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  #10231 (permalink)  
Old 02-13-2010, 08:34 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23529/21891 |Feb 7| ★ Sense 2.5.2011 / MaxManil

Howdy all. I made the mistake of catching up on work the past 10 days or so and another few hundred pages have slipped by...

Anyway, I'm currently running Feb 1st Standard 23518 on Sprint and it works pretty well, but not quite as smooth as one of the earlier Jan/25318 ROM from NRG.

I am going to flash again today. It looks like people are having probs with the 2/10-CookieMonster builds. So I think I will go with 2/7-23529. Can somebody whos running this one help bring me up to date:

1. Is max really faster when its cooked in or should I just add it later?
2. Here's my list of fixes - do I still need any/all of these in the 2/7 build?

MMS/SMS - (disable HTC/Install ArcSoft Method) (Current ARC is cooked in right?)
I am always looking for the best way to have fast, simple working SMS/MMS, the above has worked well on the last couple builds.
delete OM10qs to fix ringtones
FacebookSDK.dll (fix FB albums)
JVH3 Weather City Editor (I think somebody had a better way to add a city...)
Notification LED Enable options cab
Disable doc indexer (Actually I think I read this ver kills it out the box?)
Opera 10 Fixes (Default Rotate)
Sprint Keyboard fix
Install Voice Command and patch
Marketplace Sprint fix cab

I hate to have Sashimi load a bunch of redundant garbage, so if anybody knows whats unnecessary off the top of their head that would be GREAT!


EDIT: Crap-now I wonder if I should wait for 2.5.2012; is there a compelling reason if I am only going to the 2/7 cab anyway?

Last edited by mprachar; 02-13-2010 at 08:36 PM.
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  #10232 (permalink)  
Old 02-13-2010, 08:40 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23529/21891 |Feb 7| ★ Sense 2.5.2011 / MaxManil

Originally Posted by num5kull27 View Post
santod put one up,it's a test one but works till he gets landscape issue fixed
B4all 2.5.2011 TEST 1.cab
yeah, I installed it when it was first posted, it works at first but for some reason after a while of use, it shuts down and BG turns all black. when you try to revive the same wallpaper it does nothing. on the other hand, when you try a diff. wallpaper it work again and eventually shutsdown too. I've tryed this same CAB on other ROMs and I get the same result. Im thinking that there is a reason why the CAB is labeled " ....TEST 1".

Lets hope Santod gets wind of this little glitch and gets it to work. Thanks to Santod the effort and the courage to explore new and uncharted territories that is Topaz 2011
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  #10233 (permalink)  
Old 02-13-2010, 08:44 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23529/21891 |Feb 7| ★ Sense 2.5.2011 / MaxManil

Originally Posted by sec1rxg View Post
yeah, I installed it when it was first posted, it works at first but for some reason after a while of use, it shuts down and BG turns all black. when you try to revive the same wallpaper it does nothing. on the other hand, when you try a diff. wallpaper it work again and eventually shutsdown too. I've tryed this same CAB on other ROMs and I get the same result. Im thinking that there is a reason why the CAB is labeled " ....TEST 1".

Lets hope Santod gets wind of this little glitch and gets it to work. Thanks to Santod the effort and the courage to explore new and uncharted territories that is Topaz 2011
yeah that bg4all test cab did the same, it turned black after i send a sms message, wierd.
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  #10234 (permalink)  
Old 02-13-2010, 08:53 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23529/21891 |Feb 7| ★ Sense 2.5.2011 / MaxManil

Originally Posted by mprachar View Post
Howdy all. I made the mistake of catching up on work the past 10 days or so and another few hundred pages have slipped by...

Anyway, I'm currently running Feb 1st Standard 23518 on Sprint and it works pretty well, but not quite as smooth as one of the earlier Jan/25318 ROM from NRG.

I am going to flash again today. It looks like people are having probs with the 2/10-CookieMonster builds. So I think I will go with 2/7-23529. Can somebody whos running this one help bring me up to date:

1. Is max really faster when its cooked in or should I just add it later?
2. Here's my list of fixes - do I still need any/all of these in the 2/7 build?

MMS/SMS - (disable HTC/Install ArcSoft Method) (Current ARC is cooked in right?)
I am always looking for the best way to have fast, simple working SMS/MMS, the above has worked well on the last couple builds.
delete OM10qs to fix ringtones
FacebookSDK.dll (fix FB albums)
JVH3 Weather City Editor (I think somebody had a better way to add a city...)
Notification LED Enable options cab
Disable doc indexer (Actually I think I read this ver kills it out the box?)
Opera 10 Fixes (Default Rotate)
Sprint Keyboard fix
Install Voice Command and patch
Marketplace Sprint fix cab

I hate to have Sashimi load a bunch of redundant garbage, so if anybody knows whats unnecessary off the top of their head that would be GREAT!


