Re: Why does everyone hate the iphone?
Microsoft has obviously been slow with updating the OS, and overall, the WM 6.X series is quite dated, (though still offers the greatest versatility). It's easy for Apple and Palm to release updates regularly and get them pushed to customer's devices quickly as they are proprietary companies. When MS releases updates, much like Android, it takes a while for the manufacturer and carrier to push those updates to the device. Sprint's Android phones are still on 1.5. I agree, proswitcher does run more smoothly than multiflow, but they both run at the forefront of Backgrounder, the heart of the issue. None of these devices or OSes is perfect, and regardless of what features they do have, we will always want more. |
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Re: Why does everyone hate the iphone?
I was just stating that I dont care how a device comes stock because thats not how i run it.
I understand for the sake of the general public usage it is definitely a concern of capabilities out of the box. But this site doesnt really fall into that category all i care about are its capabilities in the end. i dont have ANY devices i run stock(even my old ipod video was hacked,psp is def hacked, my wm phones are flashed, my webOS device will be patched, my wifes g1 is rooted and flashed, my ipod touch is jailbroken, even my router is flashed, etc). I just find it funny that people on a site centered around hacking can try to compare the stock capabilities of a device even when they know a few mouseclicks can give it endless potential. Jailbreaking is as simple as installing a cab through activesync but I see you are knowledgeable on all this and its a relief to see someone else on these boards who doesnt speak with ignorance about other devices just because they dont own them OFF TOPIC i really wish we had a Maemo phone readily available here in the states, it really piques my intrest and is the only mobile OS i havent tried yet |
Re: Why does everyone hate the iphone?
Re: Why does everyone hate the iphone?
so... thanks. the only issue i have which is the big deal breaker in all you said is that... apple wants to make sure that you don't jail break your phone. by doing bimonthly updates, and stuff like that. yea... there are ways around it... but in the end... its so much more of a hassle. i mean... when we flash winmo roms... its not like all of a sudden we can't plug in the phone to our computers. or fully utilize the syncing of itunes to it. AAAND as I said before. in the case that you have an ipod, or an ipt. then what? oh... but i do like your unbiased oppinion. again... its nothing against the iphone... its apple all together. ps... remember when jailbreak first came out, and apple made the itunes brick the phone if you sync'd?? yea...
being a knew bee, im always learning stuff im forgetting, ADHD Sucks balls. i knew i should have listened to my mommy when she said drugs are bad... but i was never this bad at remembering stuff... anyways... learning, yea... ADHD makes me a person that writes long and useless stuff... anyways back to learning... i will be a new bee for life because by the time i understand something, im 2 updates behind. sorry.
Re: Why does everyone hate the iphone?
1. like i said... most people have both... and thier music library is ussually in a desktop or atleast a removable hard drive. and 2... your reply was why I added the "business use only laptops". would you carry around 2 laptops? one for business and one for personal use? might as well just carry the desktop... lol. oh and what i stated with my phone... it was all through the phone.. not utilizing the laptop... i mean even if you did decide to carry around 2 laptops... would you carry around 2 laptops for a 3 day trip juuuust incase you needed to hard reset your phone? given... its rarer to have to or want to hard reset an iphone due to its great stability... (which is one of the beauty's of it) and for the second comment... like i said before... i used to work for ATT customer service. and believe me... for every 5 people w/ perfect phones. (same goes for winmo) there is 1 person w/ the crappiest luck w/ them. I once talked to an apple fanboy who returned his phone 9 times... and was so upset that apple GAVE HIM a bt headset... which just pissed him off more bc it only had a charge time of 2-3 hrs. lol. and thats just one dude. even us at ATT cust service had to wait on hold for sometimes 40 mins, bc we weren't allowed to cold transfer to iphone/apple tech support. and we were not allowed to be trained in iphone troubleshooting bc apple was adamant in troubleshooting their product themselves. (just goes to show... you are one of the REALLY lucky ones who somehow got the incredible hulk iphone..) #2... there was this guy... (retarded) who was walking out of the mall w/ 2 new ip3g one for him and one for his wife... and i guess he was holding both of them in his hands in awe of the new phones. and some guy walks right up to him... ganks both phones and runs away... leaving them w/ nothing but a 250 cxlation fee so they can buy a new phone. bc they can't insure it, plus they had a $300 charge for the iphone itself bc they cxl'd w/in 30 days of a new contract w/o returning the phone. and the phones non-contract price was 600 at the time. lol sukkas! i tried to help the poor bastard... but even the call center director said no. bc it was strict att/apple agreement that this was to be done. Last edited by knewBee4lyfe; 01-11-2010 at 09:37 AM. |
Re: Why does everyone hate the iphone?
Re: Why does everyone hate the iphone?
sorry for the multipost guys... but... last one..
i gotta say, i wouldn't mind having a touch. its an iphone w/o the phone feature. and att data... i had my psp hacked laptop NDS car even my moms car has a few tweeks. im just a geek like that. and if and when i get an ipod touch... im sure the first thing im going to do to it is jailbreak it. btw... the maemo... isn't that the sony phone thats more of a messaging phone? if it is... i saw it at fry's a few years back. if it isn't... can you post a link to it. I doubt phonearena.com will have up on their pages. if so... then i haven't looked. lol. in the end... I'd like to say that it took over 10 years for ms to make a tolerable winmo system. im sure if we give apple half the time. they will address most of the issues we complain about at this moment. i mean... it only took them 3 years to add mms and video capability. how long did it take ms? w/ phones older than the 6700? in closing... be good to your phone... and everyone elses... bc beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder... lol |
Re: Why does everyone hate the iphone?
thanks I was about to respond but you're correct. I rip my own CDsand there are so many other places besides Itunes you can legally get music I won't even go into it, excpet to say that it doesn't all come in crappy 128 kbps. I actually use an ipod (that small tiny like the size of quarter) a friend gave me, but sync all my music with mediamonkey, I also sync my phone with mediamonkey. I just hate apple software its so cumbersome. |
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