This thread died but it was kind of interesting to read over it.
There's a claim somewhere in here that Bill Gates said something like "if windows phone 7 fails we'll pull out of the mobile OS business". Where did that come from? Seems like an awfully pessimistic statement to make about the OS. Not a common
PR strategy.
A lot of this depends on stuff we don't know. Too many bold statements thrown around based on an early version without being able to predict how effectively the hackers and coders can work around restrictions. We have to wait at least until they have a chance to tackle customizing the UI, popping the storage card, etc.
Of course if it's true all this stuff will be locked down and it's gonna take months of work by 3rd party fans to make it usable, I may just run out of patience and grab a droidx.
On my home PC I like having an MS OS because it's compatible with MS programs like office that I occasionally use, not to mention everything else that gets out on windows only, or windows first. And there's backwards compatibility with old programs. But on the phone I don't have these compatibility issues. I can't run these cabs on anything else. I don't have to sync with outlook. So I don't really care if MS or apple or google makes my OS. As long as it does what I want.