EDIT: Crap-now I wonder if I should wait for 2.5.2012; is there a compelling reason if I am only going to the 2/7 cab anyway?
Co0kieMonster is fixed with the 1.5.4 cab that you can get from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=625483

Personally I'd wait for the 2012 ROM...I can't go back to MaxManila after using Co0kie's Home Tab...I think MaxSense will own them both though
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  #10235 (permalink)  
Old 02-13-2010, 08:57 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23529/21891 |Feb 7| ★ Sense 2.5.2011 / MaxManil

Originally Posted by mprachar View Post
Howdy all. I made the mistake of catching up on work the past 10 days or so and another few hundred pages have slipped by...

Anyway, I'm currently running Feb 1st Standard 23518 on Sprint and it works pretty well, but not quite as smooth as one of the earlier Jan/25318 ROM from NRG.

I am going to flash again today. It looks like people are having probs with the 2/10-CookieMonster builds. So I think I will go with 2/7-23529. Can somebody whos running this one help bring me up to date:

1. Is max really faster when its cooked in or should I just add it later?
2. Here's my list of fixes - do I still need any/all of these in the 2/7 build?

MMS/SMS - (disable HTC/Install ArcSoft Method) (Current ARC is cooked in right?)
I am always looking for the best way to have fast, simple working SMS/MMS, the above has worked well on the last couple builds.
delete OM10qs to fix ringtones
FacebookSDK.dll (fix FB albums)
JVH3 Weather City Editor (I think somebody had a better way to add a city...)
Notification LED Enable options cab
Disable doc indexer (Actually I think I read this ver kills it out the box?)
Opera 10 Fixes (Default Rotate)
Sprint Keyboard fix
Install Voice Command and patch
Marketplace Sprint fix cab

I hate to have Sashimi load a bunch of redundant garbage, so if anybody knows whats unnecessary off the top of their head that would be GREAT!


EDIT: Crap-now I wonder if I should wait for 2.5.2012; is there a compelling reason if I am only going to the 2/7 cab anyway?
I had the same issue you did with ROM FEB_10 / Cookie moster, actually its not a bad MOD, the WM build might have somthing to do with it. Here's what I did, I flashed Feb 04 23519 with a 26MB Page Pool from 22MB (battery life is way better) and then added Cookie Monster v. 1.5.4 after I had Sashimi do its thing. I added: Tsowen taskbar, sprint keyboard fix and the white flip clock, and all seems to runnning fine. Waiting for 2012 in the meantime.
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  #10236 (permalink)  
Old 02-13-2010, 09:01 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23529/21891 |Feb 7| ★ Sense 2.5.2011 / MaxManil

Originally Posted by mprachar View Post

EDIT: Crap-now I wonder if I should wait for 2.5.2012; is there a compelling reason if I am only going to the 2/7 cab anyway?
Why not wait? What's the rush?
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  #10237 (permalink)  
Old 02-13-2010, 09:02 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23529/21891 |Feb 7| ★ Sense 2.5.2011 / MaxManil

From what I understand 2012 was built for our phones.. good reason to wait....

Originally Posted by who? View Post
Why not wait? What's the rush?

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  #10238 (permalink)  
Old 02-13-2010, 09:06 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23529/21891 |Feb 7| ★ Sense 2.5.2011 / MaxManil

Originally Posted by who? View Post
Why not wait? What's the rush?
Yeah I know.. But it's kind of like waiting to buy a new hard drive. If you have $100 to spend, you always think "well, the 1.5TB drive is $110, if I wait a month it will be under $100." Then a month goes buy and you say "well the 2TB is only $115..." It's a never ending cycle.

I'm not thrilled with the stability of my 2/1 build now and I am on a biz trip all next week. If 2/4 or 2/7 standard is better I will go to one of those today and try 2012 later.
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  #10239 (permalink)  
Old 02-13-2010, 09:33 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23529/21891 |Feb 7| ★ Sense 2.5.2011 / MaxManil

Originally Posted by clueless25 View Post
coming from a dude a couple pages back that didnt know he had a phone with gsm?? Now THAT makes me laugh!
Originally Posted by aguenter322 View Post
LOL you're never going to let him live that down are you??
LOL its all in good fun. Ive dished out a ribbing or two so I cant complain. But just for the record it was just a case of the brain farts as opposed to me being a complete idiot. Im only semi-stupid lol!
Running OMJ 2.3.3 with Sense 2.1 Rom for Evo.
What will YOU do with first?!
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  #10240 (permalink)  
Old 02-13-2010, 09:37 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23529/21891 |Feb 7| ★ Sense 2.5.2011 / MaxManil

how do I get one of those energy rom addict banners onto my sig?
Sprint Touch Pro2
Epic 4G Here I come
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