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  #9521 (permalink)  
Old 02-07-2010, 11:48 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23529/21891 |Feb 7| ★ Sense 2.5.2011 / MaxManil

This new rom from feb7 is not uploaded correctly. It does not have all the files. It may need to be reloaded. For now I will stick with feb 4 release
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  #9522 (permalink)  
Old 02-07-2010, 11:55 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23529/21891 |Feb 7| ★ Sense 2.5.2011 / MaxManil

I am a huge fan of your work but damn your ROM consumes a lot of power and not to mention my phone gets hot and stays hot even when I'm not using it. I even changed the power settings. Any ideas?
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  #9523 (permalink)  
Old 02-07-2010, 11:57 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23529/21891 |Feb 7| ★ Sense 2.5.2011 / MaxManil

Originally Posted by darknatas View Post
ok this post is in regaurds to the led and ghost notification that i been getting and other people been getting and i figured out y it happens just not figured out the solution to the problem ok on the energy rom if u use the htc messenger the led and notification issues dont happen and u dont see a ghost message saying u have 1 unread message the only time u get this unread message issue and the led problem is when u disable htc messenging and use the wm messenger to send and receive all ur text messages now in my case i have to use the wm messenger cause thats the only way im able to send and recieve picture mail since im on sprint. as for a solution to this unread ghost messages that stays on ur screen i have no idea how to get ride of this. the only thing i can think of is to make a energry rom one with htc messenger and one with out the htc messenger and wm messenger as the default messenger program cooked it. as for my taste i really dont like the htc messenger at all an.d prefer the wm messenger. i have yet to try the feb7 version of this rom to see if the problem has fixed it self since i happen to be at work right now typing from my tp2 right now. later on i will flash again to see if this has changed but for now i just wanted to share the info that i have gathered so far with u guys who are having the same issues as i am right now.
Originally Posted by darknatas View Post
well after installing the feb 7 rom the above problem is still there still trying things to resolve this but as far as i know the only solution to this is to not cook the htc messenger into the rom and leave it with wm arcsoft messenger. will keep working to see if this problem can be solved.
TEMP SOLUTION FOUND.... ok i figured out something ok for those of u who disable htc messenger and use the acrsoft messenger and dont wanna see the ghost unread message and ur led flashing even after u read ur messages this is what u can do. now mind u before u try this u would have had to use either Zenyee Disable HTC Messaging 1.2.CAB or M2.5.Sprint.MMS.Arcsoft.Workaround-CMYLXGO.CAB or some other means closed to those what those cabs do. ok this is what i did goto task manager scroll down to where it says sms patch.exe click on it and end the task. once that task is closed use file explorer or total commander goto ur windows\startup folder inside that folder u will see sms patch.exe now delete it so it wont ever start up again. once thats done ur sms is still disabled like the way u want it to be. but here is the change now u wont get ur led to flash any more when u get a sms and on the home screen for the messenger tap it wont show a unread count any more cause it wont show any count at all. u will have a notification on the top task bar letting u know u have a text and if u have a tone for it u will hear it go off when u goto ur inbox u will see which ones u havent read. all this does is prevent the led from going off all time and u wont see a unread ghost message since it wont show it at all that u got a message on the tab. hope this helps people like me who gets the ghost 1 unread message with the led always going off after u read the messages...
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  #9524 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 12:00 AM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23529/21891 |Feb 7| ★ Sense 2.5.2011 / MaxManil

Originally Posted by darknatas View Post
TEMP SOLUTION FOUND.... ok i figured out something ok for those of u who disable htc messenger and use the acrsoft messenger and dont wanna see the ghost unread message and ur led flashing even after u read ur messages this is what u can do. now mind u before u try this u would have had to use either Zenyee Disable HTC Messaging 1.2.CAB or M2.5.Sprint.MMS.Arcsoft.Workaround-CMYLXGO.CAB or some other means closed to those what those cabs do. ok this is what i did goto task manager scroll down to where it says sms patch.exe click on it and end the task. once that task is closed use file explorer or total commander goto ur windows\startup folder inside that folder u will see sms patch.exe now delete it so it wont ever start up again. once thats done ur sms is still disabled like the way u want it to be. but here is the change now u wont get ur led to flash any more when u get a sms and on the home screen for the messenger tap it wont show a unread count any more cause it wont show any count at all. u will have a notification on the top task bar letting u know u have a text and if u have a tone for it u will hear it go off when u goto ur inbox u will see which ones u havent read. all this does is prevent the led from going off all time and u wont see a unread ghost message since it wont show it at all that u got a message on the tab. hope this helps people like me who gets the ghost 1 unread message with the led always going off after u read the messages...
I have been trying to get htc working. It would be working perfect if it would actally send a pic mail. It says sent successfully but the recipient never gets it. I am trying to get my hands around that. Otherwise, the rest of it it working great.

