Originally Posted by newone757
so what both void your warranty if you dont return to stock before turning in and both make the experience that much better. they may not be equal but pretty much everyone saying iphone doesn't have basic functionality are running custom roms and in my eyes if you're willing to flash you're willing to jailbreak. so i dont get what all the complaining is for.
and i could really care less if apple or MS approve of what we are doing, its not like either offers any support and sadly apple keeps its OS more up to date than MS so whats the advantage there again??
and proswitcher is much better than mulitiflow, you should really give it a try, ive been watching live NBA games and been able to exit out , post on facebook status about the game and return right back to the stream with no issues. (on ipod)
The iPhone IS missing basic functionality that takes jailbreaking to add it to the device, bottom line, and it isn't comparable to unlocking. What you care or don't care about regarding MS and Apple approving your actions is irrelevant, the point is what jailbreaking does for the device, you have to free the phone from the constraints of Apple in order to utilize certain programs and features.
Microsoft has obviously been slow with updating the OS, and overall, the WM 6.X series is quite dated, (though still offers the greatest versatility). It's easy for Apple and Palm to release updates regularly and get them pushed to customer's devices quickly as they are proprietary companies. When MS releases updates, much like Android, it takes a while for the manufacturer and carrier to push those updates to the device. Sprint's Android phones are still on 1.5.
I agree, proswitcher does run more smoothly than multiflow, but they both run at the forefront of Backgrounder, the heart of the issue.
None of these devices or OSes is perfect, and regardless of what features they do have, we will always want more.