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  #71 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2010, 03:31 AM
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Re: Understanding what WP7 is and the true pros/cons.

Originally Posted by itster View Post

also windows phone 7 devices do have multi-tasking abilities but not refined. look at this example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5G-Jj33XQI
I hate to burst your bubble (because i really like WP7) but this only worked because WP7 was in Alpha stages. This app would not run in the background on the current emulator. (I know, I have been playing around with it)
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  #72 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2010, 03:39 AM
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Re: Understanding what WP7 is and the true pros/cons.

Originally Posted by joe50000 View Post
Personally my biggest problem with WP7 is that it should have come out years ago.
haha, You have no idea what you are talking about!

Obviously you've never heard of Photon. Photon was windows mobile 7; M$ developed it for several years. About two years ago M$ decided to scrap Photon and make windows phone 7. Just because they haven't released anything doesn't mean they weren't working on something!

Moreover, XP is still popular because its used by businesses! Vista & Seven were made for consumers. If M$ did not support both of their business and consumer products they would have lost the market (in numbers and mind-share).
  #73 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2010, 04:00 PM
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Re: Understanding what WP7 is and the true pros/cons.

Originally Posted by JamesHulsmann View Post
A) You dont sound like you knoe what your talking about
B) You love your straw men, dont you?
C) First party multitasking will allow the email and other crap to happen that you want and this has been explained mroe then once in the thread already, just not necessarily to you.
D) Usually seeing blind loyalty somewhere else or fanboyism for something other than what you like says more about YOU than the person your wrongfully attempting to classify.

So far, nearly all of your posts in this forum are borderline trolling... but dont worry, your must be good at it since most noone seems to notice or mind.
Wow! Way to drag up an post from me in April when the preliminary rumored specs surfaced and have the cojones to call me a troll! So we went from no multitasking to some multitasking--big deal, my mogul can fully multitask NOW, albeit slowly...

What am I saying about myself? I still use a WM6.X phone because I haven't found a phone that I like enough or can recommend to my college. I'm not going to rush into this Alpha OS because it has the name Microsoft on it. It seems to me that they took a business class phone and made it into an gaming/social network platform with a few business apps installed, instead of making a business class phone that can do other things. I read enough of these posts and people here in this thread seem happy with Microsoft's revamped OS, and I sit here wondering, why should I be happy with more "bling" and less features and choices then I currently enjoy now in WM6.x?

The bottom line is this, we can keyboard banter back and forth till we're both blue in the wrists...Come October we will see what happens in Europe, and in November here in the states how successful this turns out to be or not.
  #74 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2010, 04:48 PM
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Question Re: Understanding what WP7 is and the true pros/cons.

Originally Posted by sprinttouch666 View Post
Obviously you've never heard of Photon. Photon was windows mobile 7; M$ developed it for several years. About two years ago M$ decided to scrap Photon and make windows phone 7. Just because they haven't released anything doesn't mean they weren't working on something!
How is this statement a compliment to Microsoft? This says to me that they don't know what they are doing and that doesn't inspire any confidence in me.

Let's review the past few years:

WM 6.X: successful but abandoned anyway
Photon: abandoned unknown reason
Kin: failed/abandoned $240 million write off
WP7 ??? time will tell/where are the CDMA carriers?

If WP7 is just the new name for Photon, that means it took Microsoft 4+ years to come out with an OS that needs another 5+ years to fine tune. Again, doesn't make me all warm and tingly inside.

So many reason to sit this launch out and see what happens in the next year or so...
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Old 08-03-2010, 07:50 PM
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Re: Understanding what WP7 is and the true pros/cons.

Windows 7 will blow just like every other previous version. I hate to admit that because I have been one of windows biggest supports since day 1. After suffering through the Moto Q, the HTC 6800, the TP1 and now the TP2 I have come to the conclusion that Microsoft can't make a mobile operating system. Gates himself has said that if Windows 7 tanks, then they will pull the plug on WM and not go any further. I hate Apple but I recently broke down and bought a Itouch because I have a BMW that the Itouch integrates with. I know the itouch works because the OS was written for only an Apple type machine. Yes it is propritary and Apple tries to milk every penny out of you but the dam thing just plain works! No lock up, Freezes, or slowness. No bullshit! More and more I'm becoming convinced that the OS system should be manufactured for a specific phone. In other words, HTC should only have 1 phone OS and no one else should use thier product or another OS! Gates himeself, was complaining about the manufactures putting WM 6.1 and 6.5 on phones that weren't cabable of handling them! Sadly, I'm stuck on VZW so I basically have no phone selection....I know I won't be "Charlie Brown'ed"
(running to kick the footbal Lucy is holding) with windows 7 and if your smart, neither will you be!
  #76 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2010, 10:34 PM
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Re: Understanding what WP7 is and the true pros/cons.

