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  #241 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2010, 09:47 PM
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Re: Why does everyone hate the iphone?

I don't hate the iphone, but I can't use it because I am not willing to take my computer that I built and tweaked for the best performance my budget allows and corrupt it by installing itunes. Look at the direction apple is going in, doesn't one of the new ipods uses proprietary head phones? that's like a car using proprietary fuel and tires
  #242 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2010, 12:29 AM
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Re: Why does everyone hate the iphone?

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
You must be the sole person on the planet who could not access this site on anything other than safari running on an iphone...
dude seriously, its people like you that im referring to.. you seriously are biased and are either lying to yourself, or you havent even used an iphone. there is NO browser that can compete with safari.. PERIOD. god man, you cant even give credit where its due can you? opera mini? skyfire?? opera mobile!?! they all are in beta forms anyway, not to mention they all have issues, and can use a LOT of work. you cant sit there and tell me that safari is second to any of those browsers. when i hear comments like that, it really shows what kind of people waste their time saying ignorant things that they dont even know what they are talkin about. facts are facts, the truth is the truth, get over it dude. its not necessarily about opinions here either, its just about reliability and ease of use, not to mention the speed, usefulness and the overall experience with the browser. i seriously want you to hold your breath until you physically own an iphone for a day or two and use it. and even if you do prefer win mobile at least understand how and why safari is liteyears ahead of any browser. its funny how i never once heard a editor or reviewer from engadget, phone scoop, wmexperts, ect. say that any other browser is better than safari but you had the nerve to even compare BETA versions to it. like i said before, people that HATE the iphone (like you) seriously are just being biased for no reason or just havent used one.
i hate idiots... seriously

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  #243 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2010, 02:16 AM
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Re: Why does everyone hate the iphone?

Originally Posted by rawdog805 View Post
I know right, because you were sitting right beside me when I tried them.. lol.. there are some silly people on this board I tell ya...

Just to let you know I tried skyfire, opera mobile several different versions, IE, and the picasa browser or whatever it was called, along with IRIS..

But yeah I didnt try any real ones... lol..
well that's strange that I can stream movies, use javascript and all kinds of things with skyfire. Only website that I couldn't use on it, was one that mandated internet explorer because it used a virtual microsoft office for tests (it was a stupid computer prerequisite class I had to take, and there's no tests out of it).
But that's only because it needed those programs, so it wouldn't work on the iphone in the case I just mentioned.
But I'm sorry bro, I was assuming you just tried PocketIE and nothing else. I didn't really mean it as harsh as it sounded.

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
You must be the sole person on the planet who could not access this site on anything other than safari running on an iphone...
Originally Posted by blue4shizzle View Post
dude seriously, its people like you that im referring to.. you seriously are biased and are either lying to yourself, or you havent even used an iphone. there is NO browser that can compete with safari.. PERIOD. god man, you cant even give credit where its due can you? opera mini? skyfire?? opera mobile!?! they all are in beta forms anyway, not to mention they all have issues, and can use a LOT of work. you cant sit there and tell me that safari is second to any of those browsers. when i hear comments like that, it really shows what kind of people waste their time saying ignorant things that they dont even know what they are talkin about. facts are facts, the truth is the truth, get over it dude. its not necessarily about opinions here either, its just about reliability and ease of use, not to mention the speed, usefulness and the overall experience with the browser. i seriously want you to hold your breath until you physically own an iphone for a day or two and use it. and even if you do prefer win mobile at least understand how and why safari is liteyears ahead of any browser. its funny how i never once heard a editor or reviewer from engadget, phone scoop, wmexperts, ect. say that any other browser is better than safari but you had the nerve to even compare BETA versions to it. like i said before, people that HATE the iphone (like you) seriously are just being biased for no reason or just havent used one.
Well first off, even if the iphone's browser is good, you're still stuck with a crappy carrier.
Second, everything is not in beta.
If you get the beta versions or modded roms, then yes, those usually tend to have the latest beta versions installed.
You do know that they release non beta stable releases and if you use a beta version, you get bugs.
I've known more people that return their iphone for problems than any other phone owner.
Safari is not lightyears (yeah that's how you spell it) ahead of winmobile's browsers....
Winmobile browsers have been tested at the same speeds as safari.

Iphone does have nice hardware, I'll give it that, and a few more features needs to be added, and then let everyone post their apps to the appstore, and then I'd be all over it. But until then....I won't touch it.

