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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2009, 07:44 PM
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Re: Got kicked out of a Sprint service and repair center!!

Originally Posted by mbritt80 View Post
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 7.11) Sprint MP6950SP)

Called retentions, they called the store and took his side, never told me what he said but they basically told me to either early terminate or deal with the refurbs.
Then the next course of action would be, deal with the refurb, then contact the BBB. Tell them of your discrepancy with the rep and the ppl at retentions!
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2009, 02:09 AM
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Re: Got kicked out of a Sprint service and repair center!!

Originally Posted by mbritt80 View Post
A verbal defense doesn't constitute a person to be aggressive Dr.Hong and Dr.Jones, or whoever QrafTee and Mutiny32 are.
How do you know I'm a doctor?! Privacy Assist, you've failed me again! Argh!
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2009, 02:41 AM
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Re: Got kicked out of a Sprint service and repair center!!

I have a TP and will be exchanging it for the TP2 under the WEL thing. I went to a corp. store and asked to speak to a manager (because teh first visit did not go to well, but was nice).

To make a long story short, I had all the info I needed when I went back the second time. I had the memo and the list and a copy of the online chat with Sprint stating the exchange for the TP for a TP2. The manager was rude and loud (she was not going to give me the TP2) and I was not, I asked the manager are you getting loud with me and after that the whole thing (mood and atmosphere) changed. She finally agreed that the TP2 was on the list and it is currently on back order. Two days ago I called her back directly (like she asked me to do) and stated teh phone is in stock at the warehouse and is on order.

I was very nice to her the whole time and I am a very impatient man.

For some reason that day I was thinking I could do this and get it done and I did.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2009, 12:13 PM
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Re: Got kicked out of a Sprint service and repair center!!

I hate to beat a dead horse, but after reading this entire thread I have to add my two cents, which in all reality is nothing but a re-hash of most everyone else's comments.

First off, a little about me. I have always been an instigator; it is most certainly a personality trait. I have been the one to start problems with people since I was very young. I am not sure why it is, but I have worked very hard over the years to curb it, mostly to a greater degree of success.

I am 6'3" and weigh 270 lbs. I am easily considered a "big" person and know it. Most people do not get rude with me because of my sheer size and their good common sense, and I know this, too. I can typically get my way with someone for the pure fact that they don't want to piss me off, period. And I have always used this to my advantage; almost always getting what I wanted.

All that said, I have learned over the years (and I have put in plenty), that you get back what you give out. If I go into a situation expecting to get my way because that's what I expect will happen, it probably will. But only if I treat the other person with respect, understanding and patience. And all three are essential; two out of three is still an epic failure.

The Sprint store rep seemingly reacted to your actions by telling you to leave. He was most likely frustrated both by his internal Sprint limitations with regard to helping customers and also what looks like was an overly aggressive attitude from you. Frankly, I can understand that you wanted to get a reliable and fair replacement for your phone. I get that. But, from what I read of your account at the store, your attempt to do so was thwarted by your own actions.

Lastly, the title of your thread tells me a great deal about your overall attitude regarding these events. Your thread wasn't entitled "Need help getting a fair replacement from Sprint" or "Horrible Sprint customer service problem, please help." Instead, the title you chose seems to me more about you bragging that you got kicked out of a Sprint store because you put your foot down and got aggressive with the rep.

I am not judging you, not trying to offer negative criticism and not trying to come across as a bigger bully or a better person. I am merely trying to offer some advice on how to best deal with people based upon many years of my own personal failures.

Whether you take my advice or not, good luck.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2009, 01:18 PM
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Cool Re: Got kicked out of a Sprint service and repair center!!

I think some people here don't know how a customer service representative (csr) is supposed to act. I honestly think mbritt80 was not in the wrong. Maybe he was heated, maybe he was angry, maybe he was intimidating, and then again, maybe he wasn't. None of it matters. He's the customer. In a way, he's allowed to act that way. The Sprint's store rep was in the wrong from the moment he lost any of his control. CSRs are supposed to be the calm and collected person in the situation. That's what they are for. ESPECIALLY cell phone companies since everybody seems to love them . People don't think this way anymore. We are customers. We may not always get what we want, but times past have shown that we can raise hell and expect there to be a compromise because the customer is always right. Yes the csr's hands may be tied, that's why you tell the customer that and help them understand it, but then you offer solutions to the problem, because that is what the customer wants and needs to hear.

