Re: Understanding what WP7 is and the true pros/cons.
Windows 7 will blow just like every other previous version. I hate to admit that because I have been one of windows biggest supports since day 1. After suffering through the Moto Q, the HTC 6800, the TP1 and now the TP2 I have come to the conclusion that Microsoft can't make a mobile operating system. Gates himself has said that if Windows 7 tanks, then they will pull the plug on WM and not go any further. I hate Apple but I recently broke down and bought a Itouch because I have a BMW that the Itouch integrates with. I know the itouch works because the OS was written for only an Apple type machine. Yes it is propritary and Apple tries to milk every penny out of you but the dam thing just plain works! No lock up, Freezes, or slowness. No bullshit! More and more I'm becoming convinced that the OS system should be manufactured for a specific phone. In other words, HTC should only have 1 phone OS and no one else should use thier product or another OS! Gates himeself, was complaining about the manufactures putting WM 6.1 and 6.5 on phones that weren't cabable of handling them! Sadly, I'm stuck on VZW so I basically have no phone selection....I know I won't be "Charlie Brown'ed"
(running to kick the footbal Lucy is holding) with windows 7 and if your smart, neither will you be!