Oh and I'm assuming you all have it jailbroken?
Because I'm basically against non jailbroken ones.
If they're jailbroken, I wouldn't mind them, but I want those features added, and the ability to customize the UI, and the app thing I said above, and I'd get one too. But till then....I'm not going to....
I might get a Android phone sometime soon though, as I'm not stuck on winmo.
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  #244 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2010, 02:26 AM
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Re: Why does everyone hate the iphone?

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
You must be the sole person on the planet who could not access this site on anything other than safari running on an iphone...
WOW.. Reading is Fundamental my friend.. LOL.

Originally Posted by codybear View Post
Oh and I'm assuming you all have it jailbroken?
Because I'm basically against non jailbroken ones.
If they're jailbroken, I wouldn't mind them, but I want those features added, and the ability to customize the UI, and the app thing I said above, and I'd get one too. But till then....I'm not going to....
I might get a Android phone sometime soon though, as I'm not stuck on winmo.
Definitely Jailbroken here, as that is the only way to see the phones full capabilities... But that goes for WM PPC's also, as the only way to see their full potential to unlock them and run custom firmware..
iPhone 3Gs

Last edited by rawdog805; 01-23-2010 at 02:31 AM.
  #245 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2010, 10:47 AM
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Re: Why does everyone hate the iphone?

the funny thing is mine ISNT jailbroken, it runs fine, i think maybe its because i have a 3g(s) idk but it runs extremely smooth and i really dont have the urge at the moment to jailbreak it. i still feel it destroys a lot of things win mobile is trying to do. and you really cant beat that app store, sorry. its also funny that you refer to AT&T as a crappy carrier. i sold phones for EVERY carrier out, and i mean considering how probably 65 percent of this community are on sprint i seriously find that remark comical. EVERYONE has their dead spots, yes even verizon. look it up, bowling green kentucky, 42101.. sprint, verizon, and t-mobile dont have 3G here.. but AT&T does. a guy came in with a droid and couldnt get 3g (rev A) speeds at all. funny, how verizon's commercials KILL at&t's coverage maps but ironically i could stream the commercial on youtube with my iphone while the droid was struggling pull up the mobile version of facebook. to be honest, it really doesnt matter that much on what all coverage a carrier has (to an extent). its all about where you are most of the time when you use your phone for the most part. i dont travel the country for it to matter, but hell every where i went thus far i had 3G, sprint only had Rev A in big cities..
  #246 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2010, 11:01 AM
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Re: Why does everyone hate the iphone?

Originally Posted by codybear View Post

Well first off, even if the iphone's browser is good, you're still stuck with a crappy carrier.
Second, everything is not in beta.
If you get the beta versions or modded roms, then yes, those usually tend to have the latest beta versions installed.
You do know that they release non beta stable releases and if you use a beta version, you get bugs.
I've known more people that return their iphone for problems than any other phone owner.
Safari is not lightyears (yeah that's how you spell it) ahead of winmobile's browsers....
Winmobile browsers have been tested at the same speeds as safari.
lets think about general use shall we? the world doesnt consist of us nerds, so i want to talk about general use and what everyone else coming in to the smartphone world (not that there's much left out there) to expect. would you honestly recommend a touch pro 2? i love the phone, but then again, im a windows mobile guru like everyone else here.. who else would know how to hack into the phone and flash a custom rom or change the registry settings on it, and then install cab after cab to tweak the performance and get better browsers and programs? lets face it, windows mobile stockwise is flat out garbage. iphone.. yeah im not even going to say it. you already know (i wont even insult your intelligence by finishing my point there). now back to my general use point. browsing the web, using email, texting, mp3 features, ect. i find all the iphone to have a slight edge in some categories and a HUGE edge in others.. email on the iphone rocks, i personally find that i can text quicker on my iphone even compared to touchpal.. the ipod feature is one of those- you seriously would have to be an idiot to not know which is supreme, browsing the web.. and i mean general web browsing like 90 percent of smartphone users would do, going to facebook (which their app is second to none in anyway) google search, blackboard, you name it.. im just trying to point out some key elements here that set this phone in a completely different category compared to win mobile, plus (as a salesman) you arent going to sit there and expect a customer to even want to deal with the bs that they could deal with when it comes to a win mobile phone, they will bring that phone back in a heartbeat.
notice how i backed up my point with facts and real things that actually matter? im really anxious to hear a reply to this one now.. im tired of the bs and im ready to put all this iphone haterade mess to rest
  #247 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2010, 02:20 PM
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Re: Why does everyone hate the iphone?