If I helped you, please hit THANKS!
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  #9525 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 12:04 AM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23529/21891 |Feb 7| ★ Sense 2.5.2011 / MaxManil

Originally Posted by darknatas View Post
TEMP SOLUTION FOUND.... ok i figured out something ok for those of u who disable htc messenger and use the acrsoft messenger and dont wanna see the ghost unread message and ur led flashing even after u read ur messages this is what u can do. now mind u before u try this u would have had to use either Zenyee Disable HTC Messaging 1.2.CAB or M2.5.Sprint.MMS.Arcsoft.Workaround-CMYLXGO.CAB or some other means closed to those what those cabs do. ok this is what i did goto task manager scroll down to where it says sms patch.exe click on it and end the task. once that task is closed use file explorer or total commander goto ur windows\startup folder inside that folder u will see sms patch.exe now delete it so it wont ever start up again. once thats done ur sms is still disabled like the way u want it to be. but here is the change now u wont get ur led to flash any more when u get a sms and on the home screen for the messenger tap it wont show a unread count any more cause it wont show any count at all. u will have a notification on the top task bar letting u know u have a text and if u have a tone for it u will hear it go off when u goto ur inbox u will see which ones u havent read. all this does is prevent the led from going off all time and u wont see a unread ghost message since it wont show it at all that u got a message on the tab. hope this helps people like me who gets the ghost 1 unread message with the led always going off after u read the messages...
Originally Posted by harvick2933 View Post
I have been trying to get htc working. It would be working perfect if it would actally send a pic mail. It says sent successfully but the recipient never gets it. I am trying to get my hands around that. Otherwise, the rest of it it working great.
dude i gave up on that htc messenger when it comes to picture mail for sprint users and i prefer the arcsoft messenger much more better and it works for picture mail for sprint users
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  #9526 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 12:04 AM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23529/21891 |Feb 7| ★ Sense 2.5.2011 / MaxManil

Originally Posted by joshts0 View Post
What are you people doing for a task manager... ie, currently running applications.. installing Showcase?
Originally Posted by ufrx18 View Post
bump.... also wondering this!
Arkswitch is great. Just disable Quick Menu and install it.

Originally Posted by darknatas View Post
TEMP SOLUTION FOUND.... ok i figured out something ok for those of u who disable htc messenger and use the acrsoft messenger and dont wanna see the ghost unread message and ur led flashing even after u read ur messages this is what u can do. now mind u before u try this u would have had to use either Zenyee Disable HTC Messaging 1.2.CAB or M2.5.Sprint.MMS.Arcsoft.Workaround-CMYLXGO.CAB or some other means closed to those what those cabs do. ok this is what i did goto task manager scroll down to where it says sms patch.exe click on it and end the task. once that task is closed use file explorer or total commander goto ur windows\startup folder inside that folder u will see sms patch.exe now delete it so it wont ever start up again. once thats done ur sms is still disabled like the way u want it to be. but here is the change now u wont get ur led to flash any more when u get a sms and on the home screen for the messenger tap it wont show a unread count any more cause it wont show any count at all. u will have a notification on the top task bar letting u know u have a text and if u have a tone for it u will hear it go off when u goto ur inbox u will see which ones u havent read. all this does is prevent the led from going off all time and u wont see a unread ghost message since it wont show it at all that u got a message on the tab. hope this helps people like me who gets the ghost 1 unread message with the led always going off after u read the messages...
I don't want to insult you or anything but without any punctuation or anything I just can't read that. I'm sure you have something good to say, don't get me wrong. Just suggesting you might take the extra time to make it easier on all our eyes.
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  #9527 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 12:08 AM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23529/21891 |Feb 7| ★ Sense 2.5.2011 / MaxManil

Small issue when you turn the backlight off and slide the keyboard open and then turn the backlight back on........

23529 2.07 w/ maxmanila... used shake & save.
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  #9528 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 12:16 AM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23529/21891 |Feb 7| ★ Sense 2.5.2011 / MaxManil

Originally Posted by Boushh View Post
Arkswitch is great. Just disable Quick Menu and install it.

I don't want to insult you or anything but without any punctuation or anything I just can't read that. I'm sure you have something good to say, don't get me wrong. Just suggesting you might take the extra time to make it easier on all our eyes.
Don't worry about Didn't take it as a insult at all. This isn't school so i don't happen to care about punctuation. Just as long as what I'm typing comes out clear enough for people to understand. lol
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  #9529 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 12:49 AM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23529/21891 |Feb 7| ★ Sense 2.5.2011 / MaxManil

I don't know if anyone else is having this issue but this may explain the battery drainage. I have notice that within 10 minutes of a reset, the data turns on and stays on. I cannot figure out what is turning it on but it is running constant until you reset.
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  #9530 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2010, 01:09 AM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23529/21891 |Feb 7| ★ Sense 2.5.2011 / MaxManil

ok so the feb 7th rom i cant just install like the previous one?
im in the process of downloading so lets see...
how do i do this SD card flashing... works?
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