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Old 01-11-2010, 09:28 AM
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Re: Why does everyone hate the iphone?

Originally Posted by drift365 View Post
No you wouldnt carry a desktop around. Thats what LAPTOPS are for.

Why are you sending it back? I have done all kinds of crap to this phone including dropping it onto pavement screen first from the front seat of a truck, and it still hasnt broken. When you send out any other phone for repair you dont have a phone for 2 weeks either. No difference

1. like i said... most people have both... and thier music library is ussually in a desktop or atleast a removable hard drive. and 2... your reply was why I added the "business use only laptops". would you carry around 2 laptops? one for business and one for personal use? might as well just carry the desktop... lol. oh and what i stated with my phone... it was all through the phone.. not utilizing the laptop... i mean even if you did decide to carry around 2 laptops... would you carry around 2 laptops for a 3 day trip juuuust incase you needed to hard reset your phone? given... its rarer to have to or want to hard reset an iphone due to its great stability... (which is one of the beauty's of it)

and for the second comment... like i said before... i used to work for ATT customer service. and believe me... for every 5 people w/ perfect phones. (same goes for winmo) there is 1 person w/ the crappiest luck w/ them.

I once talked to an apple fanboy who returned his phone 9 times... and was so upset that apple GAVE HIM a bt headset... which just pissed him off more bc it only had a charge time of 2-3 hrs. lol. and thats just one dude.

even us at ATT cust service had to wait on hold for sometimes 40 mins, bc we weren't allowed to cold transfer to iphone/apple tech support. and we were not allowed to be trained in iphone troubleshooting bc apple was adamant in troubleshooting their product themselves. (just goes to show... you are one of the REALLY lucky ones who somehow got the incredible hulk iphone..)

#2... there was this guy... (retarded) who was walking out of the mall w/ 2 new ip3g one for him and one for his wife... and i guess he was holding both of them in his hands in awe of the new phones. and some guy walks right up to him... ganks both phones and runs away... leaving them w/ nothing but a 250 cxlation fee so they can buy a new phone. bc they can't insure it, plus they had a $300 charge for the iphone itself bc they cxl'd w/in 30 days of a new contract w/o returning the phone. and the phones non-contract price was 600 at the time. lol sukkas!

i tried to help the poor bastard... but even the call center director said no. bc it was strict att/apple agreement that this was to be done.
being a knew bee, im always learning stuff im forgetting, ADHD Sucks balls. i knew i should have listened to my mommy when she said drugs are bad... but i was never this bad at remembering stuff... anyways... learning, yea... ADHD makes me a person that writes long and useless stuff... anyways back to learning... i will be a new bee for life because by the time i understand something, im 2 updates behind. sorry.

Last edited by knewBee4lyfe; 01-11-2010 at 09:37 AM.