystems. Ask Novell. Ask IBM. Ask Oracle. I would say ask Google but they are so new in the market with such fanfair they definitely will be a good challenge for Microsoft as they both have big revenues. Funny thing is that these two companies need each other more than anything...
Though so far M$ has yet to beat Google even once...that said Google isn't really that reliant on M$, and M$ hates google a lot...

probably has to do with the ethos and leadership of Google - Eric has a hate on for Microsoft like you wouldn't believe through his many years of losing badly to Microsoft.
I don't see a reason for him to hate M$...he has never actually lost to them either...

Alas, I digress, someone who actually thinks the WP7 device is a "clone" of an iPhone needs to get their head checked out... WP7 and iPhone have nothing in common except for the control module for software updates. Of course leave it to any AppleFanBoy to believe that Apple actually made the world of SmartPhones.
They are referring to a closed down ecosystem..that said if iphone comes to all carriers..and Zune was never able to bead the ipod..why would similar devices be any different? aka why would people choose WP7 over an iphone?

Give your unaddressed market an Android phone and a WP7 device. Which one do you think they'll get first? Which one will give them the best experience? If you think it's Android you may need to look in the mirror and ask if your Geek ego is taking over reality.
Android is not that hard to navigate...that said most consumers play around with the phones they try..so if they play around with one android phone with SenseUI for example and don't like it, they may pick up another on with say TouchWiz and like it..on the other hand if they don't like the WP7 UI..its end game...I can speak from experience that when I go with my friends who don't know much about phone pickup one phone and don't like it..once they see same UI on a different phone they don't even bother trying it...

The WP7 GUI is much cleaner, much more simplistic... fact of the matter is at the end of the day WP7 will not fail - it will compete and do quite well especially capturing the market that hasn't stepped to the table yet... that is by far still the largest market. We are just a bunch of geeks battling over petty stuff - the unaddressed market is far more "interesting" to a company like Microsoft.
The thing about WP7 is it needs to break through a tough ground...its not impossible but it will be one of the hardest things yet for them...

Originally Posted by the92playboy View Post
I am not saying that there is no way that MS can fail, I am just saying it is highly unlikely[/end spock]. They are the pretty much the only game in desktop OS, with something like 80% of the market share. And they are fully, completely aware of the importance of portable computing. I fully believe that MS has the funds to do whatever it takes to make them a dominant player, if not the primary player, in mobile OS's. You don't dominate the entire digital age by not knowing what you are doing.
During that time bill gates was with M$..Baltmer is fail though and has no clue what he is doing..that said M$ has Apple and Google ahead, HP on same point, and Intel/Nokia from behind to deal with..and each of those companies has as much and some have eve more money then M$...
  #139 (permalink)  
Old 12-28-2010, 10:34 AM
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I think a lot of die hard fans of windows mobile are upset because Microsoft dumped the platform all together. Now they are introduced to windows 7 and the "openness" is gone... so off to android they go. I get that but Google UI is not as intuitive as Windows Phone 7 or the iPhone. Most tech blogs agree to that. Sense and TouchWiz are not heavily modified versions of android to begin with. Again, there's that preference for openness that Windows mobile fans complain about with 7. Apple isn't moving in an open direction, period. A few changes yes but they clearly aren't headed in Googles direction. So yeah, underneath all the arguments I think people feel phones should be "open" and windows isn't anymore so they are upset.
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  #140 (permalink)  
Old 12-28-2010, 11:25 AM
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My 2 cents.

Great article, the guy nailed it. I was a true hardcore wm user. I refused everything and anything for years. But lets face it, u can do rd gazzilian tweaks to the rhe wm versions and you still have a very slooooowwwwww device. Opening and closing apps takes 10 seconds or more. And pray you dont get a phonecall while you are multitasking. If you do, you are in a world of hurt.

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