Originally Posted by itster View Post
Those of you that think MS takes the market back, you better think again because MS went into the smartphone business with palm holding almost 90% of the market and took it over quickly.
That statement is a contradiction....you meant to say "those of you that don't think MS takes the market back"?

If so..don't compare fighting Palm at an early stage to fighting off Google and Apple...thats like saying..hey I took over a fortress alone against butterflies....now watch me go it alone against dragons....not to mention, entering in new gives you an "underdog" advantage...re-branding yourself is a lot harder...there will be people who used winmo and didn't like it and won't bother even trying wp7...

Not to mention this time they are going in without Verizon in the initial launch...

those of you that point out the kin: the reason the Kin failed is because verizon was charging the smartphone $30 fee on top of this device if you wanted it. Smart parents would not pay $30 for that device and ultimately it failed. I blame MS because they should have know better than to launch this device on verizon network instead of T-Mobile and/or sprint because of their price points. the kin would have been very successful as were the sidekicks were when they lanched only on t-mobile.
Reason kin failed was because there were people in M$ that wanted it to fail...specifically the guy who is in charge of making WP7 was jealous of the kin and did everything to prevent it from succeeding...
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  #77 (permalink)  
Old 08-25-2010, 03:33 PM
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Re: Understanding what WP7 is and the true pros/cons.

Very good read, you make valid points from both perspectives.
  #78 (permalink)  
Old 09-01-2010, 10:42 PM
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Re: Understanding what WP7 is and the true pros/cons.

An excellent read. I though want more from a business prospective than entertainment. No keyboard is ok if there is an application similar to Swype; otherwise I just gotta have a keyboard.
Another beautiful day in Paradise on the Leeward coast with a TP2 and Evo!
  #79 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2010, 01:37 PM
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Re: Understanding what WP7 is and the true pros/cons.

Originally Posted by obxKevin View Post
Thanks for taking the time to write this up. I haven't decided what I'm going to do about my next device, my contract ends Jan 01 every year and since I'm alone, that is always my gift to myself, a new phone.

I've used WinMo, BB, Android, and WebOS. My favorite so far is WinMo 6.5.5 with Android being a close second. And with the UI not customizable, does that mean I can't get xBox and the social media stuff off of the home screen. I really have little use for them and it would be a waste of screen real estate for me. But, also, I do see a lot of neat stuff coming to light on this, and the OP stated some of them (including Silverlight)
I am with you buddy. The best thing WM has always had going for them is the ability to mod the homescreen. What happens if you get bored with the stupid tiles, then what????????
  #80 (permalink)  
Old 09-05-2010, 03:27 PM
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Re: Understanding what WP7 is and the true pros/cons.

This thread died but it was kind of interesting to read over it.

There's a claim somewhere in here that Bill Gates said something like "if windows phone 7 fails we'll pull out of the mobile OS business". Where did that come from? Seems like an awfully pessimistic statement to make about the OS. Not a common PR strategy.

A lot of this depends on stuff we don't know. Too many bold statements thrown around based on an early version without being able to predict how effectively the hackers and coders can work around restrictions. We have to wait at least until they have a chance to tackle customizing the UI, popping the storage card, etc.

Of course if it's true all this stuff will be locked down and it's gonna take months of work by 3rd party fans to make it usable, I may just run out of patience and grab a droidx.

On my home PC I like having an MS OS because it's compatible with MS programs like office that I occasionally use, not to mention everything else that gets out on windows only, or windows first. And there's backwards compatibility with old programs. But on the phone I don't have these compatibility issues. I can't run these cabs on anything else. I don't have to sync with outlook. So I don't really care if MS or apple or google makes my OS. As long as it does what I want.
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