In regards to the eye-contact, whoever said that eye-contact in a heated situation almost always leads to fights, you are a complete moron and I hope you don't work in customer service. A lack of eye contact shows disrespect and a lack of self-respect. "Eye contact issues" are the ***** way out, it lets you blame it one something else besides your own lacking-ness (not a word but it makes sense).The ability to look someone straight in the eye while keeping your cool in just about every situation is a MUST for ANY csr.

So anyways, mbritt80 I hope everything works out for ya. Sounds like you keep getting royally f*cked. What's double f*cked is that retentions didn't take your side. That's not very retention-like. I would say you need to take the offensive now and start attacking Sprint. Get as high up the food-chain as you can and make sure you raise hell enough. And maybe you'll get some extra-special goodness for having to go through all this bs.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2009, 02:22 PM
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Re: Got kicked out of a Sprint service and repair center!!

Originally Posted by mathiass View Post
I think some people here don't know how a customer service representative (csr) is supposed to act. I honestly think mbritt80 was not in the wrong. Maybe he was heated, maybe he was angry, maybe he was intimidating, and then again, maybe he wasn't. None of it matters. He's the customer. In a way, he's allowed to act that way. The Sprint's store rep was in the wrong from the moment he lost any of his control. CSRs are supposed to be the calm and collected person in the situation. That's what they are for. ESPECIALLY cell phone companies since everybody seems to love them . People don't think this way anymore. We are customers. We may not always get what we want, but times past have shown that we can raise hell and expect there to be a compromise because the customer is always right. Yes the csr's hands may be tied, that's why you tell the customer that and help them understand it, but then you offer solutions to the problem, because that is what the customer wants and needs to hear.

In regards to the eye-contact, whoever said that eye-contact in a heated situation almost always leads to fights, you are a complete moron and I hope you don't work in customer service. A lack of eye contact shows disrespect and a lack of self-respect. "Eye contact issues" are the ***** way out, it lets you blame it one something else besides your own lacking-ness (not a word but it makes sense).The ability to look someone straight in the eye while keeping your cool in just about every situation is a MUST for ANY csr.

So anyways, mbritt80 I hope everything works out for ya. Sounds like you keep getting royally f*cked. What's double f*cked is that retentions didn't take your side. That's not very retention-like. I would say you need to take the offensive now and start attacking Sprint. Get as high up the food-chain as you can and make sure you raise hell enough. And maybe you'll get some extra-special goodness for having to go through all this bs.
I'm sorry, but CSR are people too and they too have limitations. There is a level of professionalism expected from them, but if you're rude and consistently rude; you cannot just expect the customer to be "always right." From personal experience, I know that in many cases the customers are downright wrong.

And depending on how you view other people, the lack of eye contact could be just submission or frustration while eye contact can be an aggressive behavior. It's not "black and white." It's the entirety of one's body language, tone, and voice can one really see it one way or another.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2009, 04:07 PM
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Re: Got kicked out of a Sprint service and repair center!!

Originally Posted by QrafTee View Post
I'm sorry, but CSR are people too and they too have limitations. There is a level of professionalism expected from them, but if you're rude and consistently rude; you cannot just expect the customer to be "always right." From personal experience, I know that in many cases the customers are downright wrong.
Agreed. I still believe though that unless physical injury is about to happen, the csr is the one that needs to keep his/her/its cool no matter the attitude of the customer. The csr is a representative of the company in all respects, therefore they have to represent the company in as positive a manner as possible. I guess having been raised in a family of customer service of many different kinds and having been in customer service for a long time I see it differently. 'z all good.

Originally Posted by QrafTee View Post
And depending on how you view other people, the lack of eye contact could be just submission or frustration while eye contact can be an aggressive behavior. It's not "black and white." It's the entirety of one's body language, tone, and voice can one really see it one way or another.
Agreed there too. My dad always emphasized eye contact and body language more than anything. Eye contact though to me being more important.

On a side note, I realize this probably wasn't the best topic to voice my very first posts as a member of this board (does that make sense at all?) , but oh well. I'll be getting me a TP2 here pretty soon (as soon as UPS delivers it) and I like the variety of topics and the membership on these forums. I hope to become a good (albeit opinionated) contributing member
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2009, 01:23 AM
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Re: Got kicked out of a Sprint service and repair center!!

Originally Posted by mathiass View Post
On a side note, I realize this probably wasn't the best topic to voice my very first posts as a member of this board (does that make sense at all?) , but oh well. I'll be getting me a TP2 here pretty soon (as soon as UPS delivers it) and I like the variety of topics and the membership on these forums. I hope to become a good (albeit opinionated) contributing member
You're off to a good start. Welcome to PPCGeeks Forum.
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