Originally Posted by blue4shizzle View Post
the funny thing is mine ISNT jailbroken, it runs fine, i think maybe its because i have a 3g(s) idk but it runs extremely smooth and i really dont have the urge at the moment to jailbreak it. i still feel it destroys a lot of things win mobile is trying to do. and you really cant beat that app store, sorry. its also funny that you refer to AT&T as a crappy carrier. i sold phones for EVERY carrier out, and i mean considering how probably 65 percent of this community are on sprint i seriously find that remark comical. EVERYONE has their dead spots, yes even verizon. look it up, bowling green kentucky, 42101.. sprint, verizon, and t-mobile dont have 3G here.. but AT&T does. a guy came in with a droid and couldnt get 3g (rev A) speeds at all. funny, how verizon's commercials KILL at&t's coverage maps but ironically i could stream the commercial on youtube with my iphone while the droid was struggling pull up the mobile version of facebook. to be honest, it really doesnt matter that much on what all coverage a carrier has (to an extent). its all about where you are most of the time when you use your phone for the most part. i dont travel the country for it to matter, but hell every where i went thus far i had 3G, sprint only had Rev A in big cities..
True about location.
I've just had TERRIBLE billing problems with At&t, getting charged for stuff I didn't do, and terrible CS too.
But that's just my case and was used to form my opinion...you know...the thing we all have a right to. lol.

and get that dang thing jailbroken already.

[QUOTE=blue4shizzle;1511108]lets think about general use shall we? the world doesnt consist of us nerds, so i want to talk about general use and what everyone else coming in to the smartphone world (not that there's much left out there) to expect.

would you honestly recommend a touch pro 2? i love the phone, but then again, im a windows mobile guru like everyone else here.. who else would know how to hack into the phone and flash a custom rom or change the registry settings on it, and then install cab after cab to tweak the performance and get better browsers and programs? lets face it, windows mobile stockwise is flat out garbage. iphone.. yeah im not even going to say it. you already know (i wont even insult your intelligence by finishing my point there).
Never said I'd recommend a TP2. I'd recommend waiting....the WM phones around the corner (they could possibly be running android on some of them) will murder the iphones capabilities;but I won't mention future products anymore as it's irrelevant at this time.

If that's all you really know how to do.....you're not a guru. Sorry buddy.
Stockwise is flat out garbage, but atleast we can still mod it without having to unlock and flash(newer phones' custom roms are about the same as stock, but with some newer versions of a couple UI's.)
but you can still customize every single icon, every single taskbar icon, the entire interface. Can you do that? Nope. You can only change icons and backgrounds. LOL(when I say you, that's the general usage we're talking about as the general public that have iphones don't unlock theirs).

now back to my general use point. browsing the web, using email, texting, mp3 features, ect. i find all the iphone to have a slight edge in some categories and a HUGE edge in others..
That's a personal opinnion as you said I find blah blah.
I thought you said you backed it up with facts??

email on the iphone rocks
this is one feature I haven't used on an iphone, so I can't comment this.
I do agree ours needs some upgrading/tweaking to work better.
I'm sure apple's email part works alot better, so I'll give it a point here.

i personally find that i can text quicker on my iphone even compared to touchpal..
I use swype and my physical keyboard.
I can type damn fast and faster than most of my friends that have an iphone and other people I've seen typing on an iphone.

the ipod feature is one of those- you seriously would have to be an idiot to not know which is supreme,
LOL. Is this a fact here too? NOPE! Another opinion buddy.
Boy, you need to go to http://www.merriam-webster.com/ and read the definitions of opinions and facts.
I have skinned my mp3 player, can you do that?
I have changed my layout completely, added new buttons, gestures, all kinds of stuff.
What makes it so much better when we have a ipod app that acts just like the ipod mp3 player you have?

browsing the web.. and i mean general web browsing like 90 percent of smartphone users would do, going to facebook (which their app is second to none in anyway) google search, blackboard, you name it..
Again, opinion....where's this fact you're talking about?
There's been multiple tests, benchmarks, video comparisons with extensive browser comparisons that the iphone's with that of WM's. And I hate to have to break your bubble and tell you that they're equal buddy.
Sometimes the iphone finishes loading a page first,and sometimes the WM phone finishes first.

im just trying to point out some key elements here that set this phone in a completely different category compared to win mobile, plus (as a salesman) you arent going to sit there and expect a customer to even want to deal with the bs that they could deal with when it comes to a win mobile phone, they will bring that phone back in a heartbeat.
I've known people that haven't unlocked their WM phone and have owned an iphone and hated it and have switched...
Therefore the BS you're referring to is opinion once again.

