Originally Posted by newone757
for some reason people here cant get this through their thick skulls.
Originally Posted by CyberMonkey
You noticed that too?
I just find it funny that people will always post "you need to jailbreak it to do anything good with it"....when this site is full of posts talking about how the first thing you should do with a new WinMo is find a custom ROM and flash it to make it better.
I gotta disagree with you guys on this one. Jailbreaking an iPhone is in no way analogous to unlocking a WM phone. WM phones can run any program or app that is compatible without having to unlock it. Unlocking only opens up the world for custom ROM and radio flashing, a world that does not exist with the iPhone.
The iPhone on the other hand, being under the constraints of Apple, MUST be jailbroken to run certain programs and apps that Apple would rather you not run. Microsoft puts no similar restraint on their customers.
The most frustrating thing is that the iPhone MUST be jailbroken to allow basic functionality such as multitasking and downloading from the net, a feat I haven't even bothered with since upgrading past 3.0, infact, I'm not sure if it can be done? This becomes annoying when I jailbreak my phone to run a gameboy or nes emulator, but then I still have to hook the phone up to a computer to get ROMs because I can't download to the device!?!?!
Also, while the multitasking implementations on a jailbroken iPhone are "pretty," (multiflow w/ backgrounder has a nice interface, much like the Pre) the functionality is not reliable. For those of you that have used an iPhone you know that not all programs will reliably run in the background. For instance, I have backgrounded games so I could pause and send a message only to find out that the game did not keep running but decided to close.
Originally Posted by drift365
No you wouldnt carry a desktop around. Thats what LAPTOPS are for.
Why are you sending it back? I have done all kinds of crap to this phone including dropping it onto pavement screen first from the front seat of a truck, and it still hasnt broken. When you send out any other phone for repair you dont have a phone for 2 weeks either. No difference
I've dropped a couple of iPhones and the screens have shattered. Luckily they are pretty easy to replace and you can buy them online for like $25. But, back to the point of carrying around computers. The iPhone is more dependant on having a computer to hook up to than is a WM phone. I see the point that was being made and I absolutely agree.