Re: Windows Phone 7... Doomed?
It amazes me, the arrogance of companys and people. Everytime Microsoft comes out with a new product to compete with someone elses, the news reports, people, and companies all say the same thing. "No way MS can catch up, they should just give up..."
Lets look at the past and see who won against Microsoft. A small sampling.
Lotus 123 vs Excell - MS
Wordperfect vs Word - MS
Novell vs Windows Server - MS
Netscape vs IE - MS
Sony Playstation vs Xbox - TIE hehe
Macintosh vs Windows - MS
VMWare vs Hypervisor - TIE (For now)
Always people say MS can't compete. Those companies above sat on their arrogant asses and said no one can touch us. Microsoft built, listened and changed based on what CUSTOMERS want and blew right past their competitors.
They also have failed at times, but...Pick up and move on forward.