I know more people that bring their iphones in for repair/replacement than any other phone (except TouchPro1 because of the keyboard, the TP1 was about even).

notice how i backed up my point with facts and real things that actually matter?
I must have missed those facts. Care to point them out?

im really anxious to hear a reply to this one now.. im tired of the bs and im ready to put all this iphone haterade mess to rest
For the general public that tend to be sheep and not very bright (usually) the iphone is great, but to a more intellectually attributed being, it is garbage. haha.
I agree though on some levels, I want the screen, and graphics. But the screen is coming on WM phones, and the reason we don't have the graphics is a manufacture being cheap and putting in chips that are capable of less colors/etc.

There will never be an end to the "iphone haterade" as you call it.
The choice of a phone is pure personal preference, and your experience on a phone is just that, yours. So therefore everyone has different experiences with the different phones and OSes and what not, so it'll never cease to exist as more of us have had bad times with an iPhone, and get bored with them than those of use that have had good times with them.

Plus you're on a primarily WM forum. Go to an iphone one, and they'll be bashing WM and android. It's just what happens.
(yes we have android and iphone sections here, but it started out as a WM forum. So it's going to be more of WM people).

Plus if you don't like it, you can always go somewhere else.
  #248 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2010, 08:04 PM
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Re: Why does everyone hate the iphone?

[QUOTE=codybear;1513299]True about location.
I've just had TERRIBLE billing problems with At&t, getting charged for stuff I didn't do, and terrible CS too.
But that's just my case and was used to form my opinion...you know...the thing we all have a right to. lol.

and get that dang thing jailbroken already.

Originally Posted by blue4shizzle View Post
lets think about general use shall we? the world doesnt consist of us nerds, so i want to talk about general use and what everyone else coming in to the smartphone world (not that there's much left out there) to expect.

Never said I'd recommend a TP2. I'd recommend waiting....the WM phones around the corner (they could possibly be running android on some of them) will murder the iphones capabilities;but I won't mention future products anymore as it's irrelevant at this time.

If that's all you really know how to do.....you're not a guru. Sorry buddy.
Stockwise is flat out garbage, but atleast we can still mod it without having to unlock and flash(newer phones' custom roms are about the same as stock, but with some newer versions of a couple UI's.)
but you can still customize every single icon, every single taskbar icon, the entire interface. Can you do that? Nope. You can only change icons and backgrounds. LOL(when I say you, that's the general usage we're talking about as the general public that have iphones don't unlock theirs).

That's a personal opinnion as you said I find blah blah.
I thought you said you backed it up with facts??

this is one feature I haven't used on an iphone, so I can't comment this.
I do agree ours needs some upgrading/tweaking to work better.
I'm sure apple's email part works alot better, so I'll give it a point here.

I use swype and my physical keyboard.
I can type damn fast and faster than most of my friends that have an iphone and other people I've seen typing on an iphone.

LOL. Is this a fact here too? NOPE! Another opinion buddy.
Boy, you need to go to http://www.merriam-webster.com/ and read the definitions of opinions and facts.
I have skinned my mp3 player, can you do that?
I have changed my layout completely, added new buttons, gestures, all kinds of stuff.
What makes it so much better when we have a ipod app that acts just like the ipod mp3 player you have?

Again, opinion....where's this fact you're talking about?
There's been multiple tests, benchmarks, video comparisons with extensive browser comparisons that the iphone's with that of WM's. And I hate to have to break your bubble and tell you that they're equal buddy.
Sometimes the iphone finishes loading a page first,and sometimes the WM phone finishes first.

I've known people that haven't unlocked their WM phone and have owned an iphone and hated it and have switched...
Therefore the BS you're referring to is opinion once again.

I know more people that bring their iphones in for repair/replacement than any other phone (except TouchPro1 because of the keyboard, the TP1 was about even).

I must have missed those facts. Care to point them out?

For the general public that tend to be sheep and not very bright (usually) the iphone is great, but to a more intellectually attributed being, it is garbage. haha.
I agree though on some levels, I want the screen, and graphics. But the screen is coming on WM phones, and the reason we don't have the graphics is a manufacture being cheap and putting in chips that are capable of less colors/etc.

There will never be an end to the "iphone haterade" as you call it.
The choice of a phone is pure personal preference, and your experience on a phone is just that, yours. So therefore everyone has different experiences with the different phones and OSes and what not, so it'll never cease to exist as more of us have had bad times with an iPhone, and get bored with them than those of use that have had good times with them.

Plus you're on a primarily WM forum. Go to an iphone one, and they'll be bashing WM and android. It's just what happens.
(yes we have android and iphone sections here, but it started out as a WM forum. So it's going to be more of WM people).

Plus if you don't like it, you can always go somewhere else.
Actually some of the things you say about customizing the task bar on the iPhone, it can be done. I had changed the top bar on my iPhone plenty of times with various themed icons and images, and skinning of the various apps are also possible.

I have used WM devices and the iPhone (and like them both very much), and I have NOT found anything that I can do with one that I can't do with the other, there are always ways to make either one do anything.

As I keep saying, they are both excellent devices, it just depends on what people are looking for which will determine which one they should get.
  #249 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2010, 10:48 PM
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Re: Why does everyone hate the iphone?

Originally Posted by codybear View Post
True about location.
I've just had TERRIBLE billing problems with At&t, getting charged for stuff I didn't do, and terrible CS too.
But that's just my case and was used to form my opinion...you know...the thing we all have a right to. lol.

and get that dang thing jailbroken already.

Actually some of the things you say about customizing the task bar on the iPhone, it can be done. I had changed the top bar on my iPhone plenty of times with various themed icons and images, and skinning of the various apps are also possible.

I have used WM devices and the iPhone (and like them both very much), and I have NOT found anything that I can do with one that I can't do with the other, there are always ways to make either one do anything.

As I keep saying, they are both excellent devices, it just depends on what people are looking for which will determine which one they should get.

I agree with you here, the iphone is ok to me, but as a phone, going in and out, then to word while speaking to 2 or e people, then doing something else while my browser is minimized or download lets say for example an email attachment or pdf when not in the office is why I dont like the iphone and therefore is not useable for me, Thanks to you guys in another thread I am using it as an ipod touch. I like the the iphone, its not bad at all, it does some things better, yet winmo does other things better, and most newer winmo phones, sorry to say, have way better looking panel that is clear looking, but yet iphone is easier to see in the sun. Its just all what you need most out of your device which is different for different people. And I have my phone so modded out on a custom rom, it actually moves along smoothly, but even the stock wasnt bad, but sprint messed upwith the theme, neither os is better than the other, atleast in my opinion.
  #250 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2010, 10:52 PM
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Re: Why does everyone hate the iphone?

Originally Posted by CyberMonkey View Post

I agree with you here, the iphone is ok to me, but as a phone, going in and out, then to word while speaking to 2 or e people, then doing something else while my browser is minimized or download lets say for example an email attachment or pdf when not in the office is why I dont like the iphone and therefore is not useable for me, Thanks to you guys in another thread I am using it as an ipod touch. I like the the iphone, its not bad at all, it does some things better, yet winmo does other things better, and most newer winmo phones, sorry to say, have way better looking panel that is clear looking, but yet iphone is easier to see in the sun. Its just all what you need most out of your device which is different for different people. And I have my phone so modded out on a custom rom, it actually moves along smoothly, but even the stock wasnt bad, but sprint messed upwith the theme, neither os is better than the other, atleast in my opinion. And both iphones I have used have been stock and jailbroken, for my comparisons.
Originally Posted by codybear View Post
True about location.
I've just had TERRIBLE billing problems with At&t, getting charged for stuff I didn't do, and terrible CS too.
But that's just my case and was used to form my opinion...you know...the thing we all have a right to. lol.

and get that dang thing jailbroken already.

Actually some of the things you say about customizing the task bar on the iPhone, it can be done. I had changed the top bar on my iPhone plenty of times with various themed icons and images, and skinning of the various apps are also possible.

I have used WM devices and the iPhone (and like them both very much), and I have NOT found anything that I can do with one that I can't do with the other, there are always ways to make either one do anything.

As I keep saying, they are both excellent devices, it just depends on what people are looking for which will determine which one they should get.
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